The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 474 Part 239 The Tibetan Crisis in the Temple

Chapter 474 Part 239 The Tibetan Crisis in the Temple

Yu Mo was sent to the Welcome Hall of the Dragon Palace to entertain distinguished guests. At this moment, her stomach pain was unbearable, and she was sweating coldly from the pain. She clutched her stomach and wailed on the bed.

"It hurts, it hurts!"

"Moment!" Mei Luo was sitting on the edge of the bed, her facial features distorted, as if all the pain from her body had passed to him.

Haiyue grabbed Mei Luo's wrist to feel her pulse, the pulse was chaotic and frightened, as for the child in her womb, she said to the little wizard beside her, "Quick, see if you see red?
"Yes, my lord." The little wizard wanted to go forward to check, but the place beside the bed was occupied by Meiluo, he protected Yumo and refused to let her go, so she couldn't check, "King of Dog Demon, please allow me to serve you..."

Mei Luo couldn't hear her words at all at the moment, all her thoughts were on Yu Mo who was screaming for pain, and said angrily to Haiyue, "You don't need to stop the pain soon."

"I haven't figured out the symptoms yet, how can I take medicine at will, the dog demon king, don't worry, let me let my little wizard check the queen carefully."

He looked extremely fierce, Haiyue didn't dare to provoke him, and spoke softly.

"Witch!" Mei Luo's eyes were full of pain.

"This..." She hasn't been cured yet, so how can she be called a mediocre witch?

"Mei Luo..." Yu Mo, whose face turned pale from pain, held his hand, "Don't worry, let the old lady take a good look, she won't dare to do anything while you are here."

"What the queen said is true." Haiyue wiped off her sweat, she was so frightened by Mei Luo's frightening face that she was almost speechless.

It was only then that Mei Luo realized that there was a little wizard standing behind her, and hurriedly stepped aside, "What are you still doing, look!"

"Yes, yes, don't worry, the dog demon king, I'll just watch..." The little wizard almost jumped on the bed when she yelled at her.

After the examination, it was found that Yumo did not see any redness, and there was no sign of premature labor.

Haiyue felt relieved a lot, and wrote a prescription, telling the little wizard to get the medicine quickly.

It's not that Yumo doesn't believe in Haiyue's medical skills, but the pain has not eased at all. She is worried that something will happen to the child. Because of the pain, her vision of seeing people has become blurred. She knows that Mei Luo is by her side, and he has been holding her. Hands, his hands were colder than her own.

It is better to ask for yourself than for others.

"Ding...Brother Ding..."

With a whoosh, the demon refining pot around her neck lit up, and a shining cauldron floated out of the air.

When Haiyue saw it, she was terrified.

This is... is this the ancient artifact Shennong Ding?
"Girl, you finally called me out. Tell me, what's the pain?"

It is an ancient artifact that will attract contention. In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, Yumo made an agreement with it before setting off that unless she asked it to come out, it was not allowed to act without permission. The demon pot is ready to come out.

"It's like a needle pricking, bursts!!" She gritted her teeth, not letting herself cry.

Haiyue and Meiluo couldn't hear what Shennongding said, only Yumo could hear it.

"Okay, don't worry, I'll give you medicine right away, let's relieve the pain first."

"The child... Keep the child." She didn't want any accidents with the child.

"Don't worry, I will naturally guarantee the safety of the child. If there is something wrong with the child, you will die with him."

She has been extremely dangerous since she was pregnant. Now that her belly is so big, if something happens to the child, she will definitely die.

"Why did you say you were frightened by the dragon? What is there to be afraid of the dragon?" It groaned as it popped out the pill.

Pills popped out of the cauldron one by one, as if they didn’t need money. Haiyue and the little wizard who came back from taking the medicine stared straight at the eyes. After all, Haiyue was a wizard. Just smelling the smell These medicines are all treasures. I am afraid that apart from the Shennong Ding, there is no wizard in the mountain and sea world who can refine such medicines.

She was immediately in awe of Yumo. To be chosen as the master of Shennong Ding, she must be a person with superb witchcraft. It seemed a bit tricky to diagnose her own pulse earlier.

Mei Luo looked at the medicine that popped out, "Momo, which one to take?"

"Blue and red, and finally purple."

Mei Luo picked up the pills and fed them into Yu Mo's mouth one by one, "Momo, how are you? Are you feeling better?"

"There is no medicine that works so quickly, it will take some time. Don't worry." She was a little weak from the pain, and raised her hand to caress his face, "Mei Luo, I'll be fine, but your face Why is it so ugly..."

"You scared me!" He held her hand tightly against his cheek, feeling the warmth in her palm, it seemed that only in this way could he be sure of her well-being.

To reassure him, she quipped, "I'm the one who's scared, so many dragons, no advance notice. Necrotic."

Those dragons, wait a minute, she must go over and scold a few words, how can it be scary to appear suddenly like this, but thinking about it, Taotie should be blamed for this matter, it is the one that scares people first.

"My lord, do you want this medicine..." the little wizard asked while holding the medicine.

"Hide it well, don't be ashamed and conspicuous." Haiyue glared at her.

How could her medicine be comparable to the medicine refined by Shennong Ding, but she was very happy, the princess's poison was cured, no wonder Li Wang would tell them so sure that she could save the princess.

Thank goodness, thank goodness.

After Yumo took the medicine from Shennongding, the pain in her abdomen began to ease, and her complexion gradually improved. Due to the effect of the medicine, she fell asleep again.

Sleeping, and being able to sleep very well...has become her symbol, at least everyone in Dragon Palace thinks so.

Princess Muyun was anxiously waiting for the news in the bedroom, and when Haiyue came back, she asked, "How?"

"It's all right."

Mu Yun leaned back on the satin pillow and sighed, "It's okay, it's okay, it's a false alarm. If something happens to the child in her womb, if something happens to the child in her womb, I'll have no face to see Qiluo."

Qi Luo is her best friend, and her grandson is equivalent to her junior. It is not easy for a demon to have children. If she loses this, it is unknown if she wants to have another child in the future.

"Haiyue, take good care of her, and don't let her have any more trouble."

"Princess, why does the queen need me to take care of her? She is..." She walked to the bed and said happily, "She has a Shennong cauldron."

"Is that the Shennong cauldron from the ancient artifact?"


Mu Yun also secretly rejoiced, "Among the artifacts, the Shennong Cauldron is the source of all medicines, and it can be used properly to produce a unique panacea."

"That's right, princess, you must be saved this time! When the queen wakes up, the old minister will ask for medicine."

"No, let her have a good rest. She just moved her fetus, so how can she bother her? I recently ate the Fire Demon Fruit of King Li, and my physical strength has improved a bit. Don't be so anxious. Let's take care of your body."

"Your Highness, the medicine is ready." The little wizard in charge of boiling the medicine came in with a soup bowl.

"I'm here to serve the princess, you go down." Haiyue took the soup bowl, and personally served Princess Muyun to take the soup, "Princess must not be bothered, the queen is taken care of by veterans, so don't worry, Your Highness."

"You do things, of course I can rest assured. On the contrary..." The good medicine is naturally bitter, she picked up a candied fruit and put it into her mouth, "But why did the queen get angry, didn't she just wake up?"

Yu Mo's fetal gas happened suddenly, everyone was anxious to save her, and forgot to tell her in detail, and she was only worried about her, and forgot to ask.

"I'm guilty, it's my fault."

Knowing that Yu Mo was fine, Heng Ai turned himself in.

"Ah Heng, what did you do?"

"Chen..." Heng Ai didn't know what to say.

Haiyue said, "Princess, you can't blame General Heng Ai. It was Liulong who thought there was an enemy attack and suddenly appeared in front of the queen. The queen was probably timid and frightened."

She asked the little wizard to check this matter when she was checking Yumo's pulse.

"Where did the enemy attack come from? Meiluo came to visit to help me detoxify. How could the six dragons think it was an enemy attack? It's absurd." She was angry, and even though her face was haggard due to poisoning, she still had the majesty of a king.

"Princess, this matter is caused by gluttony."

When she heard that there was a fierce beast, Princess Muyun was horrified, "You mean that an ancient fierce beast appeared in our Dragon Palace, how is it possible? How did it come here?" After thinking about it, she felt that something was wrong. Appearing, there must be a lot of life and death, but the Dragon Palace is very calm, it doesn't seem to be disturbed by a ferocious beast.

"Princess, this fierce beast was brought by the dog demon king and queen."

Princess Muyun opened her mouth in shock as if she had heard something shocking.

"The Taotie regards this queen as the master, because the minister and Qing Yun have contempt for the queen, and it is eager to protect the queen, so it comes out to argue with us..."

Heng Ai didn't dare to hide this matter, because it was indeed her and Qingyun who were rude first.

It took Princess Muyun a lot of time to slowly digest what she said.

Taotie regards her as his master...

I have never heard that a fierce beast would be willing to bow down to others, such as that splitting the sky, if it hadn't been for Qiluo's exhausting efforts to fight to the death, weakening its strength, Master Hengfeng would not have been able to succeed. To subdue it, to say subdue it, is to suppress it with the power of the summoned beast contract, to be forced to submit, and to trap it in the Qiankun bag forever.But according to what Heng Ai said, that Taotie can show up freely without being bound, and...the talk of protecting the Lord is unheard of.

Moreover, the Shennong Ding also worships her as the master...

One artifact, one beast...

How divine is this girl! ?

Thinking of this, she suddenly smiled.

Qi Luo, I had a bet with you back then, betting on who would be the best of our children, and the winner would ask for the opponent's artifact. Although it was a joke when I was young, and I still have no children, but now ...Your daughter-in-law compares you and me.

"Princess, why are you laughing?" Heng Ai knelt on the ground, still waiting for her punishment.

"I thought of an interesting incident many years ago." She covered her face with her sleeves, and burst out laughing, she hadn't laughed so heartily for a long time.

"Princess, please punish this humble minister. This humble minister almost caused a catastrophe."

If the Queen of the Dog Monster Clan dies in Dragon Palace, or if something happens to the child, the Dog Monster Clan and Dragon Palace may be at odds.

"You said you had contempt with Qingyun, why did you have it?"

"The subject is already unhappy because the queen sleeps too much, and then saw her, and found that she has no demon power..."

Princess Mu Yun frowned: "Nonsense, she can subdue ferocious beasts and artifacts, so how can she not have demonic powers?"

"I don't dare to speak nonsense, it's true, if you don't believe me, you can ask Aunt Haiyue."

Haiyue replied, "The princess is real. I found out when I felt the pulse. This queen has no Yuan Dan."

Except for the dragon clan, which is a demon without Yuandan, there is no other ethnic group.

Mu Yun became more and more interested in Yu Mo, "This girl is really interesting, it seems that I have to meet her in person."

The Dragon Palace is a large urban group, and the palace is surrounded in the center. Because the gate of the Dragon Palace leads to the embankment, except for the own people, no foreigners can enter, so outsiders can only stop in the embankment market.The royal palace is in the center of the Dragon Palace City, in the shape of a character, and on the periphery are noble mansions and peaceful residences.

In the southwest of the Dragon Palace, there is a temple that enshrines the giant dragon tablets that have guarded the Dragon Palace in the past. If the current six dragons die after old age or in battle, they will also be enshrined here. It is the most sacred place in the Dragon Palace. Whenever there is a sacrifice in the clan , or New Year's sacrifices will be held here, and there will be no one around.

Just when the shadow of the moon was covered by a thick cloud, a faint light flashed from the uninhabited temple, and when the light faded, the Eastern Emperor Bell appeared, the space was opened, and a person came out. Go deep.

In the largest hall in the center of the temple, the tablet of the guardian dragon of the past dynasties stands, which is very solemn. There is a person kneeling on the futon in front of it. Although there are candles burning, the light is limited and cannot shine on this person.

This person bowed devoutly in front of the tablet, chanting something silently in his mouth.

"My lord, it's very early."

The man in white came in and looked at the memorial tablet, but dismissed it.

"Stop talking nonsense, what's the matter with you?" It could be heard that the overwhelming anger was suppressed in the tone.

"Come and give your lord two things."


"Adults will know when they see it."

The man in white took out a letter and a brocade box from his sleeve. "You can read the letter later, why don't you read the contents of the brocade box first?"

After opening, the brocade box fell to the ground, and the moonlight came in and sprinkled on the ground, shining on the things that fell out of the brocade box. These things were piece by piece, shimmering under the light.

This is……

"What did you do to her!" The kneeling body immediately bounced up, viciously grabbing the skirt of the man in white, flustered with anger and distress.

The man in white glanced coldly at the ground, then returned to staring at him fiercely.

"My lord, why should you be angry? It's just a gift from Lord Bai Yu."

"You... you are despicable!!"

This is clearly a dragon scale, a living scale pulled from the dragon's body, and it is still stained with blood.

"How can you say it's despicable? It's obvious that adults are stubborn."

"I've already done what I should do, what else do you want?" The fierce eyes closed, and when they opened, they were full of begging, "I beg you, let her go, she is still young, she is still a child..." The mother's love in the words was strong, and the hood on her head was shaken off in excitement, revealing a pair of beautiful horns, which could not be seen in color, only the horns of a dragon.

"When you came, Master Bai Yu specifically explained that if you are still stubborn, the next time you come, the gift you will give will not be dragon scales, but..." His eyes glanced at the pair of horns.

If a dragon loses its horns, it means it loses its life.

"No!!" she hissed, "I beg you, let her go and replace me?"

"My lord is joking, if you are a hostage, who will help us?"

"I've already killed the princess, what do you want me to do! are so insane!!" Under the moonlight, tears flowed down her fair face, one drop after another.

If it weren't for her, how could the Donghuang Bell open the space leading to this place, and how could it allow them to appear here again and again? She has committed the crime of treason and inhumanity, and she is ashamed of the ancestors of the dragon clan.

"My lord, don't say that. As long as your lord finishes this matter, Lord Bai Yu will never embarrass her, and will definitely send her back safely."

"Anran... the dragon scales have been pulled out, what is there to be Anran. How do you want me to trust you again?"

In the human form, the dragon scales will not appear, only in the original form, and she will show the original form under what kind of torture.

"So what if the adults don't believe it?"

She staggered back, speechless.

"The woman is from a foreign race, not from the dragon clan. If she dies or is injured, it has nothing to do with your lord, and why should your lord feel pity? How could your lord have the heart to hurt your beloved daughter for a foreigner?"

"She is the queen of the dog monster clan, how can I move, if something happens to her in the Dragon Palace, wouldn't it make the dog monster clan and my clan at odds!"

"My lord, don't worry about this, as long as you do a small thing, you will never be suspicious."

"I..." She hesitated, making mistakes again and again, there is really no time to look back, but when she saw the dragon scales on the ground, she was in pain like a knife, "If I do it, you will also be hurt by the princess' poison." Will you solve it?"

"It seems that we don't need to solve the princess poison anymore, right?"

She understood the true meaning of these words, "It turns out that you came here for the queen of the dog monster clan from the very beginning."

"Adults are smart!"

"Why must it be her?"

"This adult doesn't need to know, all he needs to know is that Ling'ai is in our hands now."

She looked at the tablet behind her, and those heroes instantly turned into swords piercing her conscience.

"My lord, opportunities wait for no one. If you make Lord Bai Yu unhappy, you may send the horns to your house tomorrow..."

She was shocked, "No! Do it, I will do it, you must not hurt her again!"

"My lord is wise, all the entrusted matters are written in the letter, my lord, remember to read it and destroy it, don't leave hidden dangers."

After the words fell, the man in white left.

In the temple, she wept, knelt on the ground and refused to get up for a long time.

Long has only one daughter in her life, and she cherishes it all. For her beloved daughter, she has nothing to do.

 Oops, it seems that there are still two chapters to come out, oops... sorry, sorry, I can't guess every time.

  drifting by...

(End of this chapter)

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