The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 481 Part 247 Crane Princess Has Dystocia

Chapter 481 Part 247 Crane Princess Difficult Delivery

Yu Mo thought about why Bai Yu arrested her?It is nothing more than that she is a human being, the only person in the mountain and sea world who can use the Pangu axe.It's just... Compared with other artifacts, the Pan Gu Ax should not have much effect on Bai Yu.

Although the Pangu Ax is the only divine weapon among the Ten Divine Weapons that can rival the Xuanyuan Sword, its greatest function is to split the space connecting the human world, which is also a space, but Donghuang Bell cannot do it.

He already has the Xuanyuan Sword, isn't it a bit redundant to have another ax?

Every time she thinks of this question, her heart tightens. Is it true that Bai Yu's ambition is not only to dominate the world of mountains and seas, but also the world of humans?
But the demon can't survive in the human world. Under the influence of Feng Tianyin, the demon will only be reduced to an ordinary animal, just like Mei Luo in the human world, it will only be a bigger dog with good appearance That's all.

Unless he has some way to make Feng Tianyin's effect disappear...

The more she thought about it, the more frightened she became, and she paced back and forth in the room.


No matter what Bai Yu's purpose was, she couldn't let him get the Pan Gu Axe.

The guard outside the door shouted, "My lord, be safe!"


It was Bai Yu's voice.

As soon as Yu Mo was sure it was him, he immediately hid behind the door, grabbed a stool and held it high.

After the door opened, she smashed it mercilessly.

How could Bai Yu be attacked by her, the demon power was released into a protective circle, and she easily caught her attack, and with a wave of her hand, she flew out and fell to the ground, she gritted her teeth and endured the pain, facing him The incomparably handsome and extremely cold face grinned.

He looked at her condescendingly, "Why can't you learn well?"

"How long are you going to lock me up?"

"What? It's come to this point, you actually think I'll let you go?" He lifted up the hem of his robe and found a chair to sit down, without any sympathy for Yu Mo who fell to the ground.

Yu Mo didn't need his pity either. After standing up, he touched a vase and threw it at it, but he had a protective body with demonic energy, so the vase shattered when it hit the demonic energy, so it couldn't get close to him.

She resented his confinement, even though she knew that these tricks didn't work for him, she still caught and threw whatever she caught.

"Stinky bird, bad guy, I curse you to die forever."

Vases, tea bowls, kettles, potted plants, and the comb box on the dressing table kept greeting him, and the room was full of mess in an instant, but he was fine, not even a single strand of hair was messed up, but Yu Mo smashed so many things, his body was still weak, exhausted, he was holding on to the wall to pant, and the bun he just tied was messed up again, like a crazy woman.

"With this strength, you might as well rest well."

"It's up to you!" There was nothing at hand, so she had to grab a pillow and throw it over. If her strength allowed, she really wanted to throw the bed over.

With a whoosh, the pillow didn't fall as before when it hit the monster aura. Instead, it stopped in the air for a few seconds, then suddenly changed direction, and flew towards her, hitting her on the head. fell on the bed.

"If you're disobedient, it won't be a pillow next time."

"You have to die!"

She couldn't say anything else.

"Now you are in my palm, you can pinch or rub as much as I want, if I'm not happy..." He raised his hand, and made a pinching motion with his outstretched fingers.

Yu Mo's neck was immediately strangled by a demon force, and then lifted up.Floating in the air, drifting towards him.

She struggled desperately, but it was useless, she was in front of him in the next second, she stared at him, raised her leg and kicked him, wanting to pull him back.

"Stubborn!" He shouted coldly.

After the words fell, the demon power around her neck became tighter and tighter...

The feeling of suffocation was uncomfortable, she rolled her eyes from being strangled, and just when she was about to lose consciousness, the confinement of the demon force loosened, and she fell to the ground again.

Finally able to breathe, she sucked in the air desperately and greedily. The air rubbed against her injured throat, whistling, and finally she couldn't stop coughing.

"Cough cough are...perverted!"

She will not give in, and will keep this account firmly in mind, one day she will repay ten times and a hundred times, but before that, she must find a way to get back to Mei Luo, and...she has to figure out his Is there already a whereabouts of the Pangu axe?

"Let me ask you..." She covered her throat, coughed a few times and continued, "Are you planning to use me to get the Pangu axe?"

The more you hide from this kind of person, the easier it is to arouse suspicion, so it is better to be straightforward.

"You want to ask if I have any news about Pangu Axe?"

She nodded, "Isn't that why you arrested me?"

Otherwise, what use is her primordial spirit to him, why not steal her body together and use the child in her stomach to blackmail Mei Luo.

"Since you have thought of it, I might as well tell you, indeed! I already have clues about the Pan Gu axe."

Knew it!
I just don't know what method he used to find the clue so quickly.

Three of the ten artifacts have already fallen into his hands. Compared with her, he also got the Demon Refining Pot, Shennong Cauldron, and Nuwa Stone, but without comparison, there is no harm. Her three artifacts are not even a star behind in attack, Just one Xuanyuan Sword can sweep away the three artifacts she owns, even adding the Haotian Tower in the capital of Shu is useless.

In addition to artifacts, although she also has ferocious beasts, Taotie's Kaishen does a lot of damage to her mortal body, it is a way to kill one thousand enemies and injure eight hundred.

She thumped the ground unwillingly, muttering to herself about the injustice of the heavens. She gave her some magical tools to cure the disabled and bluff people, but bought a bunch of things that could harm people and kill people for this big devil. The Pan Gu ax that she could use had never been found.

One of her attributes is a weakling who is a nanny, how can she fight this well-equipped big boss?
It's not obviously bullying.

Not fair, not fair.

"Hmph, don't think that if you know the clue, I will help you get the Pangu axe. You are dreaming." She said cruelly.

"That's up to you." With everyone in his hands, is there any room for her to resist.

She is not someone who gives in so easily. Don't forget that she is a woman. When a woman is ruthless, she will even be afraid of herself.

"Bai Yu, although you have taken away my soul, but I guess if it is the soul alone, you can't use the Pangu axe? Otherwise, you wouldn't find a body to place my soul."

This is indeed her guess. With a body, she can act casually. Compared with locking the Yuanshen in the Kongtong seal, the latter is definitely safer, but he chose the former, so she guessed that to activate the Pangu ax must be People of flesh and blood will do.

Speaking of which, she also has a big question, the primordial spirit is a human being, but the body is a monster. Could it be that the primordial spirit is human, so the race of the flesh can be ignored?Although it is a question, it is not difficult to get an answer as long as you contact Bai Yu's actions.

The primordial spirit can indeed change the race of the flesh.

Bai Yu's face did not reveal any signs, but her eyes were extremely sharp, which showed that she had guessed right.

"If you say you're stupid, you're not really stupid, but if you say you're smart, you're not necessarily smart if you're rambunctious all day long."

"Don't change the subject, answer my question."


Since she had guessed this matter, there was no need to hide it.

"Haha..." She suddenly laughed wildly, "That's good, that means you have no chance."

"Don't take yourself too seriously. Since I won't hide it from you, I don't think you can hinder me."

"Heh, I'll give you back these words too. Don't think that you can do anything. I'll tell you that my old lady can commit suicide... Don't believe me, a woman can destroy the world when she is ruthless. This body is not mine. There is no need to show mercy, as long as you dare to force me, I will kill myself, no matter how many bodies you replace, it will be useless, I will die once if I get one, I want to see how ruthless you are, you can compare to me!"

He has the seal of Kongtong, as long as her primordial spirit is immortal, her body can be changed at any time. If so, she can kill herself a thousand times, even if she can't change the fact that she is imprisoned by him, it can still make him a headache to death.

As long as she thought that her child might die because of this incident, she couldn't bear the anger in her heart.

When Bai Yu wanted to torment her, she tormented him in turn.

Barefoot will never be afraid of wearing shoes.

"You're looking for death!" He raised his hand, as if he wanted to pat her on the top of her head.

She looked up without fear, "Come on, kill me if you dare." She didn't expect him to dare.

"You really think I can't do anything about you?"

"If you had it, you wouldn't lock me here for a few days."

He pursed his lips, seemingly calm, but his cheeks bulged, showing that he was angry with her, but after a while, he was no longer angry, but his eyes were so dark that it made people feel terrified.

"Do you know the Lost Formation..."

"Huh?" How could she know this.

He pinched her jaw and sneered: "I don't know now, but I will know later."

"Don't play charades, speak clearly!"

"It's useless to talk too much, but it will give you an opportunity to take advantage of it, so you can continue here..."

"grown ups!"

The sound of hurried footsteps came one after another, and then the door was slammed.

"What's the matter?" Bai Yu opened the door, and there was a sweaty Hei Yi at the door.

"Miss He Ji, she...she has a difficult delivery."

Bai Yu's complexion changed, and a pair of cold eyes overflowed with panic, making Yu Mo stare straight at him.


Crane Hime?

That is, a woman is having a baby?
whose child?

Several consecutive questions popped up on his forehead, but it was not as intuitive as the panic and worry in Bai Yu's eyes.

This kind of look, she won't admit it wrong, Mei Luo will also be like this when she is nervous, she always thought that Bai Yu is heartless, nothing in the world can shake his cold heart, but now his appearance is beyond her unexpected.

He was scared, so scared that his feet were shaking.

This woman named He Ji must be very important to him.

Because a man can only look like this when facing the woman he loves.

But... isn't this man a man with a queen, and her, a village girl who is a trickster?How could there be a woman, and it was difficult to give birth.

Could it be that... the child is his.

She thought it was the only possibility.

Bai Yu seemed to be trying to calm down his panic, tugging at Hei Yi's collar and shouting, "When I came back, didn't you say there was no movement?"

"Yes, indeed not, it was launched just now, and suddenly..."

He Ji's mansion has always been protected by people sent by Bai Yu. Whenever there is a disturbance, he will immediately know that the day of giving birth has passed for a long time, but the child has not moved for a long time. Every time he comes back, he is the first to know about her. , When he came back earlier, the person who sent him told him that she had just fallen asleep, and she didn't expect that she would start it in just a cup of tea.

"How is the situation now?"

"The fetal mother said that the fetal position is not good, I'm afraid..."


He immediately dropped Yu Mo and went out, when Yu Mo's hand suddenly grabbed his ankle.

Yumo lay on the ground, clutching him tightly.

He said angrily, "What are you doing?"

"Say hello to you, if you can't give birth, find me!"

This is an opportunity.

Bai Yu just took it as a joke, his witchcraft is unmatched by anyone, if he can't save He Ji, no one else can either.

"I know you don't believe it, but I would like to advise you, there is a sky beyond the sky, and there are people beyond people..."

"Get out!" He kicked her and rolled her back.

"Bai Yu, don't fucking underestimate us humans, we humans..."

The door closed with a bang, stopping her shouting.

After the people left, Yu Mo immediately knelt on the ground and kowtowed to Buddha.

"Although I know it's despicable to do this, but God, I'm a weak woman. I really can't do anything. Please do me a favor and let that girl named He Ji continue to have a difficult delivery. It's as difficult as it is, but... don't hurt me. And her life... I mean, let me have a chance to play, please."

After rambling for a few words, she suddenly thought of her child, her grief and indignation welled up, and she suddenly felt that she was too white.

That woman must have given birth to Bai Yu's child. Why did she want Bai Yu to be a happy father? She must retaliate.

She was the one doing the black and white face, scolding and crying all by herself in the room, like crazy, the guards outside the house didn't dare to talk to her, only thought that the concubine who was robbed must have something wrong with her mind.

Inside He Ji's boudoir, the smell of blood covered the fragrance of plum blossoms outside, which made people tremble with fear. After two hours, the child still refused to come out, no matter how hard the mother tried, she couldn't help it.

He Ji had lost all strength, and passed out when the fetus screamed for the last time.

"He'er!" Bai Yu pinched her and forced her to wake up.

"Ayu, I'm afraid... I can't..." She was in pain, but she had no strength to cry out, even if he fed countless life-saving pills, it would not help, she grabbed his hand, and her purple lips slowly moved Open and close, "Save the child, keep the child."

Her body was already useless, but it was just for the sake of this child. Now that the child is finally coming out, she can give it up.

"I forbid you to say that, have you forgotten, we still have a lot of things to do, you said that you want to watch me teach our children to read and write, watch them grow up, marry wives and have children..." His eyes Frightened, his eyes dare not look at the blood slowly oozing under the sheets.

He couldn't save her, he couldn't save her.

"Ayu, the child and you..."

"No, our children must be accompanied by their parents, not just me."

If you lose her, what's the point of gaining this world.

"I...I can't do it anymore..." She tried her best, but her consciousness was out of control. She felt more and more cold, and her vision became more and more blurred. She really wanted to take a look at this child.

"I don't allow it. Did you hear that? I don't allow it."

But shouting couldn't call her back, she even lost the strength to hold his hand, let go quietly, and then fell down...


The shrill cry of pain shook the plum blossoms all over the yard, and the petals were like rain, but it was like a rain of blood.

When Yu Mo was almost asleep, the door was finally opened, and Bai Yu picked her up like crazy, and dragged her away.

"Bai Yu, what are you doing?" She wasn't a rice bag.

After a few jumps, she came to a room and smelled blood on the tip of her nose.

"Save her, if you can't save her, I will make your life worse than death, and I will let the entire dog monster clan be buried with you."

In just a few hours, he was no longer as handsome as a god, his eyes were red, like a madman, he looked extremely embarrassed, his white robe was stained with blood, making him look like he had been seriously injured and had lost blood How emaciated.

He was really crazy to think of her, but at that moment, he had no choice, he checked her and knew that even though she was human, she was more capable than Bu Jie.

He'er can't die.

He didn't allow her to die either.

"Calm down, tell me about the mother's situation first." She didn't know whether she should rejoice that God heard her words, or feel that she should gloat, but no matter what it was, she, a pure-natured person, could not laugh out thing.

Without saying a word, he dragged her into the house.

The smell of blood and pus made her nauseous, and she almost hit the basin soaked in blood when she stumbled.

The fetus was still shouting and straining on the bed, but the mother's voice could no longer be heard.

She lifted the veil decisively, and at this glance, she knew that the parturient was dying, and she no longer had any consciousness.

Damn!This is much worse than she imagined.

(End of this chapter)

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