Chapter 501 Part 266
Feng Xianyang returned to his original appearance after confirming that no one was following him. First, he was worried about Ning Bao's work, fearing that he would make a mistake; Wang's plan, I don't know if he ate well or slept well, so he, as a husband, is naturally reluctant, so he must go and have a look.

On the other side, Ning Bao hurried back to the Fox Monster Clan for business, not daring to stay, wearing stars and moons, so he didn't even have to eat and drink.And King Li was thinking about how to make King Qu unbearable to make a mutiny, thinking that King Qu was not a fool, he knew that now was the most critical moment, with Bai Yu to help him, and many nobles behind him to support him, what do you think, No matter what you think, the best way is to wait quietly, either waiting for the old Fox King to die, or waiting for Li Wang to make the first move.

This is a protracted battle that has been balanced for so many years, and it cannot be broken if you want to. Therefore, King Li did not intend to start with King Jing, but his mother and concubine Tan Ya.

After Su Yu was injured by Ning Bao, she rested in Tan Ya's bedroom for two days. She is a demon, as long as the injury is not very serious, she can recover quickly.

"Auntie!" Seeing Tanya coming to visit, she quickly saluted with the support of her personal maid, Zhitao.

Zhitao is the maid who transformed into Ah Zi.

"Get up, the wizard said that you still need to take good care of it. This woman's body is the most important thing. If you hurt one point, you have to take care of it. If you don't take good care of it, you will damage your health. How will you give birth to your son in the future?" Yuu, lie down."

Lu Xiu moved a chair to the bed and helped Tanya to sit down.

"Why is my aunt here free today? Didn't she say that the king is here?"

After all, Su Yu is not married yet, so it is inconvenient to live in Tanya's dormitory, and the residence at this time is a separate hall in the dormitory.

"Sleeping at noon, I won't wake up until an hour later. I'll come to see you when I'm free. By the way, when are you planning to go back?"

"Auntie is going to drive me back?" She knew that King Qin would be back in two days, and she was looking forward to seeing him.

King Jing was sent to patrol the border a few days ago, and she couldn't see him on weekdays, so she could only wait for him to come to see the concubine mother. For this reason, she deliberately drank a few bowls of medicine, not wanting to get better so quickly.

"Look at the expression on your face. You can't hide your thoughts at all. If you want to see Zhen'er, just tell me directly. Why don't I let you see me, but do that sneaky thing instead?"

Luxiu found out about her not taking medicine, and she was a little unhappy when she heard it. She thought that marrying her younger sister to Su Yaoguang would win him over, but she never thought that a mother is useless, and the daughter she gave birth to is even more useless. What is the use of love, can it be eaten or drunk?What she wants is a woman who can help her son, not this kind of idiot who is always thinking about spring.

"Auntie, I...don't dare anymore." She hurriedly knelt down.

"Let me tell you a few words. Who do you show this pitiful appearance of being bullied? Do you think I will accept this? With this time, why don't you learn from Su Wu?"

Speaking of which, Tan Ya likes Su Wu very much. If she is the candidate for the main concubine, she must be her. Even the king himself has admired her for a long time, and she is Su Yaoguang's daughter. It's all one in a million, but...

She gritted her teeth and tugged at the veil in her hand, but that woman also fell in love with her.

But it doesn't matter, I don't know who will win and who will lose. If she can spoil the harem, it shows that she has a lot of means. What is there to be afraid of a queen who looks like she has been thrown into the cold palace?
"Auntie, please don't drive me back. I know I'm wrong. I just want to see His Royal Highness, even through the door." Naturally, she knew that it was impossible to be a concubine with her own status. Her biological mother was just a concubine of her father, and she had to resort to tricks to get into the Su residence. The side concubine couldn't sit up either.

"What's there to look at? When you get married in the future, are you afraid you won't be able to look down? The most important thing for you now is to find a way to help Xing'er win Su Wu's heart."

She trembled, and jealousy leaked out of her eyes that were clouded by tears.

"As long as Qin'er can marry her, Su Yaoguang will be the most beneficial backing for Qin'er. At that time, no matter how capable King Li is, he will not be a match for Qin'er. Let me ask you, do you want Qin'er to become king?" .”

"Naturally, I pray to God every day for His Highness to become king as soon as possible."

"Since this is the case, you should give up your love for your children and concentrate on helping him capture Su Wu's heart. When he becomes king and tramples King Li under his feet, are you afraid that you will have a bad day? Yes, I like Su Wu, but with me as a concubine mother, I will definitely not let him lose his favor for you. If you can give birth to a prince, you may also be a queen mother in the future. What's the use of worrying about these things now? Listen to me , go back quickly, by the way, give the things I prepared to Su Wu."

"Something?" She looked at Luxiu.

Luxiu was followed by a few maids, five of them, all holding boxes in their hands, I couldn't see what was inside, but it must be something very expensive.

"If you want to win a woman's heart, the most important thing is to do what she likes. After you go back, you say you came here to see me. It just so happens that I'm here, so you can forward these things to her."

Concubine Su felt a little reluctant, but knew that if she didn't follow suit, the aunt would probably not help her again.

"Sister Su knows."

"Well, good boy. You get up first, there is one more thing I want you to do."

"Auntie, just follow her orders."

Tanya winked at Luxiu, and Luxiu took the green brocade box and handed it to her.

"Auntie, this is..."

"Don't worry about what it is, just remember to keep it well and find a way to mix the contents into Su Wu's food every day."

She was taken aback.

Tanya frowned, "What are you afraid of, just do what you want."

"Auntie, her diet has been taken care of by a few confidantes, how can I get close?"

"Say you're stupid, you're really stupid, so what about your confidants, who doesn't have some weaknesses, I checked for you, there is a girl named Mo Zhu in Su Wu's kitchen who has a younger brother who is seriously ill..." She sneered, A pair of crimson pupils looked straight at Su Yu, "Do you want me to teach you again?"

Concubine Su knelt on the ground and nodded, "I...understood, Auntie."

After leaving the other courtyard where Su Concubine stayed, Tanya returned to her bedroom. The fox demon king Bai Beiming was still asleep on the cloud bed in the bedroom. Xiu went to prepare soup.

As if the time had been pinpointed, with a slight movement of Bai Beiming, she floated over in lotus steps.

"Your Majesty, are you awake?"

Bai Beiming hummed.

Tan Ya stretched out her hand to help him up, "Your Majesty slept very deeply today, it seems that Ruan Qing's prescription for concentration is still effective."

Ruan Qing is Tanya's confidant and a wizard.

Bai Beiming twisted the bridge of his nose. He was too old to do what he wanted, but because he was a demon, his appearance was the same as that of the man in his forties, except that his temples were white and he looked haggard. A pair of purple eyes are very bright, revealing the character of a king faintly. His appearance is naturally handsome, but he is getting older and has more wrinkles, which cannot compare to the heroic appearance of his youth.

Back in the day, when it came to handsome men, he was the one who could rank high in the world of mountains and seas.

"What time is it?"

"It's time!" Tanya took the cloak from the maid and put it on for him.

Luxiu walked over holding the soup.

"Your Majesty, the soup your Majesty is cooking is just starting to come out of the pot."

"Well, let's put it there." He has no appetite today, and he can't eat even liquid food.

Tan Ya worried, "Is Your Majesty uncomfortable?"

"I always feel that I don't get enough sleep. Maybe it's because I'm really old and my energy is not as good as before."

"What did your majesty say? It must be because of the bad weather these few days. After a few days of cooler weather, your majesty will still be fierce. There are so many concubines in the harem, and they are still waiting for the favor of your majesty. "

"You have a big belly."

Bai Beiming's harem is probably the harem with the most concubines among the monster clans in the mountain and sea world. This is also the main reason why he is considered a bit lewd, but in fact, he may not have favored all those concubines. The fox monster clan and the dog monster clan They are all strong monster clans. The difference from the dog monster clan is that there are many small clans around them, and there are also a lot of weak monster clans. In order to get the favor of the fox monster clan, these clans will all Presented by beauties, he didn't accept them when he first came to the throne, and they returned them one by one. Those ethnic groups mistakenly thought that he had the ambition to conquer the surrounding small clans, and they couldn't live in fear. The news between the weak clan and the weak clan was In common, his brain twitched, and he actually wanted to join forces to deal with the fox monster clan, causing several wars. In order to maintain stability, he had to accept it in the end, and the result was that he gave away more and more.

"Being able to marry the king is the greatest blessing in Tanya's life. As long as the king is good, Tanya will be fine, and get along well with the sisters. Only then can the king's harem be harmonious, and if there are no troubles, the king can put all his thoughts into it." Put it in the court hall. After all, Tanya is just an ordinary woman, not like a queen... Ah!" She hurriedly stopped talking, and looked at Bai Beiming with fear in her eyes, as if she was afraid that he would punish her.

Bai Beiming just twitched his eyebrows and didn't say anything. When he looked at Tan Ya, his expression became gloomy.

"My lord, Tanya deserves to die." She was terrified, and her scarlet pupils became as magnificent as rubies because of the panic.

He was startled, and subconsciously raised his hand to caress her eyes, his expression was indescribably complicated, but he calmed down again after a while.

"Don't be surprised, you can't change your temperament even after hundreds of years."

She held the soup bowl and handed it over respectfully, "Tan Ya didn't mean it, but I heard that the Queen met Chen Xuan when she was walking in the garden these few days, and I don't know what Chen Xuan said, which provoked her. Angry queen, she will..." She paused.

"what happened?"

"Someone beat Concubine Chenxuan."

Bai Beixuan's hand holding the spoon froze.

"However, the beating was not serious. Tan Ya went to see it, and it was a minor injury. I thought that Concubine Chen Xuan had a mild temper and would never contradict the queen for no reason. She may have been angry and depressed these days. Refusing to take medicine would make the injury worse, Tanya thought if the king could go and have a look..."

"Understood, I'll go see her later." After drinking the soup, he got out of bed, walked to the door and asked, "Which palace does she live in?"

There were so many concubines that he couldn't even remember where they lived.

"Lotus Wind Palace."

He frowned, "Which dormitory is this? Forget it, let Luxiu take me there."

After finishing speaking, he went out the door, and Lu Xiu quickly followed.

In the Lianhuo Palace, Queen Feitong was dozing off with her head propped up. A book was placed on her lap, and it slipped down gently. A movement woke her up. When she opened her eyes, she saw Liluo talking with a few maids. After a few words, his face changed suddenly, and he looked at her uneasily.

"What's wrong?" She woke up and didn't want to go back to sleep, picked up the teapot and poured a cup of tea.

Li Luo hesitated to speak, looking very worried.

"Just say something."

"Report to the queen, the king is going to the Lotus Wind Palace..."

Feitong's hand holding the cup was stiff, and she spilled some water. Fortunately, the water wasn't hot, so there was nothing serious about it. "Go and go. There are so many concubines, so he can go wherever he wants. It's strange. It's new. The concubine who came in?"

She was not Tanya, and she couldn't remember the faces and names of those concubines.

"The owner of the Lotus Wind Palace is the side concubine Chenxuan, the side concubine Chenxuan who spoke disrespectfully to the queen two days ago."

Fei Tong's face darkened, but it was fleeting, and she mocked: "It's her?"

"Queen, you beat her. Now the king must be instigated by Tan Ya to go to see her. He will definitely add fuel to the story of that day and turn black and white. Li Luo is worried that the king will listen to that side of the story and complain about the queen."

"Resent me? What is there to complain about? I am the queen, she is the side concubine, I am the master, and she is the servant. What is wrong with me punishing a servant? On the other hand, this side concubine Xuanchen should thank me, if not I beat her, how could the king go to see her?"

She is unfamiliar with this name, so she probably hasn't been favored before.

"The queen is Chenxuan's side concubine..." She even mispronounced her name.

She frowned, "Same, isn't it just these two words? You don't have to worry about it. If you really want to punish the crime, you won't be able to cure it. Maybe I will still be afraid."

"Queen, the king is the king after all..."

"That's enough, don't talk anymore." She put down the cup heavily, her crimson pupils darkened a bit, turning crimson purple, revealing a hint of sadness, "It's because he is the king that I will bear it until now." Now, he has betrayed me, so should I be ashamed to curry favor with him? I am Princess Yan Qing who was appointed by the former king, and I don't need to curry favor with him, nor do I need to."

She is not a princess of the royal family, but her natal family is the most honorable nobleman of the fox demon clan. Her mother and the former queen are good sisters. Because of her poor health, she was taken into the palace by the former queen because of her sister's deep affection. To raise a fetus, she was born in the palace.It is said that when she was born, there was a flower garden in the dormitory where her mother lived, and a hundred flowers bloomed that night. The queen and queen thought it was an auspicious omen, and they hugged her as a newborn and refused to let go, and asked the king for a reward. She must be a stunning beauty when she grows up, so she was given the title of Princess Yanqing.

The title of the princess is only available to princesses of the royal family. It can be said to be an extremely glorious thing, and it was personally rewarded by the previous king. Even the current king cannot touch her casually. Even if she is not a queen, a mere side concubine is right. Her disrespect is also a capital offense, but it is just a few hits, so there is nothing to complain about.

Yan Qing...

Hehe, she has indeed grown into a stunning beauty just like the name, but this is also the beginning of misfortune.

What a hundred flowers bloom is just arranged by her mother, in order to make the family more prosperous and more expensive.Queen Xian is a solid person, and in this life, she would never think that people who are as close as sisters approached her from the very beginning because they wanted to use her.

Her natal family... For her, it was not a family at all, but a devil's den full of selfish desires, ambitions, and interests.

"Is the queen still unwilling to forgive the king?"

She waved the teacup on the table, "Forgive!? Should I forgive? He betrayed me, and he didn't believe me. Since he doesn't believe me anymore, why bother to explain. Explaining is just asking for fun, since he From the day I had an affair with Tanya, I have already broken up with him. Hehe, I hope he can make me die soon!"

Both the royal palace and the family behind her are her shackles, making it difficult for her to move forward and losing all her freedom. She has repeatedly retreated and forbeared. Isn't that enough? How far should she retreat?

Xu Shi was so angry that she coughed, covered her mouth and retched.

"Queen, calm down, be careful that you are too angry." Li Luo patted her back.

After a long time, she slowly calmed down, grabbed Li Luo's hand and said, "I don't want a good death, can I be buried in the family's ancestral hall to enjoy the incense of future generations, or can I sleep peacefully in the royal family's mausoleum? I don't care about Guangyao's future generations, I only care about him. I was forced not to get close to him as soon as he was born, and pushed him away. Liluo, you can see the resentment and blame in his eyes, you should Knowing that hurts me more than anything."

"Li Luo knows, Li Luo knows everything."

"I have already retreated like this, why do you still have to force me, why do I have to retreat again and again..." The tears falling from the red pupils also seemed to be red, like blood.

At that time, she never thought that the dream of a pair of red candles and two shadows was a blister, which would burst when the light shined on it.

(End of this chapter)

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