The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 509 Part 274 The Powerful Gu Poison

Chapter 509 Part 274 Powerful Gu Poison

Su Wu chose a good time to go to the palace to meet the queen, and it was Li Luo who came out to greet her, and when she saw her, she was full of smiles.

"Wu'er is here?"

"Hello, aunt!" She bowed politely.

"Come in quickly, the queen has not been able to see the wind these few days." Li Luo personally led her into the bedroom.

There was a scent of medicine in the sleeping hall, Su Wu, who is very proficient in medicine, knew what kind of medicine it was, and most of them were for nourishing the body.

"The queen is ill?"

"It's not considered a disease, it's..." Li Luo blushed, unable to say anything more, and said, "Xiangyi, serve tea!"


Seeing that she hesitated to speak, Su Wu knew what was going on. It seemed that the rumors outside were not false. The king is very young. She entered the inner hall and bowed towards the bed, "Queen, be well!" !"

"Why did you come here?" Feitong was wearing pajamas, she lifted the veil with her bare hands, and beckoned to her, "Come here."

Su Wu walked over and sat down on the bed, "Is the queen feeling better?"

"It's nothing, I just feel tired." She was embarrassed to say some things, but it couldn't be said to be caused by excessive indulgence. Well, it happened that someone was too ruthless.

Liluo and Xiangyi came in with some snacks, and after they were arranged, Xiangyi stepped back and gently closed the door of the inner hall.

Su Wu took out the porcelain bottle and handed it to Fei Tong, "This is the medicine newly refined by Daddy. The Queen needs to find a way to make King Li take it. It is best to choose at night to increase the efficacy."

When Feitong heard it, her eyes turned red, "Maybe it worked this time?"

"I don't know yet. The Queen should know that the Gu poison was planted by His Highness when he was born. After many years, the Gu poison is probably very huge. Even if Dad painstakingly refined the medicine and actively suppressed it for many years, it would only treat the symptoms but not the root cause. Poisonous people use the method of inducing Gu, and the Gu will not be suppressed."

"Isn't that still useless?"

"It's not necessarily useless, maybe this time it can really cure the poison. After all, Dad has been studying the poison for so many years, and there will always be some results."

Feitong sobbed, "Okay, I will find a way to make him swallow it."

"The queen must also be prepared. If it still doesn't work, I'm afraid I will have to find other methods." She didn't say that the poison was an evil poison left by the ancients. It still needs a key medicine to cure it. Based on her research, To deal with this Gu poison, apart from the Shennong Cauldron, another kind of spirit beast is needed, but this kind of spirit beast has been extinct.

"I know that I will wait my whole life, but you should be clear about the current situation. I'm afraid that someone who can't bear it will directly kill him."

"No...probably not."

"How do you say it?" Fei Tong grabbed her hand tightly.

"In the past few days, I have found a book about Gu poison. There are several Gu poisons on it that are very similar to the Gu poisoned by Your Highness. They are also planted at birth, and they can damage the heart veins as they grow older. The venomous poison is closely related to the person who cast the voodoo. Before casting the voodoo, it must be fed with the blood of the person who used the voodoo, and it must be raised in the body for a period of time before the voodoo can be tamed. After this, the voodoo will be Treat it as the master. Gu poison is not easy to get rid of because it is alive. If the parasitic place dies, it will return to the owner's body, which will cause a considerable backlash. In other words, the person who made the poison If you want to harm His Highness, you must also be prepared for the possibility that you may be killed by the backlash of the Gu."

"But you also know that she will not let Li'er die, she will only torture him. When he was a child, he had a fever for several days, and the fever was so bad that no one could recognize him. And that time he almost went mad in Yanhuo Cave. It won't die, but it will be disabled. She is reminding me that Li'er's life is in her hands. As long as I make her unhappy, she will take revenge on Li'er at any time. Over the years, I have avoided the world for Just don't compete with her for the king, I am indifferent to Li'er, mother and child are divorced, it is also her instigation, I have done everything, but she still refuses to let me go. After all, I have a fight with her sister, at home when I was young, I have never treated her badly, and I don't understand from the beginning why she targets me like this."

She was talking about none other than Tanya, her half-sister.

Being a concubine is not something she can choose. If she knew that there would be such harm, she would rather be a concubine, and maybe she would not fall into these love and hatred.

"Women are more afraid of jealousy than anything else, the queen should know."

Feitong smiled wryly, "Jealous, what is there to be jealous? Didn't he marry her? Didn't he spoil her son? But my Li'er has been subjected to my indifference since she was a child. I didn’t even dare to hug him, and when he came to see me, I asked him to kneel on the ground and wait... My heart is so fleshy, I really can’t bear it any longer.”

For hundreds of years, watching her son grow up day by day and becoming more and more alienated from her, her heart was bleeding, but she couldn't say anything, she could only swallow all the pain and pain, and armed herself with indifference.

All this stems from the deliberate conspiracy when he was born, and she is also to blame for her lack of understanding, thinking that she is her own biological mother, and she will never do such a murderous hand, but the Jin family always treats their daughter as a child. A tool that shines on the lintel, as long as it cannot shine, it is a disaster.

He was poisoned by Gu poison at such a young age, and has never been peaceful since he was born. Every time Bai Beiming came to visit her, the poison on Lier's body would break out. He couldn't speak at a young age, he could only cry , His face turned blue from crying.

How could a mother bear this, she could only drive Bai Beiming away again and again and push him to Tanya.

Because Li'er was born a nine-tailed fox, they were very jealous, fearing that if he kissed her too much one day, he would definitely become the most terrifying opponent, so they wanted her to separate from his mother and son.

She is not afraid of suffering, she is only afraid of suffering for her only son.

She endured everything, swallowed everything, what else do you want from her?

She had thought more than once that it would be better to die, but when she thought that her son was still young, she couldn't do it. If she died, who would secretly pity him.Fortunately, Su Yaoguang has been helping her since he found out about this.

She has been in love with him since she was a child. Without Bai Beiming, it is not impossible to marry him, but after Bai Beiming appeared, she knew that her relationship with him was not love, but a deep brother-sister relationship. Which woman Unlike marrying the man she loves, she committed such a stupidity.

Fortunately, Li'er grew up, her demon power became stronger and stronger, and the essence refined by Su Yaoguang began to suppress the poison, making him look safe and sound, but only she knew that it was a cancer, if not Except, there will always be an explosion.

She shook Su Wu's hand again, "Without your mother, this matter would not have gone so smoothly."

"The mother and the queen are best friends, and those who can help will naturally help."

"But I couldn't help her. She was as talented as a wizard, but in order to help me suppress Li'er's Gu poison, I used up my own blood... As a result, I lacked strength when I gave birth to you, and I died."

"Mother is not for the queen, but for daddy. He doesn't want daddy to spend all his demonic power on behalf of His Highness Li Wang."

"Yes, she loves your father so much, but your father..." She darkened her eyes.

"Men are like this. They always like those who don't love themselves. Daddy loves you, the queen. I know this very well. And because I was instigated by Tan Ya back then, I separated you from the king. I feel ashamed. Mother is not a Stupid people, knowing that they can't get what they want, isn't it the same as marrying someone else, but that person's life is short, but daddy figured it out, married mother, and accomplished a good deed."

"Yes, yes." Only Feitong knew that her mother was already pregnant at that time and married Su Yaoguang with her husband's child. Su Yaoguang felt guilty for treating his daughter so well. , also for forgiveness, she patted Su Wu's hand, "Thank you too, for helping Li'er secretly with your father for so many years."

"It should be. I'm taking care of my father. You're welcome, queen." She inherited her mother's wizard talent, but she was a bit lazy by nature and didn't use it as the basis for her practice. However, she was very proficient in medicine, and she had always hidden her wizard talent. However, if the king knows that she still has this ability, I'm afraid he will want her even more. After all, wizards are very rare talents.

"I think it's time for Li'er to marry you." This marriage was thought of long ago, and she also wanted to repay Su Wu's mother, and such a good woman should be her son's wife.

"Queen, this matter is not urgent. He came to tell me that he wanted to marry him. He can't be forced to do so. It's better to live with the situation. I have delivered the medicine. If I stay here for too long, I'm afraid it will be bad. I'll go back first."

Fei Tong nodded, "Say hello to your father for me."

After Su Wu left, Fei Tong told Li Luo, "Think about how to let him come, I can't call him, I'm afraid of getting suspicious. You have to take this medicine quickly, it's really unexpected that the king will stay here overnight , I'm worried that Tanya will be so jealous that she doesn't care about it."

"Queen, don't worry, I will ask Xiangyi to tell you that you are ill and you are still not well. I believe His Highness will come after hearing it."

"Okay, then you go." After finishing speaking, she worried again, "What if the king comes again tonight? Every time the father and son meet, the atmosphere is not very good. I'm afraid that Li'er will leave after sitting for a long time. That medicine is..."

"Don't worry, queen. I'll go to the king right now and tell you that you went to bed early tonight. Since that night, the king seems to have felt a little guilty, and I'm afraid he wouldn't dare to come so soon."

"That's good. Help me up quickly. I'm going to make soup."

"Queen, just rest, let the slaves do these things." Li Luo worried that she would catch the cold.

"No, I know his taste best, you don't like it."

She insisted, but Li Luo couldn't persuade her, she just felt that this mother's cooking was hard enough, and she had to be sneaky to make soup.

On the main road leading to the Fox Demon Clan, Feng Xianyang brought Mei Luo to the nearest checkpoint of the Fox Demon Clan, already within the range of the Fox Demon Clan, but it still takes a day's journey to Yanshan Mountain, the reason why he arrived at this checkpoint first, It was Feng Xianyang who made a detour quietly.The checkpoints are full of people from the Fox Monster Clan. He needs to find someone to send a message to King Li so that he can prepare early.

"King Dog Demon, I am too tired from traveling at night, so I will rest here for one night, and we will start again at dawn tomorrow morning. The speed will be faster, and we should be able to reach the Fox Demon Clan in the afternoon."

"Well, you know the way, you can lead the way."

"Quick!" He recruited a guard, "Choose a better room for the dog demon king."


While Mei Luo went to rest, Feng Xianyang recruited another guard and handed the letter to him, "Rush to Li Wang's mansion as quickly as possible, and hand the letter to Li Wang."

"Ah?" The guard wondered, "Your Highness, aren't you here?"

Feng Xianyang almost forgot that he was out of shape, and slapped his forehead, "Just go if you're told, don't talk nonsense."

The guard touched his forehead, but he flew away immediately, but the military order must not be violated.

Back at the room where he was staying, Feng Xianyang clapped his hands, "It's done!"

Ning Yi said, "Are you sure His Highness will be able to hide Miss Yumo after receiving the letter?"

"The fox monster tribe is so big, there is always a place for people to hide. Your Highness is resourceful, and there must be a way. I am really tired these days in order to maintain my appearance. Come and help me beat it." Some demon power was released, and his back was sore pain.

"Lie down, I'll give you a good squeeze."

Feng Xianyang lay down, "Yi'er, don't worry about it. The boat will be straight when it reaches the bridge. It's useless to think about it. Why don't you think about how we can calm down the demon king if he finds out?" .”

This is the worst plan, it is better to think about it and plan ahead.

"Calm down? With his temper, I'm afraid he will directly dismantle the Fox Monster Clan. But it's not impossible."

"Oh? Tell me." He turned over, put his arms around her waist and took her into his arms.

"Don't make trouble. Seeing you like this makes me flustered." After all, it was the master's face. Even if she knew that he was changed by her husband, she couldn't see him as her husband.

"If you're flustered, I'll change back, and I can maintain it to the limit anyway."

"No, what if the dog demon king comes, we can't take the risk." She stopped.

"You women just like to worry about it. Okay, okay, squeeze it again, your shoulders are sore."

"You lie down!"

Ning Yi gently kneaded his shoulders, which was his favorite thing to do.

"You haven't said yet, is there any way to calm the anger of the dog demon king."

"Miss Yumo. Only she can convince him. I think that when I go back, I must ask His Highness to let me meet her so that I can persuade her."

"That girl has a bad temper, are you sure you can persuade her?"

"Of course you can't talk about it, but she and I are finally acquainted. When the dog demon king was hurt by Bai Yu, I was the one who informed the wolf demon clan. I believe she will remember this friendship."

"Okay! That's it for now."

Xu was his wife who was close, and he missed her so much that he couldn't help stretching his head to steal a scent.

Ning Yi spat, "Death!"

"Kiss one, what does it matter!"

"You go to kiss the pillow, I went to sleep elsewhere."

"It's all right."

"No, I'm not as big as you."

She had already taken care of herself during this trip, and she couldn't bear the slightest fright.

Night Falcon family.

Bai Yu had already received the news that Mei Luo was going to the Fox Monster Clan, and was very surprised by it. Why did he suddenly follow to the Fox Monster Clan? Could it be that something happened to the Fox Monster Clan?But thinking about it, it's not right, the king is in the fox monster clan, if there is anything in the fox monster clan, he will definitely receive the news.

"My lord, that vicious beast is still squatting outside, do you want to..." Heiyi felt that such a vicious beast squatting at the door was too intrusive, and the hearts of the people in the city were a little flustered.

"Do you want to deal with it? Who can subdue it? Although it has no attack power, it is huge after all. It can kill and injure countless people when its body is pressed down. If it wants to stay, let it stay. The left is only a watchdog." That's all."

"Then should we send someone to monitor it? It is said that Bixi can separate the primordial spirit from the main body."

"The dog demon king will leave. I'm afraid it's because of this. Don't worry. No matter how powerful it is, it can't break the barrier of Xuanyuan Sword. It's just a waste of time. Don't worry about it. Just pass it on for me." Send a letter to the king, telling him that the dog demon king will soon arrive at the fox demon tribe."

After finishing speaking, Bai Yu got up and went to He Ji.

He Ji's residence is still protected by the Eastern Emperor Bell, and outsiders cannot enter, so he doesn't need to worry about any eyeliner.

He Ji coaxed Feihuang in the boudoir. Ever since Yu Mo left, Feihuang had been a little fussy, and it took a long time before she was willing to sleep.

"He made trouble again?"

Seeing that it was he who came, she handed the Phoenix to Luying, "I just coaxed him to sleep." She poured tea and handed it to him herself. He would not come during the day, even if he did come at night, leaving time for two or three sticks of incense She will leave again, so she cherishes this short time together.

When he sat on the couch, she leaned her head on his lap, "Did I do another stupid thing today?"

"You're kind by nature, it's okay." He stroked her jet-black hair, "Just don't do it anymore, it's too dangerous and it will scare me."

"Why don't you tell the Dog Demon King that Miss Yumo is no longer with us?"

"In that case, if you tell me, he can believe it? He'er, he won't believe it, he will only think that I am sophistry, maybe the situation will be even worse."

"But they also said that you stole Miss Yumo's body!"

"I know who stole the body and who took her away. You don't have to worry about it. Take good care of your body. You can't stand such a torment."

He just wanted her to stay in this world and be protected by him.

"Yaojia saw me today, will she be suspicious?" She has been anxious since she came back.

"I'm sure I'll deal with her, and I won't be suspicious. It's getting late, you should go to bed early, and leave the hard work to me."

He Ji knew that he was doing it all for her, but more and more she realized that this way of doing things might ruin him forever, but she couldn't help him, she could only think that if one day he was doomed, she would accompany him go.

(End of this chapter)

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