The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 512 Part 277 Aphrodisiac Charm

Chapter 512 Part 277 Aphrodisiac Charm

Ah Zi happily stepped into the boudoir with a food box, "Miss, miss, I have a good fortune tonight, your favorite sweet glutinous rice balls."

Su Wu really likes to eat sweets, especially this sweet dumpling, and the best thing that the Fuchu can make is the Mozhu in her small kitchen, but this soup has a complicated process, and each pearl-sized dumpling It also takes three different bean pastes, which takes a lot of effort and craftsmanship.

"How did that girl make this today? If I want to eat it in the past, I also notified her three days in advance."

"Mozhu is the roundworm in your stomach, miss. I know you haven't eaten for a long time, and it's time to eat it after counting the days, so I prepared it in advance. I will give you a surprise. Should you give her a reward?" what?"

Su Wu put down the book in her hand, got off the couch, put on her shoes and sat down at the round table in the center, "She has an elm brain, she only moves when pushed, you must have told her long ago, right? "

Ah Zi scratched her head, opened the food box and said, "Miss is smart, I can't hide anything from you. As long as Miss is happy, we are also happy."

Su Wu has a good temper, and she never speaks harshly to those who serve her. She always speaks up when she has something to say, discusses things, rewards them if they are good, and punishes them if they are bad. The ancestors accumulated virtues, and Sansheng was lucky to meet a young lady who happened to serve her.Therefore, the maids in her boudoir don't have to worry about her losing her temper suddenly, and they don't have to worry about some small mistakes that will cause flesh and blood pain. They don't have the pressure to serve people with their wealth and life every day.

"Miss, eat it while it's hot. It's cooked enough. Look at the thick one. It looks delicious. Even if the amount today is a little small, she would deliberately make more in the past, so that the lady can't eat it and give it to me."

Now this amount, I am afraid that if the lady eats it, she will lose her share.

"This thing is so difficult to make, it's good to have it, say, have you eaten it secretly?"

"No, no, Miss has never eaten, how can I eat it." She quickly filled a small bowl and handed it over, "It's my turn to eat when Miss can't eat anymore..."

"A few days ago, you said that the newly made skirt was a little tight. What's the matter? How dare you eat sweets in the middle of the night?" Su Wu stirred the soup in the bowl with a spoon, and the pearl-like balls lit up in the candlelight The bottom is really like a pearl, round and round.

"I don't eat other sweets. It's rare to eat this sweet dumpling. If I go to this village, I won't have this shop. At worst, I won't eat it for lunch tomorrow." She put the lid on the cup to avoid the soup in the big cup It's cold.

"It's strange to believe you!" She will definitely forget these words tomorrow.

"Miss, eat quickly, it won't taste good when it's cold." This dumpling is made of glutinous rice, and it's not good for the stomach if it's cold.

"Sit down and eat, too. It's easy to accumulate food when it's cold."

Hearing this, Ah Zi was overjoyed, but her mouth was evasive, "Miss, today's portion is small, if you give it to me, you will be gone."

"My bowl is enough. I'm afraid of you. If you can't eat it, I'll sleep outside at night, and my stomach will grow restless and growl."

"No way!"

"Then do you eat?"

"Eat, eat!"

She hastily lifted the lid of the cup and filled a bowl for herself. She was also greedy, and the small bowl almost spilled out.

Su Wu raised the bowl, smelling the sweet fragrance that came out with the heat, the craftsmanship of this mozhu is getting better and better, just smelling it can make people move their index fingers, but after a while, she frowned and smelled it. There was something wrong, her bright eyes darkened a bit, when she saw Ah Zi scooped up a spoonful and was about to put it in her mouth, she shouted, "Ah Zi, don't eat it!"

"Ah?" Ah Zi stopped abruptly, the soup in the spoon immediately spilled on the clothes, she said aggrievedly, "Miss, you see it's all wasted."

"lay down!"

Her face was serious, and Ah Zidun was a little flustered, and obediently put down the soup bowl, "What's wrong, miss?"

"Is this soup made by Mo Zhu?"

"That's right, she is the only one on duty in the small kitchen today, there is no one else, even if there are, there are two fire girls!"


"Amei and Adian, miss knows, they are weak monsters, it's not easy for them to maintain their human form, so they can only be a fire girl."

"No one else?"

Ah Zi shook her head, "It's gone! Miss, what's wrong with you asking so suddenly?"

She poured the soup in front of her back into the big cup, "There is something wrong with this soup!"

She is very good at medicine, others may not be able to smell it, but she can smell it clearly.

"Huh? Is it delicious?"

Ah Zi didn't think about anything else, she just thought that the soup was not ready.

Because the maids who served Su Wu were all well-informed, except that she had been with her since she was a child, the others—Mozhu, Peiqin, Huansong, and Binglin belonged to Peiqin with the longest history of 150 years. The situation is changing. I just got married three years ago. I gave birth to Lin'er at the beginning of the year. I am busy raising the baby at home. The remaining three will arrive in September this year. It happens to be 9 years. The five of them are a bond and have a very good relationship. , so she has no doubts.

Ah Zi sniffed the soup bowl, she didn't feel anything wrong, and even smelled better than the previous one.

"Miss, would you like me to try it? Maybe Mozhu has made some improvements, and you won't be able to accept it all at once."

"That's not the problem. You are not allowed to eat it." There is medicine in this soup, so it can be eaten casually, "You pour it out."

"It's down!?" Ah Zi yelled strangely, "It's so hard to make it, how can it be down, it's too wasteful."

"I tell you to pour it. Don't talk nonsense, let alone eat it, not a drop. If you can't do it, please come out of the house."

"Come on, Miss, I'll just do it, just do it. But Mozhu worked so's really..."

Su Wu glared at her, but she fell silent.

"After pouring, you take the cup and food box back to the kitchen, tell Mozhu that I had a good time eating, let her think about what reward she wants, and come to find me tomorrow morning after thinking about it."

A'Zi didn't understand, and was full of doubts.

"I know you must have something to ask, but it's useless to say more now, and soon you will know the purpose of my doing so."


Ah Zi put the cup and bowl back into the food box, and when she left, Su Wu worriedly warned, "Don't steal it!"

"I know... I know!"

Ah Zi went to the garden and poured out all the soup. She felt distressed while pouring it out, but she was obedient, and she really didn't steal it. After pouring it out, she stayed for a while before returning to the kitchen with the food box.

Sitting at the small round table in the kitchen, Mozhu saw her coming, she hurriedly got up, her face turned pale, "Sister Azi, so fast?"

"It's delicious. If it's delicious, eat it faster. The lady can't finish it, so she will give me the rest."

"Ah!" She was startled, and knocked down the teacup on the table with her elbow, and the whole teacup was shattered.

Ah Zi glanced at the broken cup on the ground, and said: "What's so surprising, in the past, all the things that the lady couldn't eat went into my stomach, and I still want to blame you, why are there so few today..."

Mozhu's face turned pale and blue, and sweat broke out on her forehead. She did so little on purpose today, just because she didn't want her to eat. Unexpectedly...unexpectedly...she clutched her chest, with one hand slightly Trembling.

"Miss said, today's soup is really good, let you think about what reward you want, and go to find her tomorrow after thinking about it."

"Reward?" She twitched her lips, and her eyes immediately turned red.

"Well! The lady has always been so magnanimous, and it's getting late now. You can go to rest after cleaning up, lie on the bed and think about it. Miss has such a temper, you can think of anything, and she will definitely agree..."

Mozhu couldn't stand still anymore, she held on to the corner of the table, her face turned pale again, and then a hot tear rolled down.

"I have to go back to serve the lady, so I'm leaving now. You should think about it yourself."

Ah Zi finished speaking and left the kitchen.

Not long after he left, Mozhu fell on the table and wept continuously.

When Ah Zi returned to the boudoir, she saw Su Wu sitting back on the couch, still holding the unfinished book in her hand, when she came back she thought for a long time and still didn't understand what she meant by doing this.

"Back?" Su Wu turned a page of the book.

"Yeah." Seeing that the tea on the table was cold, she walked over to change it to a hot cup.

"How's Moju?"

"Ah? Oh, of course I am grateful to Miss."

"Really?" Su Wu said lightly.

"Sure, miss..." Ah Zi couldn't help it anymore, "What are you going to do?"

Su Wu remained silent, and read a few more pages. Ah Zi waited for a long time, but seeing that she didn't speak, she closed the book when she was about to ask.

"Miss?" Ah Zi thought she was going to sleep, but she put on a cloak.

"The time is just right, let's go out for a walk."

"At this time? It's almost dawn."

"It's okay."

Su Wu came out of the boudoir, glanced at the roof, exerted her demon power, and flew up to the eaves.

"Miss, what are you doing!" Ah Zi hurriedly followed, although she was not as good as Su Wu, but among the girls, she was the strongest.

On the other side, Mo Zhu cried until her eyes were swollen, bit her lip, and took the medicine bottle to Su Yu's boudoir.

Zhi Tao has been waiting for her news, and when she saw her coming, she hurriedly asked, "Is it done?"

Mozhu threw the medicine bottle over, "It's's all you, it's you who made me betray Miss, I'll fight with you!"

"What are you talking about? We forced you to do this. If you don't want to, who can force you? Don't pretend to be righteous. After all, you are doing it for your brother. Now that you have done this, your brother will also Saved, there is nothing to complain about."

Mozhu cried bitterly, "But I hurt Miss, she treated me so well, but I did it for myself...for myself..." She rolled her eyes and attacked Zhitao.

The two are evenly matched, but they are not strong monsters. The fight is a bit like a shrew fighting. They are pulling hair and clothes, which is very embarrassing.

There was a lot of commotion, and all the maids in Su Yu's boudoir ran out.

A concubine's daughter is more noble than a concubine's daughter, the maid and Zhitao are only three people, the three of them obviously acted out of anger, they teamed up to deal with Mo Zhu, and dragged her into the boudoir.

Sitting on the couch, Su Yu looked at Mozhu with disheveled hair, "What are you doing, do you think I'm easy to bully? After all, I'm also your master."

"What kind of master are you? You are not even worthy of carrying shoes for my lady."

"Slap!" Su Yu slapped the table.

Zhi Tao immediately greeted him with both sides.

With two slaps, the blow was hard and accurate.

Mozhu fell to the ground, a tooth flew out.

"I'm calling you disrespectful! Are you still trying to be brave? You don't sleep in the middle of the night, and you come here to vent your anger. It's really abominable." Zhi Tao slapped her again, her eyes full of malice.

Mozhu's pretty little face was unreadable, it was swollen for half a day, and even her eyes were narrowed.

Concubine Su sat still, looking down at her condescendingly, "You agreed to this matter before, and now you have done it, why are you blaming me now? Why don't you tell me that you are doing something for another nobleman?" There is no cure for your younger brother's disease, but the nobleman has medicine, even if it can't cure the disease, at least it can make him grow up safely, and you won't suffer."

These Mozhus all know that since her betrayal, she has no way of turning back, but her conscience is still stuck, especially after knowing that Ah Zi also ate the soup by mistake, the backlog of guilt collapsed.

Su Yu said again, "It's not poison. Even if your lady takes it, she won't suffer any disadvantages. If I say, I wish I was the one who took the medicine."

This medicine was given by Tan Ya, although she didn't say it clearly, but she knew very well what kind of virtue this aunt is, this medicine must be related to King Jing, and it must be given to Su Wu, so she knew what it was with her toes.

This fox demon is originally the most beautiful monster clan born in the mountain and sea world. In addition to the power of strong monsters, transformation and charm are housekeeping skills. However, the ancestors of the previous generations felt ashamed, and everyone in the clan had to learn it. That's all, but this is a housekeeping skill after all, and there are always some people with crooked thoughts who will regard this as a treasure.

Leaving aside the transformation, there are pros and cons, but there are always some that come out, but it may not be useful if you really want to say it. When you encounter a stronger enemy, you will also be caught blind. How can anyone pick the stamens on the flame beast? It's because you don't overwhelm yourself with too many skills, and you're always right when you practice.

As the name suggests, this charm technique is a kind of fox-charming technique. Most of the people who would think of practicing this technique are women, who condense their own evil spirit and add some aphrodisiac elixir to induce a kind of charm technique. After condensing, find the target, Can confuse the target person's mind about love.

Coincidentally... Tan Ya is the best in this art of seductiveness.

This thing is vicious, but it is not so vicious. Ordinary fox demons are also very virtuous. They will not attack people who belong to them. They are for those who are waiting for them, but they dare not confess. , not long-term effective, but only in a short period of time, the person who has this spell is quite obsessed with a person, and many fox demons use it to become family members, but it is really heart-wrenching to use it on other people's wives, lovers, and husbands. up.

Tanya would think that this trick is to know that Su Wu has no intention of being the king, and she wants to help the king to sleep with Su Wu as soon as possible. Then the incident will happen, and it is Su Wu's own willingness. When she wakes up, she says she has been laid The medicine is gone, and not many people believe it. After all, King Qu is a prince, and he is more likely to be the future Fox Demon King. Is it worth doing such a thing for a woman? The credibility is too low, and it will only be Su Wu herself The public opinion on this issue has become big, and it is estimated that Su Yaoguang can only let his daughter marry.

Thinking of this, Su Yu felt her chest ache with jealousy, but she couldn't resist, because she had to rely on Tan Ya to sit on the throne of the side concubine of King Xie.

Seeing that Mo Zhu was still making trouble, Zhi Tao went to Su Yu's side and whispered worriedly: "Miss, look at her being so crazy, what if she tells the matter tomorrow morning? Do you want..."

Su Yu also felt that this girl could not be kept, but it would be convenient to kill such a big living person, but how to explain afterwards?

"Is there anything you can do to keep her disappearance from arousing suspicion?"

Zhi Tao was stunned, "I can't do anything about slaves, it's okay to kill people."

"No brains, so stupid."

"Yes, servant girl is stupid, but if I don't kill her, I'm afraid I won't be able to hide it tomorrow morning."

Su concubine thought to herself that she would not do anything but kill her, let alone, Mozhu is Su Wu's maid, if she disappeared or died, what would it have to do with her, tomorrow she will find a way to find her aunt, and ask her if she has any problems. What a good way to cover up this matter, after thinking about it, he thought of killing, and winked at the three maids.

Mozhu was still ignorant, crying and complaining, and in a blink of an eye the three women jumped on her and covered her mouth and nose.

She whined and screamed, and when she was about to suffocate, the door was kicked open from the outside with a bang, Su Yu and the three maids were startled, and when they saw it clearly, their faces turned blue.

" are you here?"

"What? You arrested my maid, shouldn't I come and ask her what she did wrong?" Su Wu waved her hand to release her demonic energy, and swept away the three maids who were holding Mozhu away.


The three maids fell out, knocking the tables and chairs tottering.

Ah Zi looked at Mo Zhu, her eyes were already red like blood, she never thought that the soup was drugged, she followed all the way, saw and heard it, but she just didn't want to believe it, she felt like a sister Mozhu would do such a rebellious thing.

(End of this chapter)

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