Chapter 535 Part 302

Yu Mo took a sip of tea, and before she could wipe it off, she asked, "The favorite concubine of the old fox king?"

"Exactly!" Su Wu handed over the handkerchief.

Yu Mo embarrassedly took it and wiped her mouth. Tan Ya's name is very famous, not because of her great achievements, but because she favors the harem. No matter how many concubines the old fox king has, she still firmly occupies the harem. The top spot is more like a queen than a queen.

How much scheming is needed to gain a firm foothold in the harem, comparable to Zhen Huan, and she is still the mother and concubine of King Li, if there is no solid evidence, just because of King Li's poison attack, it is said that she did it, old man The Fox King would definitely not believe it, and he might think that they deliberately framed them.

"You didn't tell General Feng and them because you knew that Tanya was not active?" Feng Xianyang had visited Su Wu before her, and he must have asked her who was behind the scenes, but he didn't do anything after he left, presumably Su Wu probably didn't say anything.

"This matter has to be discussed in a long-term way, and you can't be impulsive. If I say it, it will involve a secret of Queen Feitong. She has been holding back for so long, and she just wants to end it with her own hands one day. General Feng is a meticulous person. If I say it, He will definitely find a way to get to the bottom of it. Once he finds out, it means that Li Wang also knows. Although Li Wang is not an impulsive person, he may be too angry to deal with it calmly. Tanya settles accounts, but she can't produce evidence, she will only be beaten by the other party, and the gain outweighs the loss."

Due to Tan Ya's intimidation, Li Wang has not received maternal love since birth. For this mother and son, the scars have become deeper and deeper as time goes by. .The son is kept in the dark and resents his biological mother. When the truth comes out, the scar will always heal, but it will hurt more before it heals.

Because there is more guilt, more anger, and more unforgiveness.

Su Wu was worried that these negative emotions would ignite the hatred in Li Wang's heart, which might make him lose his mind.

Yu Mo didn't know Queen Feitong's forbearance, after hearing what Su Wu said, she just felt curious, "What is that secret?"

"This secret is not suitable for telling now. I will tell you when you get the evidence."

Only with solid evidence can this sad secret be revealed to the world.

"You know everything and don't say it. Isn't this worrying?"

"I have my reasons and considerations. It is my judgment not to say anything."

"You didn't tell General Feng and King Li, but you told me that the poison was planted by Tanya. Aren't you afraid that I will inform you?" Her mouth was not very strict, even if she didn't tell Feng Xianyang and King Li, she would I will definitely tell Mei Luo.

"I told you that I hope you can help me."

"What can I help you?" Looking at the entire Li Palace, she was the most useless one.

"Tanya is the mastermind behind the scenes, so I can't say it out of my mouth, but you can... For example, when they discuss things, you can make a suggestion..." Su Wu burst into a profound smile.

Yumo understands that if it comes out of her mouth, Feng Xianyang and others will definitely pester her, and the secret that should be kept may not be able to be kept, and maybe they will blame her for not reporting it, but she can't I really didn’t tell anything, so I thought of myself. If I were myself, I would offer suggestions and opinions, as a reference, to guide them on that path, and to prevent them from searching aimlessly.

"Su Wu, you have a lot of twists and turns in your stomach..."

Su Wuquan took it as a compliment, and said with a smile, "Acceptance, acquiescence. I just want to live a peaceful life in the future!"

royal palace.

The door of Tanya's bedroom was closed tightly. It was rumored that Tanya's side concubine was not feeling well these few days. As for what the discomfort was, it was said that she had contracted the cold, or she was pregnant. She was not only a favorite concubine, but also qualified He is also the oldest, not to mention sick, even if he has a itchy throat and coughs, there are a lot of people visiting him, but now the front of the hall is empty, which is a bit unusual, and some people say that he must be pregnant, so it is not convenient to see visitors.

In the Fox Monster Clan, it is not allowed to spread rumors when you are just pregnant. It is said that it will damage the fetus. Therefore, when the news spread, people in the palace would not come to visit even if they knew about it, but they all secretly started preparing gifts. It was announced that he was the first person to come to condolences.

Tanya was lying on the couch with a haggard face, Luxiu felt distressed, and went to beat her legs, "Your Majesty has stimulated the Gu mother, her vitality has already been damaged, and she has been sleepless for the past few days because of His Highness's affairs. How can you feel better?"

"As long as Qin'er can become king, it doesn't matter if I live a few years less. Cough cough cough..."

She coughed more and more urgently, Luxiu hurriedly handed over a cup of tea, "Your Majesty, drink some water and press it down."

Tan Yayin stimulated the Gu mother, and the Gu in her body consumed a lot of monster power. This ancient evil Gu is an extremely powerful thing. Back then, King Li was still young, and the side effects of activating the Gu mother were not great. But as King Li grows up, the demon power is getting stronger and stronger, and the Gu mother needs to spend a lot of energy to order the Gu Zi, and this side effect becomes more and more severe.

But she can't handle that much anymore.

"Luxiu, how is King Li doing now?" This time, I don't know why the Gu mother urged her three times before she succeeded. It seems that something hindered the Gu Zi, which made the Gu Zi's actions slow down a lot.

"Li Wang is currently lying on the bed and can't move... It is said that he is sick. But the timing of the illness is the same as the time when the empress stimulated the Gu mother for the fourth time, so it must be the outbreak of the Gu poison."

Tan Ya laughed happily, "That's good, I'm not in vain...cough cough cough..." Her throat was so itchy that she couldn't stop coughing. She picked up the teacup and took a sip of water, which made her choke.

Luxiu hurriedly patted her back, "Your Majesty, you'd better lie down and sleep for a while, it won't be good if this causes the root cause of the disease."

"No...cough's okay..."

As soon as the word fell to the ground, a bloody smell rose from her throat, and she spat out blood with a wow, causing Luxiu's face to change drastically in shock.


Tanya's face was terribly pale, and when the mouthful of blood fell on the ground, a trace of small bugs could be faintly seen writhing inside.

That's not the Gu mother, but to feed the Gu mother, in addition to blood, some bait is also needed, these small insects are centipedes, the newborn centipedes, feeding them can make the Gu mother fatter, Tanya every seven The sun will swallow some live small centipedes.

The part I spit out was what I just ate today.

Tan Ya knows that Gu is not a fun thing, but when she was young, she was willing to go all out for her status, love, and jealousy towards Fei Tong. Afterwards, she was extremely cautious in raising Gu, and even more careful in using it, so she didn't see much reaction. She thought that the backlash of the ancient poisonous Gu was just an exaggeration, so when Li Wang was young, she used it more frequently. Not being threatened, they continued to feed the Gu mother, and even used the most evil method of raising Gu, which is to release white Gu to let them kill each other. The last Gu is the most powerful, and then give this Gu to the mother. If the Gu mother eats it, the strength of the Gu mother will increase after eating it. This method has been tried and tested repeatedly.Although she would feel a little uncomfortable when she urged the Gu mother to toss Li Wang, but most of them could bear it, and it would be fine after two or three days, but this time, she actually vomited blood, which she never had before.

"Go call Ruan Qing!" She was worried that the Gu mother was a little out of control.

Ruan Qing is her confidant and a wizard, who is always there.

"Your Majesty's pulse is a little messy, but it's okay, it should be caused by fatigue."

"you sure?"

"I'm sure. But there is something I want to remind my empress."

"Go ahead."

"Yes!" Ruan Qing bowed respectfully, "Your Majesty is also getting older, this Gu poison is really depleting the power of demons, so it is best not to use it too much, Your Majesty."

Women don't like to hear words like age, but Tanya has a reputation for knowing herself. When she is old, she is old. Even though the appearance of a demon can keep her young for a long time, she can't lie to herself because of her age. You may mind when you are young, but you will know that rights are better things when you get older.As long as you have power, it doesn't matter what age you are.

"Well, I've made a note of it." But to abide by it, I'm afraid it won't happen until Qin'er ascends the throne and King Li dies.

"Your Majesty, as long as you remember it. I will prescribe medicine for your Majesty, take it three times a day after meals. It should get better in three days."

"Lu Xiu followed Ruan Qing to get the medicine."

"Yes, madam!"

After Ruan Qing left, Tan Ya asked the maid to invite King Li, told him about King Li's illness, and told him that the time had come, and it was best to act quickly while King Li was unable to move.

King Jing knew that she had planted Gu on him since he was a child, and asked her to mobilize the Gu mother to kill King Li more than once, but she always said that she would torture Fei Tong, and considering that King Li was dead, Fei Tong was gone. Weakness, maybe he will go crazy and fight her to the death.But no, Bai Beiming has her in his heart, and if she wants to give birth to another son, it will be difficult to make another voodoo. It's better to keep Li Wang's life to blackmail her.

She didn't tell her son that if King Li was killed, the Gu Zi would return to her body, and might fight with the Gu mother for the parasitic feeder. It is backlash.

Anyway, it is impossible to get rid of King Li's Gu poison, and it is only a matter of time before he dies.

"What the queen mother said is that the son has already been prepared, but the father..."

"Don't worry, your father loves you. As long as your fabricated evidence of Li Wang's rebellion is flawless and your father is convinced, I'm afraid you don't need to take action."

King Qin smiled sinisterly, "It's still the queen mother who is smart."

"But you can't submit these evidences in person, to avoid suspicion. I have notified your grandfather and asked him to send a few people in charge of the house to speak, you just agree."

"The son understands, the son will remember to say a few good words for this younger brother first."

The mother and son looked at each other, both equally evil.

"Yes, it's better that way."

Lotus Fire Palace.

Feitong received Su Wu's secret message, knowing that King Li's Gu poison had broken out, but the danger was turned to safety, her heart fell to the ground, but she was worried about King Li's body, and she was restless. It was rumored that Tanya was pregnant, and regardless of whether the news was true or not, it was uncomfortable to hear.

Li Luo said: "Queen, Your Highness is under the care of Ms. Su, so don't worry about it. Your Majesty has sent some flowers and jewelry that you like secretly, would you like to take a look?"

"Throw it away!" As soon as she heard Bai Beiming's name, she would be furious.

"Queen, is the king really the king, you..."

"Don't mention him again. If he really has the heart, will Li'er and I suffer so much?"

As a husband, as a father, he has never cared about him in the slightest. If he cared, how could he have allowed Tanya to be so arrogant for so many years.

Li Luo sighed, and stopped trying to persuade her, and said, "Queen, it's getting late, go to bed early. Your appetite has not been very good these few days, and if you worry about it, you will probably get sick."

"Li'er is currently suffering from Gu poison, how can you tell me to sleep peacefully."

At this time, there was a black shadow shaking outside the window, and before Fei Tong noticed it, he rushed into the bedroom.

"Queen!" Soi Ying is the person who secretly protects her, Su Yaoguang's confidant Ruixue.

Ruixue knelt down and said, "This subordinate just saw a group of people entering the palace not far away on the roof. They walked lightly and carried weapons. It seemed that the visitors were not friendly."

Feitong's heart tightened, "Why did you enter the palace late at night? You still carry weapons. Except for the guards in the palace, you are not allowed to carry weapons. Do you know who it is?"

"My subordinates flew over to check secretly, and there are a few familiar people who are from the Jin residence. Besides, my subordinates also found that they have surrounded the queen's bedroom."

Li Luo was startled and said, "Why is this?"

"I don't know. The subordinates are worried..."

"What are you worried about?" Fei Tong squeezed her hands and asked, already vaguely having a bad premonition.

"Is the king planning to act?"

With a bang, Li Luo knocked over the teacup in her hand, the teacup broke and spilled on the ground.

Feitong's expression changed, and she was already thinking about it. Although she lived in seclusion and never cared about the affairs of the harem, as a daughter of a nobleman, she always had the ability to adapt.

"Ruixue, go to the Su Mansion quickly and inform your lord to send someone to protect His Royal Highness Li Wang."

"What about you, queen?"

"You don't have to worry about me, I am the queen, the king can't touch me."

Ruixue knew that the matter was serious, so she couldn't hesitate, she nodded and said, "Your subordinate will go now, and will come back to protect the queen immediately after the report."

Ruixue flew out of the window lightly.

Li Luo worried, "Queen, what is King Qin doing?"

"Li'er is lying on the hospital bed and can't do anything. If he doesn't do it now, why don't he do it after Li'er recovers?"

"But Your Majesty is not confused. If he leads troops into the palace like this, isn't he afraid that His Majesty will think that he is going to rebel?" Since ancient times, kings have been very suspicious, even their own sons would be wary.

"Treason?" This reminded Feitong that no matter how courageous the king is, he would never be able to rebel. There must be a reason for rebellion. Where did he get the reason, unless... She trembled, and a possibility flashed in her mind.

It wasn't King Qu who conspired against him, but Li'er.

I'm afraid that King Qin is going to frame Li'er.

"Liluo..." She grabbed Liluo's hand, "Quickly, call the king!"


"Don't ask too much, go quickly, just say that I'm not feeling well and passed out. You can't find the wizard."

Li Luo didn't know what she was going to do, but she knew that she must have a coping strategy, "I'll go right away."

After she left, Feitong sat on the edge of the bed, her eyes were calm. After a while, she found a box from under the bed, and the box was full of clothes. She took one out, touched it carefully, and then one piece.

These clothes vary in size, as many as a dozen pieces, but none of them are women's clothes, they are men's clothes.

She said slowly, "Li'er, when you were five years old, your mother made this by herself. The craftsmanship is not very good, so I laughed before Liluo, but it has been changed now. Unfortunately, you can no longer pass it on. This piece Before your [-]-year-old coming-of-age ceremony, my mother made it by herself after spending many nights. The auspicious beast on it, my mother searched for a lot of patterns, and finally found this... This is the best auspicious beast for fox demons. If you If you put it on, you will be safe in this life... Unfortunately... you still haven't put it on... But it doesn't matter, mother will always make you safe."

Tears slid down and wet the clothes, she carefully folded them and put them back in the original place, then messed up the bedroom, it was a mess, and then took out a dagger.

The dagger reflected the candlelight and shone into her eyes. The blood-red pupils were like rubies, with a transparent luster.

With a puff, it stabbed into the chest, and the blood fell to the ground, just like her eyes, which were also transparent.

She fell to the ground, smiled, and looked at the door.

"Your Majesty... this way please."

Bai Beiming came, but the door was covered with blood as soon as he entered.

"Crimson pupil!" The red-eyed Bai Beiming rushed over.

Fei Tong's face was pale, and she was already angry, "Your Majesty...there assassin!"

Bai Beiming hugged her tightly, his hands were shaking, "Quickly pass on the wizard!"

The maids were so frightened that they stumbled and ran out to find the wizard.

"Come on, check it out for me, and catch the assassin out for me!"

With a roar, all the king's imperial guards were dispatched, and the palace was full of people looking for people, but a group of people were caught, all of whom belonged to the king.

If you want to frame up, it is natural that the one who strikes first is the most beneficial.

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(End of this chapter)

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