The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 545 Part 312 The most suitable person

Chapter 545 Part 312 The most suitable person
When Tanya heard that Bai Beiming was going to kill King Yan, his eyes were bloodshot, and he struggled to beg for love, but his mouth was blocked, and he was detained by Qing Shu, and he couldn't say any words of intercession. The king was beheaded, and she fainted from excitement.

At sunrise, Shennong Ding and Maoqiu worked together to finally refine the elixir to detoxify Gu. After Su Wu got it, she immediately gave it to King Li.

The Gu Zi in King Li's body struggled, but was no match for the power of the anti-gu medicine, and died.

Once the Guzi died, it turned into smoke and dust, and floated out from King Li's mouth. The Gu mother lost half of her strength without the Guzi. He was sober again with tossing.

What kind of suffering Li Wang suffered before, she will suffer the same kind of suffering. The Gu mother is much bigger than the Gu Zi, and because Tanya used the method of killing each other with hundreds of Gu in order to fatten it, and also fed it The blood centipede, the head of all poisons, was raised extremely cruelly. Tanya screamed in pain, writhing on the ground, and her voice became hoarse.This is self-inflicted, no one will sympathize with her, treat her as a rag, and let her suffer the pain like bones being smashed and internal organs being torn.

King Li took the antidote, and the pain disappeared, but he was injured physically and mentally, and fell into a coma. Su Wu and the general worked together to move him to lie on the couch.

Bai Beiming lost his eldest son, and he always felt uncomfortable, but seeing Li Wang was well, the discomfort in his heart disappeared a little.

Feng Xianyang and Ning Yi came back and personally reported to him the situation inside and outside the palace.

All the soldiers and horses of the king who refused to surrender were all beheaded, and their corpses lay thousands of miles away, blood stained like a river.

Winning is winning, but the price is not small. After this battle, the Fox Monster Clan will inevitably be seriously injured. What the Clan is most afraid of is civil strife, which can disturb the hearts of the people more than foreign aggression, and must be appeased immediately. Feng Xianyang was ordered to go out of the palace to appease the people. People's hearts.

At noon, Fei Tong was fully awake, but she could no longer see her eyes, and her demon power began to recover. Under Yu Mo's careful care, the wound healed very gratifyingly.

Because of Shennong Ding's exposure, Mei Luo was always worried that Yumo would be in danger, afraid that the fox monsters would covet the artifact and hurt her, so she stuck to her, not daring to blink.

"Li'er..." After Feitong woke up, she thought of her son. She couldn't see her, and her eyes were dark. She knew someone was there, but she didn't know who it was. , now fully awake, groping around with his hands, "Li Luo, how is Li'er, is there any danger?"

Everyone sighed, looking at the emerald green fox covered in white cloth not far away.

"Li Luo?" Fei Tong couldn't hear the response, and panicked, she was afraid that the knife she stabbed would not work, and that her son had been framed by the king.

"Queen..." Su Wu grabbed her hand, "His Highness is well, His Highness is in the hall right now, but he took care of the Queen last night, he was very tired and fell asleep."


"Yes, queen."

Feitong trusts Su Wu very much, and will not doubt her words. Knowing that King Li is fine, she feels at ease, but when she learns that he has taken care of her all night, her invisible eyes overflow with tears, and she screams: "How could he be here?" , let him go quickly, the king wants to kill him, and Tan Ya wants to kill him, he can't stay in the palace. Quickly let your father protect him."

Bai Beiming stood aside, hearing these words, his heart felt sour and astringent.

It is a father's responsibility to protect his son, but she was thinking of Su Yaoguang, which shows how failed he is as a father.

"Crimson pupil..." Bai Beiming called out in a hoarse voice.

Yumo had already told him about her blindness, and he was so distressed that he burned inside.

Hearing his voice, Fei Tong froze, her face changed drastically, she didn't know that King Jing was dead, Tan Ya was arrested, and she was still living in the endless pain of being threatened, she screamed coldly, "Go, you go ! I don't want to see you!"

She coughed up a mouthful of blood excitedly.

Bai Beiming turned pale with shock, "Okay, I'll go, I'll go, don't get excited."

"Queen, it's all right. His Royal Highness King Li's Gu poison has been cured. King Qin has been ordered to be beheaded by the king, and his head is hung at the gate of the palace. Tan Ya is suffering from the ravages of the Gu mother, and now she is as angry as a silk." Queen, you don’t need to be afraid of them hurting His Highness anymore. Your Majesty already knows everything, and you and King Li are safe.” Su Wu knew what she was most worried about over the years, and now that the threat has been removed, You can come to the end of all hardships.

Fei Tong thought she heard it wrong, "What did you say?"

"Queen, too many things happened when you were in a coma, so I couldn't explain them clearly at the moment. His Highness Prince Li already knew the reason why you didn't get close to him. It's true, Su Wu won't lie to you."

Pearl-like tears fell from the crimson ruby ​​eyes. The crimson pupils that were once clear had dimmed a lot due to blindness, but moistened by the tears, they brightened again.

"Queen, from now on you can call His Highness's name without any scruples, you can hug him, you can..." Su Wei couldn't say the words of tailoring, because her eyes were blind, and it was impossible to move the needle and thread again.

Fei Tong couldn't make a sound, the tears continued, wet the quilt,

Bai Beiming watched her cry, and watched her vent the pain he had suppressed for many years before he realized how wrong he was. His face darkened, and he quietly left the palace. He had clearly sworn to protect her, but he If he didn't do it, not only did he fail to protect her well, but he also made her suffer from the pain of the separation of mother and son. What face did he have to face this pair of mother and son.

Su Yaoguang is right, he is an asshole.Big bastard.

Thinking of Su Yaoguang, he suddenly realized that he hadn't come back.This is not like his character. With his character, he will definitely come back and wait for Fei Tong to wake up.

"Where did Su Yaoguang go, does anyone know?" He asked the guards outside the palace.

"Wang, Mrs. Feng was also looking for Master Su just now?"

Bai Beiming felt faintly uneasy, and shouted: "Send someone to look for it, and let me know immediately if you find it."


"My lord, Tan Ya's side concubine has passed by again..." Qing Shu ran out to report.

"Don't call her side concubine again, she is not worthy. Drag her to the dungeon and imprison her. When all the crimes are cleared up, she will be quartered!"

Qing Shu took the order and dragged the unconscious Tan Ya out of the Lotus Fire Palace with a group of guards.

Su Wu coaxed Fei Tong to sleep, and dutifully took a look at Li Wang, both of them are safe, the rain is over and the weather is fine.

Yumo was so sleepy that she could doze off even standing up, Mei Luo felt distressed seeing her, so she hugged her directly, "Miss Su, Yumo and I are going back to Prince Li's Mansion."

The palace is so chaotic, it is not suitable for quiet rest.

Su Wu nodded, "Okay, I will take care of the Queen and Your Highness, Miss Lan, no, the kindness of the Dog Demon King and Queen will never be forgotten by the Fox Demon Clan."

With her current status, she can't represent the Fox Monster Clan, but Mei Luo still remembered that he didn't ask the Fox Monster Clan to repay their kindness, but he hoped that they would not plot any wrongdoing during these few days in the Fox Monster Clan.

Su Wu said again: "The dog demon king, Su Wu still has something to ask."


"I have to take care of the queen and King Li right now, and I can't get away. If the dog demon king finds out about my father's whereabouts, please send someone to inform my maid, Ah Zi. Thank you, Su Wu."

Su Yaoguang has not returned for a long time, and Su Wu also has an ominous premonition.

"Okay, it's easy."

The palace was blood splattered by last night's rebellion, corpses were everywhere, and guards and maids were cleaning.

Ning Yi grabbed one and asked, "Have you seen Lord Su Yaoguang?"

Anyone who asks will shake their head.

It is impossible for this person to disappear without saying goodbye. The rebellion is over, there is no reason for him to disappear, and with his ability, it is impossible for anyone to hurt him.

Ning Yi was not discouraged, and continued to search, but after searching for two or three times, she still couldn't find anyone.

After Xiaoying rectified the military affairs, she was also looking for it, and when she was looking for it, she ran into Ning Yi.

"General Xiaoying!"

"Mrs. Feng!"

The two clasped their fists in salute, and then spoke in unison.

"Have you met Mr. Su?"

"Have you seen my adults?"

When the words fell, both of them were stunned and spoke in unison.

"Are you looking for it too?"

Xiaoying nodded.

"Even you don't have any news about Mr. Su? I have searched the palace two or three times, but no one has seen Mr. Su."

"My lord is used to acting in a chic way, maybe it's the big thing, and maybe he's going to be happy somewhere." Although Xiaoying said this, her heart was beating. No matter how unrestrained, the queen is still hurt. It is impossible for his lord Run away.

"That's fine, then I'll go back to Feng Mansion to deal with chores. I would like to thank Lord Xiaoying for your generous help last night."

"Well, the king is a traitor to the party, and everyone will be punished. The responsibility of our Firefox army is to protect the family. Madam Feng is serious!" Xiaoying laughed heartily, "Don't delay Madam Feng's handling of affairs, and I will be here. Get over it."

"Okay. If Master Su is back, please let me know."


When the sun set, Su Yaoguang still didn't appear. He was not in a hurry at first, but eventually turned into agitation.

Su Wu was in the Lotus Fire Palace, and people from the Su family came to report to her about the progress of the search every hour, but there was no news at all, and the ominous premonition in her heart became stronger and stronger.

"Miss Su, Your Highness is awake!"

Su Wu didn't have time to worry and went to Li Wang's side.

"Your Highness, how do you feel?"

Li Wang suffered a whole night of torture, and was weak and weak. After sleeping for a day, he felt better. "I'm a little hungry."

"This is a good thing. Come on, let someone cook some porridge and water."

After hearing this, the maids rushed to make arrangements.

"How is the queen mother?" He got off the couch and staggered to Fei Tong's side.

"The queen woke up once in the morning. After learning about Tanya and King Qin, she felt relieved and fell asleep again. I checked the pulse, and the wound recovered very well, and the pulse condition was also stable. The general and I took care of it. , Your Highness, don't worry."

"Thank you for your hard work..." He looked up, and occasionally saw a long hair sticking to the corner of Su Wu's mouth, and stroked it.

Su Wu was startled and took a step back.

Li Wang realized that his behavior was abrupt, "Sorry, I scared you."

"No... Your Highness is very weak now, it's better to lie back on the couch."

"My king is clear about my body. This king wants to accompany my mother..." He sat down with a chair and then said, "Aunt Li Luo is very loyal, and she is like a family member to me and my mother. This sacrifice is also for the sake of my mother. To save this king, you can show her loyalty, and her funeral cannot be sloppy, and she will pass it on for this king."


"And..." He looked at Su Wu. Although he was tortured by Gu Zi last night, his ears were not deaf and his eyes were not blind. He still knew some things clearly. When the messenger soldier came to ask him Father, whether to capture the king or kill the king, if she hadn't opened the mouth, most of them would have been captured alive.

In terms of emotion and reason, he wanted to thank her.

No, he had too much to thank her for.

The Su family is utterly loyal and does not ask for anything in return.If you want to reward something, what can compare to the former king's death-free gold medal?
"Your Highness, please tell me..."

"My lord..." He pursed his lips, and suddenly saw that strand of hair sticking to the corner of her mouth again. This time, he didn't dare to act rashly, but just stared at it, seeing Su Wu's whole face reflected in her eyes. eyes.

She is a peerless beauty, with grace and self-cultivation, and like Su Yaoguang, she is resourceful and resourceful.

He suddenly remembered what Yu Mo said, the person who suits him is someone else, he actually knows who she is talking about.


"Your Highness?" Seeing that he was silent, Su Wu reminded him.

"Oh, it's okay, you go down and rest, I'll take care of the queen mother."

Su Wu was surprised, he didn't call himself the king just now, but me... She frowned, she couldn't care so much, it was more important to find her father, "Then please take care of me first, Your Highness, I will go out to do some things."

She decided to go find it herself.

Walking outside, she met Xiaoying head-on.

Xiaoying was full of anxiety, and immediately knelt down on one knee when she saw her, "Miss..."

"But found my father?"

"I found it, but..." Xiaoying's face was full of self-blame.

What a smart person Su Wu is, she leaps forward, "Daddy!"

Su Yaoguang was brought here on a stretcher and was seriously injured. Last night he fought with Bai Yu, but there was no winner. Later, because of King Qu's defeat, Bai Yu didn't like to fight, so he withdrew instantly.Su Yaoguang thinks that Bai Yu is a scourge, so he chases after him.

That's what made the big deal happen.

"How did this happen?" Facing her father, who was fine last night, but now covered in bruises, she quickly felt her pulse, which was already life-threatening, "Daddy, Daddy, it's my daughter, wake up. Don't scare my daughter."

"My lord found it outside the clan, and when he found it, he was covered in injuries, especially the wound on his chest..."

Su Wu wiped away her tears and lifted the cotton cloth covering his body. There was a bloody hole in Su Yaoguang's chest. It was a sword wound. Xuanyuanjian's sword wound, she couldn't save it.

"Miss Lan...Xiaoying quickly go to Prince Li's Mansion to find Miss Lan."

"Yes, this subordinate will go right away!"

Su Wu was strong and calm, and asked Su Yaoguang to be carried into the queen's bedroom.

King Li was shocked to see that Su Yaoguang was injured, and immediately sent someone to call the general who made the medicine.

Even Su Wu can't be saved, so what's the use of the generals.

Su Yaoguang already exhaled more breath and less intake, so he woke up with a strong breath, "Wu'er..."

"Daddy, my daughter is here..." She held the hand he extended, it was very cold, and she breathed desperately to keep warm.

"It's finally back... Wu'er, I'm afraid Daddy will die."

"No, no. Daddy is a warrior of the Fox Monster Clan, so he must live a long life."

"Silly girl, how can the demon live forever..." He knew that today's calamity would not be over, he caught up with Bai Yu, but he didn't know that Bai Yu had another ambush outside the fox demon clan, and fell into a dangerous situation. Injured by Xuanyuan Sword.

Such a powerful sword, he underestimated the enemy.

"Wu'er, you have grown up, Daddy is relieved."

"Daddy, stop talking, save your strength, I have already sent Xiaoying to find Miss Lan. Daddy, please hold on. She will come soon."

Su Yaoguang coughed, blood spilled from the corner of his mouth, "Queen... Fei Tong... all right?"

"The queen is all right..."

"That's good..." He had no regrets, turned his gaze to Li Wang, and put Su Wu's hand in his with great effort, "Brat, my daughter is more than enough for you, my Su family is full of loyalty, I never ask for any kindness, but I only ask for one thing today. Take good care of her and don't let her down."

Li Wang was shocked by his request, because he only had admiration for Su Wu, but no love.

Su Yaoguang saw through him, and said in the tone of a person who has experienced it, "No one understands the pain of feelings better than me. Don't always think about the person in your heart. If she doesn't like you, it's useless to force her." , Sometimes look around...there is another scenery, the one around you is the most suitable for you."

Li Wang's heart was beaten.

"You will be the king. What you need is a queen who can help you strengthen your should understand..." He knew that King Li had no feelings for Su Wu, but he was sure that when King Li knew about his daughter, , falling in love is sooner or later.

He squeezed Li Wang's hand tightly, using a lot of strength, the back of Li Wang's hand hurt, when he met his eyes, he cleared his eyes, released the hand that was restrained by him, and bowed sincerely.

"My son-in-law sees my father-in-law!"

Su Wu was startled, but Su Yaoguang laughed heartily.

"Okay, children can be taught!"

"Yaoguang!" Bai Beiming hurried over.

"You're here... It's good if you come. If you blame me and hate me, you can write it off when I die. I have a clear conscience towards you. But I want you to swear that the throne will be passed on to King Li, and I will The daughter is the queen..." He is very domineering in certain things, even if the other party is a king, he is also domineering.

Bai Beiming looked at King Li, then at Su Wu, he only had two sons, King Qu was not up to the mark, and now he is dead, if he doesn't pass the throne to King Li, who else can he pass it on to?

"I promise you. Yaoguang, I was wrong in the past, hold on..."

He couldn't hold it anymore... Bai Yu was determined to kill him, because he knew...



"Isle of Ten Thousand Demons...don't let Bai Yu go to the Island of Ten Thousand Demons..."

"Daddy, what is the Myriad Demon Island... Please explain clearly..."

He couldn't speak anymore, his eyes dimmed over the crowd, and he looked into the distance, where an orange fox was waiting for him.

Qingliu... is his wife.

He smiled.

I can finally be with you for real.

In the next life, I will definitely marry you again, and this time I will never let you suffer any more grievances.

Yu Mo rushed over from Prince Li's Mansion, but it was too late.

Even if the Kunlun mirror has the ability to turn back time, it cannot turn back the time of the dead...

Su Yaoguang, passed away.

(End of this chapter)

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