The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 553 Part 320 One Death

Chapter 553 Part 320
Lightning flashed, the air condensed a layer of cold breath and blew towards everyone, a vortex appeared inside the purple cloud airflow, from small to large, layer by layer, round by round, like a bottomless whirlpool in the sea, and burst out Strong suction.

As soon as the suction appeared, everyone couldn't stand, and they all flew into the vortex.

"Hurry up, everyone!" Shu Du attached his feet to his feet with demonic force, and managed to stabilize his body. It is not easy for him to do this as a strong demon. The weaker demons have no such ability, so they can only catch him. Hold on to things around you to stabilize your body.

When the strong wind hit, it was so strong that it could uproot the thousand-year-old tree. In an instant, a group of people were blown upside down, and then flew towards the whirlpool.


No one can save, and it is not easy to save yourself, and there is no time to save your partner.

The black energy on the Pangu ax gradually dissipated, leaving only the handle still black, and its ability was about to be awakened.

Kunlun mirror anxiously shouted: "Hurry up and choose my little master as the master, or it will be too late!"

"Do you think I don't want to, I was suppressed by the spiritual power of Xuanyuan Sword and the power of Balrog."

It doesn't have the spare power at all right now, the status of Xuanyuan Sword among the artifacts is higher than it, if it can fight with it at other times, but now it has the power of the Balrog, the Balrog is a god, it is the creation of all artifacts The source of his power is that even ten Pan Gu axes cannot compete with the power of God.

Xuanyuan Sword must have expected that it would have the ability to resist, so it would use the formation first to summon the sealed Balrog to suppress it. It was originally here to replace the other nine artifacts to suppress the Balrog. Apart from its ability, there are other abilities in the seal. The spiritual power of the artifact, as long as the seal is not destroyed, the power of the seal will not disappear, but the formation of the fire ball has lifted the seal, and the power of the artifact attached to the formation returns to the original artifact, and they become unlocked. The key, the power of the Balrog has been awakened. Although resentment and anger cannot harm people, using it can just suppress the Pangu Axe and control its power.

The current Pangu ax is the meat on the cutting board, which can only be slaughtered by Xuanyuanjian.

There were more and more screams around, and in a blink of an eye, many people were sucked into the vortex, and the vortex became bigger and bigger, and the people who were sucked in kept screaming in it.


A little cyan fox grabbed a tree that hadn't been completely uprooted. The body was blown by the wind like a flag flying on a flagpole. Its two claws were deeply embedded in the trunk to grasp the trunk. Due to the strong wind , One paw could no longer catch it, and when it was trying to grab it again, it rained from the sky. When I looked up, it was red rain, and when it fell on the tip of my nose, I smelled a strong smell of blood.

Everyone who was not sucked into the vortex noticed that the blood rained down on their bodies, and their fur was soaked in an instant, and everyone looked like they were dripping with blood.

"What's going on!?" Li Wang was also covered in blood rain. Since he is now in the form of an animal, his sense of smell is extremely sensitive, and the smell of blood is particularly disgusting.

"There seems to be something eating people in the vortex!" A dog demon was close, and with excellent eyesight, he saw a bloody mouth in the purple vortex, which was constantly devouring the sucked companions.

Mei Luo and Yu Mo were swept away by the Xuanyuan Sword before, leaving the crowd, and their bodies were also drenched by the snow and rain. Their snow-white hairs turned blood red, as if they had been seriously injured. He tied Yumo tightly to his body, but the wind was so strong that even he couldn't stabilize his body well. After grabbing a tree trunk, he barely stabilized it, but the trunk was blown away by the wind soon, and he was followed by him. The vortex was blown away, if he hadn't been so powerful and quickly grabbed another tree, otherwise he would have become a victim in the vortex like everyone else.

"Mei Luo, what's going on?" Yu Mo was in his arms, his eyes were a little blurred by the rain of blood, his hands were tightly grasping Mei Luo's fur, and he couldn't wipe his eyes, so his vision was blurred .

"Don't worry about it, just hold on to me." Mei Luo observed the surrounding terrain. It was useless to rely on trees alone. He had to find something stronger to stabilize his body.

At a glance, there is a rock buried in the soil not far away. Under the violent wind, it was blown out with a sharp corner. Compared with the trees, it looks more solid. He released his demon power and jumped into the air against the wind. Going to the rock, digging into the rock with its claws, and curling its tail up.

The screams and screams didn't stop, they intensified, and the vortex in the sky became bigger and bigger. Half of the ninety people had been sucked away and became part of the blood rain.

Xuanyuanjian laughed heartily in the air, "Be more violent, these are your sacrifices, and open the passage to Xuanyuan Realm when you are full."

"Who is it talking to!" the demon refining pot asked.

The Shennong Ding is relatively close to the whirlpool, and its visual judgment is not hindered by the fire array, so it can see the monster in the whirlpool at a glance.

The monster is not an entity, it is created by the formation of the binding artifact, the power of the Balrog, and the ability of the Pangu axe. It is a kind of forbidden technique. All the living creatures on the island became sacrifices to drive the opening of the channel. People who were sucked in would naturally die, chewed up and devoured by monsters and absorbed their demonic power.

In addition, the monsters on Ten Thousand Demons Island were not spared from the disaster, they all became the food of monsters, no matter how powerful they were, they could not escape from the bloody maw of monsters.

Zhulong and Lelou were trying to destroy the formation. Zhulong turned into a giant knife and stuck it on the ground. Lelou's tail was wrapped around the blade, spitting water at the formation. Zhulong's giant knife was inserted very deep. Even the strong wind couldn't move it, and it became the savior of everyone, and all the monsters who were not sucked into the vortex hung on it.

Li Wang and Shu both climbed onto the handle of the knife against the wind pressure to help Leulou attack the formation together.

Finally, the rock that Mei Luo grabbed couldn't resist the suction of the vortex and loosened a bit. He had to approach the candle dragon, but the distance between him and the candle dragon was more than ten feet away. There was no fixed tree or stone in the middle, it was a flat land , if he lets go now, he will probably be sucked away by the vortex before flying over. He glanced at Yu Mo in his arms...

At least send her there...

"Momo, listen carefully. I will throw you over after I shout one, two, three. You have my demon power rope on your body. As long as you are fast, you will not be sucked away. Candle Dragon will catch you."

"What about you!?" After throwing her over, what would he do?
"You don't need to worry about me!" He lengthened the demon power rope appropriately, made a knot, and tied himself.

"No!" She quickly understood that he was going to sacrifice herself, using himself as a fulcrum to throw her over, she was saved, and who would save him, she hugged him tightly, "If you don't go, I will If you don’t go, you will die together.”


"I won't listen!" She raised her head stubbornly, "If you die, I won't live alone. Mei Luo, we agreed, we will live together, and we will die together." She has experienced the pain of almost losing him , as long as she thinks about it, she can't just live by herself.She suddenly heard what Lin Lang said, and it was quite appropriate to face the current situation, "Mei Luo, Aunt Lin Lang once told me that I should trust you no matter what the situation is, and never let go no matter how difficult it is." Let me open your hand, so I won't leave you at this time, let's go together." Her face was reddened by the blood rain with never-before-seen determination, she turned her head and roared at Xuanyuanjian, "You The broken sword will clean you up sooner or later!"

Xuanyuanjian heard it, hehe laughed, turned the blade, and immediately swept over.

Halfway through, the sword energy turned into several small crescent-shaped blades, all attacking her body.

Startled, Zhulong immediately shrunk the blade a circle, released the excess power and turned it into a shield and inserted it in front of Yu Mo and Mei Luo, resisting the blade.

"Girl, don't provoke it, it is a lunatic!"

"I didn't provoke it, I was telling the truth." She waved her fist.

Kunlun Mirror said angrily to Xuanyuanjian, "Xuanyuan, how dare you disrespect God."

"God? Where did God come from? Are you talking about this girl? Hahaha, Kunlun, only you will regard her as a god. Without a piece of Yuan Dan, she will not be a real god, but an ordinary human being."

Yumo is the descendant of Empress Nuwa, and Xuanyuanjian just found out about it, which was indeed beyond its expectation, but after investigation, the divine body on this girl is not complete, the three souls and six souls are complete, but it belongs to The god's Yuan Dan is only two-thirds, and one piece is missing.

However, in order to ensure that nothing bad happens to her, it's better to kill her first.

"Whether she is missing or not, she is the daughter of Empress Nuwa, she is a god, you can't disrespect her."

"Now is not the ancient times, where is the god!"

Belief led to the extinction of gods, and only monsters and monsters remained in the world of mountains and seas, as well as fierce beasts from ancient times. Even the Dragon Palace clan had the blood of dragon gods, but they assimilated with monsters for tens of thousands of years. And it not only hates humans, but also hates God.Its mother, Tiannv, is also a god, but did God help her? Even her father, Tiandi, expelled her from the God Realm because of her meddling in human affairs, causing her to become a drought. .

Therefore, not only humans must die, but gods must die too.

Fu Xiqin said: "Brother, don't talk about it, it will kill the little master." Talking about respect to a madman is like playing the piano to a cow, as long as it remembers that it is a divine weapon created by God, it will not make such a mess.

Taotie was sealed by the demon refining pot, even if he wanted to help, he couldn't reach out. As the spiritual power of the demon refining pot was continuously absorbed, its ability was also weakened, and it became smaller and smaller. , it had already been sucked back into the demon refining pot.

"Zhulong, find a way to protect the girl!"

"I know, you take care of yourself first!"

The wind was very strong, and the voice of the conversation was a bit misty due to the wind, but Zhulong and Taotie were friends who had been together for thousands of years, and they could understand each other's meaning with a look and a movement.

"I will destroy this sword sooner or later!" Taotie said harshly without any distraction.

The Kunlun Mirror is very anxious, it understands Fuxi's meaning, but its little master is so honorable, it really cannot tolerate Xuanyuanjian's contempt, where is the last piece of Yuan Dan?If he had it, the power of a god would be able to restrain Xuanyuanjian.

Yumo couldn't hear the conversation between Kunlun Mirror and Xuanyuanjian clearly, but she could vaguely hear words like God, Nuwa, etc. She couldn't understand, and shouted at Kunlun Mirror: "Kunlun, what are you talking about?" ?”

Kunlun mirror replied, "Little master, you are a descendant of Empress Nuwa..."


The wind messed up Yumo's hair and Kunlun Mirror's words, but she didn't hear a single word.

Mei Luo's ears are dog ears, hundreds of times more sensitive than Yu Mo's, but he is not the owner of the Kunlun Mirror, so he cannot hear its voice.

The wind got stronger, and the rock that was blowing to stabilize the two of them became looser. When they were about to fly with the rock, Mei Luo made a decision. Whether Yu Mo wanted to or not, he would throw her over.

He didn't wait for Yu Mo to react, and after tying her body with a seductive rope, he pushed her hand away from his fur.

Yu Mo was terrified, she didn't let go, but she was no match for his strength, she shouted, "You dare, you dare, you dare..." She was too anxious to say anything else.

"Momo, I can't let you have trouble!"

Yu Mo's hand was pulled away, and after he let go, he was about to throw her over, but she refused to die, so she just opened her mouth and bit the flesh on its chest with a click.

He hurt a little, but no matter how painful it was, he didn't care.

As long as she's well, he doesn't care.

He found the right direction, calculated the wind force, and threw her over with precision, even when he threw her again, she literally bit off a piece of his flesh.

"Mei Luo, you bastard!" She flew over, opened her hand and waved it vigorously at him.

When she was caught by Zhulong, he smiled lightly.

Tears blurred Yu Mo's eyes, and when she wanted to scold him again, the rock under him was uprooted by the wind, and he had nothing else to support his body, so he could only follow the rock into the whirlpool.

"Mei Luo!" Yu Mo cried, struggling to go together, but was held firmly by Zhu Long.

"Girl, don't move anymore, I won't be able to catch you anymore."

"Let me go, let me go!" She couldn't let Mei Luo die, they agreed that they would live and die together, but she couldn't save him, she could only watch him getting closer and closer to the whirlpool.

"God!" she yelled.

But Taotie's power can no longer be used, she did not give up, and yelled frantically: "Open God, open God, Taotie! Open God!"

Taotie's eyes dimmed, it was unable to protect itself now, and it couldn't lend its strength to her at all.

"Mei Luo, don't! Don't!"

Mei Luo was sucked into the vortex, and her figure became more and more blurred.

Shu Du and Li Wang really want to save Mei Luo, but if they go to save Mei Luo, they will definitely be sucked into the vortex. If the estimation is correct, the more people this vortex attracts, the more demon power will be. It can't save Mei Luo, and it will encourage the power of the whirlpool monster.

"Save him! Who will help me save him!" Yu Mo cried, the deep powerlessness and despair made her cry bitterly, she stared at Xuanyuan Sword, really wanted it to die, really wanted to crush it into pieces .

Resentment, despair, and sadness accumulated endlessly in her mind and heart, and the Yuan Dan belonging to the god in her body was awakened, and the light suddenly appeared... like a veil surrounding her.

At the same moment, the Dragon Soul and Dragon Mastiff, who felt the strange movement outside, were trying to get out in the Demon Refining Pot. Unfortunately, the formation blocked the power of the Demon Refining Pot and sealed the door that could come out. Scratching at the sealed door ferociously.

Jifu and Jinji also broke through the door together. Needle Feather is still weak and can't help much, so he can only stand aside and use some demon power to assist.

Although he couldn't see the scene outside, Yu Mo's cry was very clear, and the two puppies were so anxious that they went crazy and kept scratching their paws bleeding.

In the small bamboo house on Penglai Island, next to the bed in the master bedroom on the second floor, the drawers of the bedside table were shaking constantly, shining a little golden light.

"Mei Luo...Mei Luo..."

Yu Mo's cry made the golden light start to shine brightly. Suddenly, the drawer was shaken open, and a kit inside flew into the air. After turning around, it flew towards the window, like a firefly.

In the artifact hall, Bai Yu was also trapped. He was the initiator of the formation, but after the formation was activated and the power of the Balrog recovered, he was the first one to be devoured by the demon power. Xuanyuanjian didn't tell him who activated the formation Fa, whoever is the first sacrifice, he is a strong demon, even if he is seriously injured, the demon power is very strong, ordinary monsters may need hundreds of them to awaken the formation, but now only one of him will do, the one who has been sucked away by the demon power He was weak all over, and he was severely injured by the backlash of the forbidden technique. He was covered in blood, which fell on the pattern of the formation one drop after another. The blood that fell on the ground was quickly sucked up by the formation. Bai was frightening, he had clearly understood that Xuanyuan Sword had lied to him, but it was too late, he couldn't get out of the formation, he could only be slowly sucked away by the formation and all the blood on his body, but he refused to accept his fate.

He Ji and Fei Huang are still waiting for him to go back...he can't just die like this.

Strong willpower made him move his hand, and the remaining hand formed a formation, blood spilled all over the ground, forming the formation drawn.

"God damn it!"

With a howl, the blood-colored formation flashed with light, forming a radiant cylinder from bottom to top, covering Xuanyuan Sword and Pangu Axe.

At the same time, a kit sprang out of the demon refining pot and rushed towards Yu Mo's body, followed by Dragon Soul, Dragon Mastiff, Jin Ji and others.

 It will end next week... In other words, I won't abuse... Really...

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(End of this chapter)

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