The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 90 Dada is Seriously Injured

Chapter 90 Dada is Seriously Injured (2)
Yumo is a human being and a foreign race. In the world of beasts and monsters in the world of mountains and seas, she is as weak as an ant. Even self-protection is a problem. How can she become the queen of a clan? If the dog monster clan fights with other clans in the future, she must She will become the target of attacks, and even be used as a hostage by the enemy to force the dog monsters to submit. The weak she will only become a weakness of the dog monsters. The nobles and elders in the clan will never agree to let such a her become the queen of the clan. .

What about the concubine... Maybe this is a good way, the difference is only in status, but he will give her the best, let him be pampered, and never make her feel wronged, but he can't do it, he How could he be so selfish, imprisoning her in a birdcage to satisfy his own desires.

For the first time in his life, he felt that the so-called identity, the so-called responsibility, and the future of the so-called dog monster clan would overwhelm him. His fist hit the door frame hard, and the stone door frame couldn't withstand his heavy blow, and a winding crack appeared.

Bu Jie knew that he had awakened him, but it was not enough. Instead of letting him immerse himself in the false beauty, it is better to pour him a pot of cold water, so as to avoid bringing innocent disasters to the dog monster clan in the future.

It is much easier to stop thinking and keep a distance while the relationship is not deep, than to be forced to separate after the love is deeply rooted.

Bu Jie raised his hand to make everyone retreat, and winked at Lin Lang.

Lin Lang nodded clearly, and after retreating with everyone, he sent people to close the main doors of the passage leading to the alchemy room one by one.

Bu Jie walked up to Xiaolang, raised his hand and patted him on the shoulder, "It is impossible to have your own preferences when you are on the throne. This is something you have known since you were a child. Do you need me to remind you?"

"Why can't I!" He was unwilling and unwilling.

"There is no reason!" Bu Jie sternly shouted, "This is your fate that was decided upon birth. All you have to do is to be a wise and mighty king and protect your people well."

"Then what about the father, didn't he risk the opposition of the whole clan to marry the queen mother?"

His mother and queen are also of different races.

"That's different!" Bu Jie's tone became more and more severe, "How can you compare your mother's queen with that human woman? Your mother's queen can fight side by side with your father and king, and face the enemy together. Can she, yours? The Queen Mother can single-handedly resist the 3000 people of the Spirit Snake Clan who insulted my Dog Clan. Can she do it? Your Queen Mother can single-handedly break into the Island of Ten Thousand Demons and fight against dozens of monsters just to get the Ganoderma lucidum that can save my people. Xiancao, can she do it? Mei Luo, do you want me to continue talking?"

Although Princess Qiluo is a wolf monster, she is the most beloved queen of the dog monster clan since ancient times. To this day, the statue in front of her tomb is still mourned and caressed by the tribe every day.

How noble and powerful that is, in the hearts of the dog monster tribe, her existence is comparable to that of a human woman, and it cannot be equated at all.

"Then what do you want me to do!?" The little wolf growled in pain.

"Don't use your love for her anymore. You should immediately make preparations to be lucky with Jinji, let her give birth to an heir as soon as possible, and make her the queen. As for this human woman... If you don't want to give up, give her to me, I will I will never treat her harshly, I will offer food and drink, and I will send people to find the Pangu axe. Once I find it, I will send her back. From then on, you will be your king, and she will live her life. You will never meet again. Be nice to each other."

"This is my business, don't worry about it!"

"If I don't care, you will make a big mistake. You have been carried away by your emotions. You haven't even thought about how many years she can live as a mere human being, and how she can stay with you forever. Within 20 years In [-], she will be old and fading, how will you get along with each other after that?"

(End of this chapter)

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