Apocalypse Demon Summoner

Chapter 114 Monkey Essence

Chapter 114 Monkey Essence
Yang Shuo thought for a while, but still kept the dominoes.

He secretly felt that this domino had some effect. Of course, he would not wear it on his body foolishly. An ancient existence like a dry lame must have left a mark on the corpse boy.

Yang Shuo put the dominoes on the Cerberus. The reason for doing this was to confuse the public.

The appearance of the corpse boy made Yang Shuo discover some disadvantages.

He needs to forge a few handy weapons and equipment, which will defend him against many deadly attacks. If there is no blue-eyed white dragon, it will be difficult for Cerberus to defeat Corpse Boy.

After evolution, the corpse boy's will is full of madness and tyranny, and even has the ability to transform.

They often turn into young girls to seduce men and have sex with them, but what is more evil is that they often reveal their original appearance at the last moment.

A beautiful girl suddenly became a rotting corpse.

Hmm... that's really disgusting.

That's why Yang Shuo wanted to annihilate it even if he didn't listen to the explanation. Think about the hands that hugged him before, which were covered with corpse spots and rotten flesh.

This simply made the mood of the day gloomy.

Yang Shuo walks alone on the grassland, looking around vigilantly. Under the right environment, he must hone himself to face danger alone. The end times are full of changes. Putting everything aside, one's own strength is the real trump card.


Just when Yang Shuo had just walked less than a mile, he alertly heard some painful groans in front of him, there were men and women.

Because the neighborhood is quiet, the sound travels farther.

Of course, no one would fight in the field here or engage in other derailed behaviors, unless these people were crazy. Judging from the sound, it was the wailing that was only produced under extreme pain.

What could it be?

Yang Shuo clenched the dagger tightly, and slowly moved forward. As the wailing gradually became louder, he saw a scene that made his heart palpitate.

A man and a woman were hung upside down on the top of a tree with their heads hanging down. They were not naked, and there were still large bloodstains on their cheeks. The flesh on their bodies was cut open, and the woman's chest was even completely cut open.

It's cruel.

This is no longer simple torture, but a kind of torture. These two people are enduring extreme physical pain and psychological devastation.

Beside them, surrounded by a group of strange species, they have brown-gray skin, short and ugly red eyes, and a long tail.

This is a group of monkey spirits.

humanoid species.

The nuclear power can make them amazingly cunning and smart, as well as the ability to walk for a long time, and their personalities tend to be evil. They mainly live in forests and grasslands, and have a unique order and system of action.

This is a gregarious species, usually in groups, greedy and despicable, likes meat, of course, human flesh is the best.

Yang Shuo stopped in his tracks.

Looking at this kind of monkey spirit from a distance, his expression is a little unnatural. This is an extremely despicable creature. They are very humble to the strong, but they are extremely cruel to the weak.

Creatures living in groups like this basically have a leader.

Yang Shuo saw a giant monkey spirit.

It was one meter tall, with a bright red body, a broad face, a concave nose, and sharp ears and fangs. It sat beside it, holding a mass of bloody fresh meat in its hand. Obviously, it came from that woman.

The power on it is very strong, even giving Yang Shuo a bit of coercion. This is a creature that has already stepped into its natal realm. In this land, it dominates.

Yang Shuo concealed it very well.

But the leader of the monkey spirit still found him. It raised its head, and its face became a little ferocious, but it was more of an anthropomorphic madness.

It found a new prey.

They have extremely strong reproductive ability, give them a certain amount of time, a few monkey spirits, and even expand the group to dozens or even hundreds.

They can be found in almost every forest.

High-level monkey spirits will enslave a group of weak monkey spirits to form a group, relying on group attack tactics, they are invincible.

A scream.

The monkey spirits around turned their heads to look at Yang Shuo. Instead of attacking, they cheered in place. Facing a lonely traveler, they were used to celebrating in this way.

They like to see their prey show a frightened expression, or even let them run away. They are fast and will use some simple weapons, such as throwing stones or sharp branches. In the process of chasing their prey, this can release them more A lot of hostility.

Temporary ban.

They were expecting Yang Shuo's panic.

But at this time, they are destined to be disappointed.

Two cracks opened around Yang Shuo, from which the blue-eyed white dragon and the hellhound flashed, one bright and the other evil, and his body was full of strong aura.

The two terrifying demon spirits were roaring, and some weak monkey spirits even leaned together in fright. They were trembling, and they lost their arrogance just now.

The angry expression of the leader of the monkey spirit gradually subsided. It straightened its waist and patted its chest, as if provocative. It was expressing a signal to Yang Shuo that it was not afraid of the opponent and dared to fight.

Yang Shuo didn't do anything, just stretched out his fingers to make a walking motion, and took a step back, expressing that he had no malice.

Yang Shuo was neither humble nor overbearing, so far there was no trace of timidity on his face. He frowned, then walked back, and gradually disappeared from the sight of the monkey spirit.

The leader of the Monkey Essence has been watching his figure with a grumpy expression, but finally endured it. It is confident that it will tear the enemies in front of it, but it also knows that many of its subordinates will die, and this is not a qualified business.

Its IQ is very high, and after being promoted to its natal life, it even understands the principle of avoiding the most important and taking the light of the light. This is a miracle of the world, and it is also a nightmare for human beings.

from start to finish.

Yang Shuo didn't even pay attention to the man and the woman.

This is not the time to be a hero.

To survive in the last days, one must master rational emotions.

Due to the power of the blue-eyed white dragon and the hellhound, the leader of the monkey spirits chose to give in, but once he peeped at their food, it would trigger a riot.

Whether it is a human or a monster, majesty is the root of their reign as king.

If there is any change in Yang Shuo, the monkey spirit leader will even abandon life and death to defend his dignity in the group.

It would be a bloody battle, and even Yang Shuo only had a [-]% chance of winning. After all, there were too many of them. Once his demon spirits had no time to avatar, he would be severely injured.

Fighting is not the only way to solve problems. In those years of the end of the world, Yang Shuo learned to negotiate and adapt.

In this chaotic world, apart from legends, there are also epics and myths.

Even encountering the Eternal Realm is not impossible.

This is not a preparatory camp.

There are not so few monsters. In this vast area, some monsters also have good thinking ability.

This is very dangerous, so I need to be extra careful...

The shadow gradually covered the earth, Yang Shuo looked up at the sky, and muttered to himself: "It's getting dark, it seems that we need to sleep in the wild today..."

(End of this chapter)

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