mad dad

Chapter 187 Carnival Carnival Night

Chapter 187 Carnival Carnival Night (2)
"Forget it, let's go."


Enemy's road is narrow, I don't know if this sentence is appropriate here, but Ding Mei always thinks of this sentence when she sees Leng Yumo, especially when two people meet, Ding Mei always leaves angrily , as if she didn't want to see Leng Yumo at all, making Leng Yumo just want to laugh, this is the first time someone regarded her as a rival in love, and there was something real happening.

However, it was just ignoring her, there was nothing more excessive, and Leng Yumo ignored her, but everyone else noticed, and Deng Yongqiang naturally knew about it, so he teased his boss from time to time.

"Boss, do you think I need to fire her? You see she always stares at you, aren't you angry?"

"Okay, if you want to resign, you can resign. Anyway, the personnel transfer here is up to you, so don't ask my opinion." Hmph, if you dare to tease her with such a thing, what kind of person is she in the future? He didn't pay attention to Ding Mei, if she was really that threatening, she would have disappeared to nowhere, how could she still stay here!

"Hehe, Boss, are you really with that kid Huo Tianxiang... ahem, are you together with Tianxiang?" Deng Yongqiang immediately changed his address after being stared at by Leng Yumo.

"You've asked me no less than ten times." Leng Yumo said with a straight face and a cold voice, this person has dementia or something, how could he ask a question more than ten times.

"Boss, don't I care about you? You said that you are still so young, why did you fall in love with Huo Tianxiang..."

"You have said this no less than five times..."

"What five times?" At this time, Huo Tianxiang's voice sounded from outside the bar, Leng Yumo gave Deng Yongqiang a hard look, then turned to look at Huo Tianxiang, wanting to see something from his eyes, although their The voice was very small, but did the man hear it?
Leng Yumo felt guilty.

"The manager asked me what I like about you." Seemingly true, Leng Yumo felt that after seeing the man's expression, he probably didn't hear the previous words.

"Oh? Brother Qiang, why do you care so much about me and Xiao Mo?" Actually, he also wanted to know, but there were outsiders here, and he didn't want others to hear it.

"Hehe, I also care about you, and it's not just me, everyone cares too." Deng Yongqiang smiled, making people look quite sincere.

"Then thank you for your concern." He always felt that Deng Yongqiang's attitude towards Xiao Mo was a little different, but he couldn't tell where the difference was. Very weird looking...

"Boss, don't thank Brother Qiang and thank you, hurry up and ask my sister-in-law, should I go or not?" Monkey interrupted anxiously from the side, saying that although the competition still has some time, but Be prepared.

"Will you go or not?" Leng Yumo asked curiously, but suddenly seemed to think of something, her eyes lit up, if she guessed right, it should be...

"There is a competition tonight, which is held once a month. It's a racing car. I want to ask if you are interested in going to see it."

"Sister-in-law, this racing car is very beautiful. There are many experts who will go there. The boss is a master among the experts. He has won the championship many times, but the boss is afraid that you will be unhappy. If you don't go, he won't go. Brothers are all ready, sister-in-law, you can’t say no.” Monkey persuaded from the side, and put on a very sad look.

Leng Yumo looked numb all over, couldn't help but rolled his eyes, and said, "Okay, monkey, stop pretending to win sympathy, I'll just go."

Sure enough, it was this matter. She had heard about it a long time ago, but she hadn't seen it. She was very confident in her skills, but she was just afraid of trouble. After all, there were everyone there, and she didn't want to be famous.

"Little sister-in-law, you are so kind, boss, you see that sister-in-law has agreed, let's go now."

Huo Tianxiang looked at Leng Yumo with very gentle eyes. The monkey saw it and grinned to reveal two rows of white eyes. Deng Yongqiang on the side also had a sneaky smile on his face, but when he looked at Huo Tianxiang, he couldn't help it. A touch of probing.

Leng Yumo packed up and just got off work, Huo Tianxiang took the monkey and two people and went to Longhupan together, six people and five cars arrived there at an astonishing speed, Leng Yumo looked at all kinds of sports cars all over the mountains and plains, She couldn't help feeling excited all over her body, if she could, she would also like to participate in it...

"Brother Xiang, I told you that you will definitely come. How about you, are you confident?" As soon as Huo Tianxiang and the others arrived, someone greeted them, dressed in racing driver's gear, with a bit of arrogance.

"Of course." In front of outsiders, Huo Tianxiang became much more indifferent, and there was a hint of evil in his expression. Leng Yumo could see the confidence and fighting spirit just like her in his eyes!

"Yo, which family does this little girl belong to? She's really pretty. Come and call me brother..." The man who spoke just now turned his gaze and put it on Leng Yumo's body again. Huo Tianxiang blocked it immediately Standing in front of Leng Yumo, he said in a cold tone: "Young Master Miao, she is my woman, you'd better stay away from her!"

"Hehe, brother Xiang, when did you have a woman, why don't you talk to me about it, and set up a few tables for everyone to see, look at this little girl, she is very young, so Brother Xiang I like schoolgirls... ah... you!"

The man called Miao Shao let out a scream, and knelt down slowly while covering his stomach. Huo Tianxiang kicked him in the stomach just now.

"Keep your mouth clean in the future. I don't want to hear any words that disrespect her." At this moment, Huo Tianxiang was full of murderous intent, and his dark voice had a terrifying aura. Taking a step back, he showed a nervous expression.

Afterwards, Huo Tianxiang ignored the reactions of those people, took Leng Yumo's little hands that seemed a little cold, and protected her in his arms, covering her from many probing eyes.


(End of this chapter)

(End of this chapter)

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