mad dad

Chapter 189 Bloom

Chapter 189 Bloom (2)
"Damn it, man, you underestimate me!" Leng Yumo felt that she was underestimated, she raised her head with an angry expression, she finally came up with this way to tell the truth more, how could this man not believe it.

"It's not that I underestimate you, but that you really make people..." The man didn't say the second half of the sentence, but the meaning was obvious, obviously he really took Leng Yumo's words as a joke.

"Man, do you dare to be my car?" Suddenly, Leng Yumo asked in a confident and challenging tone.

"What do you mean?" Huo Tianxiang didn't understand what she meant for a while, and asked stupidly.

"During this period of time, you were the one who drove the car. I will watch this competition, so that you can experience my skills!" There is no doubt that she is very confident in her skills.

"Sister-in-law, you can also drive? This is no ordinary little sheep, but a life-and-death contest, it's very dangerous, don't be joking..." Monkey listened, and couldn't hold back his words.

"Let's make a bet. I will participate in this competition. If any of you can win me, go to the devil in the future. I invite you to drink whatever you want!"

"Wow, sister-in-law, what you said is true, don't cry when you lose..." Monkey was the first to show an excited expression, saying that although the wine made by this sister-in-law is very spicy, it has a strong stamina. But he just likes to drink, if he can drink it every time, let alone free, he is willing to pay more, but every time the little sister-in-law will only adjust it for them when she is in a good mood...

"Xiao Mo..." Huo Tianxiang looked at Leng Yumo with a headache, such a bet...

"Xiang, I just want to ask you a question, do you dare to take my car?" He interrupted the man, he knew that he was worried about himself, but now she just wanted to indulge once, and let him see more of her, more real her.

"Do you know how dangerous this race is? Locomotives and sports cars are on the same track, and there are dead people on this day of every month, and even double digits in serious cases!" What he said was definitely not a threat, but something that actually happened things.

Leng Yumo smiled, her smile was so bright, under the starlight at night, she blinked her eyes that seemed to be brighter than the stars, and said in a confident tone: "I will ask you for the last time, do you dare?" Take my car... Oh, by the way, and, are you willing to lend me your car?"

Silence, the surroundings also quieted down, monkey and others were a little nervous.

"...Okay, I promise you." Huo Tianxiang rubbed Xiao Mo's head, and then looked at her with a kind of doting eyes. Since she insisted so much, then what else can he say? What happened to the accident, anyway, they are together...

"Boss..." The monkey still wanted to say something, but Huo Tianxiang stretched out his hand to stop him, so he didn't say any more.

The tranquility before the storm, 5 minutes before the start of the race, Huo Tianxiang and others were already sitting on the locomotive, surrounded by a disorderly arrangement of locomotives and racing cars, everyone had different expressions, but they were equally excited.

Huo Tianxiang felt a little awkward. It was his first time sitting in the back seat of a motorcycle, and it was a woman's back seat. There was always an indescribable weirdness, and he didn't know where to put his hands.

"Brother Xiang, if you don't hug me, you will throw me out when the car drives." Leng Yumo seemed to have regained that innocent look, and her sweet smile made people feel extraordinarily cute.

"Ahem, do you really want to participate? It hasn't started yet, so it's still too late to regret it." Feeling the strange eyes projected from around, Huo Tianxiang felt a little regretful for agreeing to this girl. Did he spoil her too much?

"I've said it a long time ago. I will never regret what I do. Besides, you have to try to believe in me. Hold on tight. It's about to start." As he spoke, Leng Yumo took the initiative to pull Huo Tianxiang hugged his hands around his waist, feeling the warmth from the other's palm, and smiled happily.

Huo Tianxiang took a deep breath, then buried his head on Leng Yumo's shoulder, smelling the faint fragrance of hair, his unstable mood suddenly settled down, maybe this is not bad...

"Xiao Mo, if this is what you want, then I support you, so come on!"

Leng Yumo smiled, that kind of bright smile attracted everyone, she didn't wear a peeping belt, and her open-faced smile was so deeply imprinted on everyone's hearts... That night, I don't know how many people's hearts Fallen.

Nineteen eight seven six five four three two one... When the whistle sounded, everyone rushed out in an instant!
Hou Zi and the others originally planned to surround Xiao Mo tightly. The competition is important, but the safety of the sister-in-law and the boss is more important. Although they made a bet, how dare they let the two of them be in danger? It was agreed to protect the two of them, but it never occurred to them that when the whistle sounded, Leng Yumo's car rushed out instantly, and then it was like a meteor flashing by, and everyone only saw a beautiful arc. It disappeared around the corner!

If it weren't for the quick reaction of the monkey and others, who immediately stepped on the accelerator to follow, they probably wouldn't be able to see the shadow, but even though they tried their best to chase after them, they still could only see a blurry shadow ahead, and then Their worries and fears also became excited, and experts would know if there was one as soon as they made a move. In that instant, they all knew that the little sister-in-law was definitely a master.

Huo Tianxiang was the champion last month, and he has also been re-elected in many worlds. Naturally, many people paid attention to his affairs. Later, they found that he was just sitting behind a girl, and they were very puzzled. Became clear and surprised.

However, Huo Tianxiang was the most surprised of course. The moment the locomotive rushed out, his stabilized blood soared instantly, his emotions became agitated, and the hand on Leng Yumo's waist tightened a little. Excited, I didn't expect this little girl's technique to be so good, even better than him, and what surprised him the most was that during such a high speed, this girl still had the mind to use a One hand held his hand, the kind that was so tight that his heart beat uncontrollably.

This girl always seemed to surprise him... But it was also because of her that he felt that this life became more exciting.

"Xiao Mo, I love you..." The soft voice dissipated with the wind, Xiao Mo didn't hear it, but seemed to feel it...


(End of this chapter)

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