Chapter 110 Are you here to be funny?
But when Cui Liu glanced at the prince and the others next to her, she immediately gained confidence in her heart, and even raised her head, looking at Su Rao with eyes full of hatred.

Su Rao was a little surprised and raised her eyebrows. This is... the rabbit wants to bite when it's in a hurry?

However, she actually hated herself?Because of Hongyu's death?

Su Rao just found it extremely funny.

Obviously he was greedy for life and afraid of death, so he killed Hongyu, but now he blames her entirely?
It is really "poor people must have something to hate".

"Come on! Arrest her!" Seeing that Su Yueshan refused to speak, Zuo Jue frowned, raised his finger to Su Rao, and ordered directly.

Su Rao glanced at the guards of the Prince's Mansion who were walking towards her, and they were all at the level of spiritual masters.

Uh... well, she just can't beat this force value.

"His Royal Highness, do you know what crime my minister and daughter have committed? If you don't know what is indiscriminate, you can arrest people casually. Even if you are His Royal Highness, you don't have the right!" Su Rao asked, with a neither humble nor overbearing attitude.

Su Rao is best at attacking the opponent's weakness. Su Yueshan's weakness is the crown prince, and Zuo Jue's weakness is undoubtedly his position as the crown prince.

Zuo Jue's eyes turned, and his gloomy eyes fell on Su Rao's unattractive face. There was a hint of disgust in his eyes, "What is the crime of insulting the princess and her mother! Catch her immediately, this kind of disloyalty and unfilial piety The white-eyed wolf, my Highness will personally escort her to Shuntian Mansion today!"

Su Rao smiled, and with a flash, she escaped the guards' capture.

"Bold! How dare you resist!" Zuo Jue was furious.

Under the shade of a tree not far away, Zuo Yao leaned against the big tree, watching the farce with a face of satisfaction, and had no intention of intervening at all, with a look of "I'm just here to join in the fun".

"Hehe, is His Royal Highness here to make a joke?"

Su Raoqing's cold and sarcastic voice echoed in the yard.

Her figure is like a ghost, no matter how hard the guards of the prince's mansion try their best, they can't even touch a corner of Su Rao's clothes.

Su Rao sneered in her heart. In terms of strength, she might not be their opponent, but in terms of exquisite bodywork and footwork... Hehe, the unique skills passed down in the family are not just casual talk.

Hearing Su Rao's words, and seeing that such a bodyguard couldn't catch a trash without cultivation, Zuo Jue's complexion suddenly darkened.

"His Royal Highness, aren't you joking when you keep saying that I bullied my eldest sister and second aunt? Eldest sister, second aunt, tell me! When did this lady bully you!"

Only Su Yueshan and Fan Xiafang could hear the threat in the unhurried tone.

Su Yueshan wished she could disappear from where she was right away, and at the same time she secretly hated her.She thought that Su Rao would be caught by the Prince's Mansion, but after suffering a bit, she jumped out and denied it. Even if Su Rao questioned her afterwards, she could say that she was too scared to react.

Unexpectedly... the guards of the Prince's Mansion are also a bunch of useless idiots!
Zuo Jue's face was a bit ugly, and he hummed coldly in his heart, not crying when he saw the coffin.

So, he looked down at Su Yueshan, and said softly, "Yueshan, tell me what you have been wronged, and my highness will make the decision for you!"

Su Yueshan gritted her teeth and raised her head. She looked pitiful with a weeping expression on her delicate face. She pinched the corner of her clothes and said, "Brother Prince, sister Su Rao, you really didn't bully me. You, don't embarrass her any more. .”

(End of this chapter)

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