Chapter 115

"Why are you yelling!" Fan Xiafang yelled back, not to be outdone, her voice was louder than Wu Anhou!
She strode over, grabbed Su Yueshan's hand, and cast her sinister gaze across Su Rao's body.

"Shanshan, let's go!"

Fan Xiafang couldn't stay here any longer!She felt that if she stayed there for another second, she couldn't help but rush over and tear up Su Rao's half-smile face!

The mother and daughter hurried away with the servants.

"Sister, Second Aunt, come and play when you have time!" Su Rao shouted to their backs, her tone was so enthusiastic.

The two staggered on the soles of their feet, then quickened their pace, their backs were panicked, as if they were being chased.

"Huh? Marquis Wu'an, why don't you leave? Are you planning to stay for dinner?"

Su Rao's sneering eyes swept over Marquis Wu An, for some reason, Marquis Wu An suddenly felt a chill rise!
"Sinister! Don't be too presumptuous! For the sake of big brother, I have taken care of you all these years! If you are sensible, I will stay in your yard obediently in the future! Don't mess around with moths!"

Marquis Wu'an bit the bullet and threw out such harsh words, and then strode away.However, that hurried back, no matter how you look at it, has a feeling of fleeing.

Su Rao watched Wu Anhou's back gradually disappearing from sight with cold eyes, and slowly withdrew her gaze.

The dilapidated small courtyard was originally small, but Su Rao was suddenly left alone, and it seemed a bit empty and lonely.

Cui Liu was executed, now Su Rao didn't even have a maid to serve her, and she had to do everything by herself in the future.However, she didn't mind it, it was better than having a vicious dog lurking deep around her that was ready to bite at any time.

Not long after, the servants of the Hou's mansion brought in the set of ebony furniture that Su Yueshan treasured.

"Let me arrange them one by one. Also, clean up all the debris outside the house. If you can't clean them up, I will clean you up." Su Rao ordered coldly.


Those servants were swept away by Su Rao's icy gaze, a layer of cold sweat broke out on their foreheads, and they hurriedly lowered their heads to answer.

Although the events that happened earlier were sealed up by Marquis Wu'an and the others and did not spread out of the Hou Mansion, they were still passed on by word of mouth among the people in the Hou Mansion.

Mrs. Hou was beaten, the eldest lady was threatened, the crown prince was bullied, and Cui Liu was executed... After all these horrifying rumors, Su Rao's image in the hearts of the people in the Hou's mansion directly underwent a 180-degree change.

Let me ask, a person who even dared to hit Mrs. Hou, and the Crown Prince didn't even give her face, would these servants dare to run into the muzzle of the gun without eyes?

Unless, they also want to follow in the footsteps of Cui Liu.

Thinking about it this way, these servants were nimble, and in a short time, they finished what Su Rao ordered, cleaned up all the sundries in the yard, and cleaned up the fallen leaves on the ground by the way.

"Second Miss, everything you ordered has been done." The servants carefully reported to Su Rao.

"Well, not bad." Su Rao said lightly, flicked her fingertips, and a shiny gold coin flew out, and the servant in front instinctively stretched out her hand to catch it.

"Rewards to you, all right, let's go back." After she finished speaking, she turned and went back to the room, closing the door.

The servant stared at the gold coin in a daze, and thought, Second Miss seems not as scary as the rumors said.

(End of this chapter)

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