Reborn Queen of the Otherworld: Evil Emperor, unbridled pet!

Chapter 117 Successfully refining medicine!

Chapter 117 Successfully refining medicine!

Su Rao stood on the spot, stunned for a long while, then opened the cauldron lid, and a gust of hot air rose from inside.

After the heat dissipated, she stood on tiptoe and looked towards the bottom of the medicine cauldron, only seeing some black ashes left after the medicinal materials were calcined.

Su Rao took a deep breath and secretly comforted herself, everything is difficult at the beginning, the first failure is inevitable, failure is the mother of success.

She cleaned up the medicine cauldron, regrouped, rekindled the spiritual fire, and started the second medicine refining career.

With the experience of the first failure, Su Rao's second time refining medicine was obviously much easier. However, when she increased the firepower and tried to calcine the impurities in the medicine liquid, she still failed.

Su Rao raised her hand to wipe the sweat off her forehead, and murmured, "The heat is too difficult to control. No wonder old man Yu said that the most important thing for a pharmacist is to precisely control the heat."

Although it failed, Su Rao was not discouraged at all. Edison invented the light bulb and failed more than 7000 times before he succeeded. It is nothing for her to fail twice.What's more, from every failure, she has learned lessons and experiences, and she has figured out the tricks little by little.

She believed that she would be able to refine the panacea soon.

Of course, I only hope that it will be before the [-] copies of the materials for the return to the spirit pill are scrapped by her. After all, the scrapped medicinal materials are not bought by her own money, so she will not feel distressed.

[…] Money fanatic host!
The third time to refine medicine, failed.

The fourth medicine refining failed.

The fifth medicine refining failed.


After failing nearly ten times in a row, Su Rao was so tired that she was out of breath and her face was slightly pale. She felt that the spiritual power in her body was almost exhausted, so she stopped refining medicine, sat cross-legged on the ground, and meditated.

After her spiritual power had almost recovered, she stood up from the ground.

Su Rao was not in a hurry to continue refining the medicine, but rubbed her chin, and began to recall every time the medicine failed in the past, and compared it with the scene of Master Yu's refining medicine in his memory.

Occasionally, a puzzled expression appeared on his face, and occasionally he suddenly realized, thoughtfully.

"Yeah, so it's like this. When adding rejuvenation grass, the fire should be kept at a low level. When refining green fruits, a high fire is needed. Hmmmm... I understand." Su Rao said to herself.

Not far away, the little light group, Yaoyaoling, saw that the host was so serious, and held his breath, for fear of interrupting the host's thoughts.

About half an hour later, Su Rao was finally ready to start refining medicine again.

This time, she looked a little more confident.

Ignite the fire, put the medicinal materials, calcine, and refine.

This time, Su Rao went through every step smoothly, and finally reached the last step: Cheng Dan.

The last step is also the hardest.

Su Rao's mental power is always observing the situation in the medicine cauldron. The impurities in the extracted medicine liquid are basically burned away by the spiritual fire, and if the calcination continues, it will affect the efficacy of the medicine. Now is the best time to make a pill.

Su Rao took a deep breath, stabilized the new student, stretched out his hand and slapped the cauldron suddenly, the spiritual power poured into the medicine cauldron from the palm of his hand suddenly increased, and the blazing spiritual fire in the cauldron made a "boom", and the fire instantly changed. Big.

Spiritual power poured into the medicine cauldron desperately, as if he didn't want money.

After half an hour...

A faint scent of medicine wafted out, and the refining of the spirit pill was successful!

"Huh~~~ Finally succeeded!"

Su Rao stopped injecting spiritual power, and let out a long breath, her pale face was covered with sweat.

(End of this chapter)

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