Chapter 129 Flirting Girls, Kissing?
Yaoyaoling raised his forehead, this conversation perfectly explained what is meant by "awkward chat".

At the same time, it also felt puzzled, what kind of medicine was sold in its host's gourd?

This awkward chat lasted for about half an hour, Su Rao offered to say goodbye and leave.

Walking to the door of Fuchun Pavilion, Liu Qi pursed her lips, staring at Su Rao with her bright black eyes, showing a hint of reluctance involuntarily.

"Young Master Lei, will we meet again?"

Su Rao raised her eyebrows and looked at her, her phoenix eyes were as deep as the sea, and there was an intriguing smile on the corner of her mouth, "Of course."

In the system space, Yaoyaoling suddenly shuddered.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with this expression!What kind of bad idea is it's host planning!

Just as Su Rao was about to step away, the corner of her eye flashed in a certain direction, and her phoenix eyes narrowed dangerously.

Shadow hiding in the corner shuddered suddenly, just when he thought he was exposed, he saw that Su Rao had already withdrawn his gaze.

Liu Qi noticed Su Rao's unusual behavior, and asked curiously, "Master Lei, what's wrong with you..."

The sound stopped abruptly.

Su Rao's body suddenly leaned slightly, Liu Qi's eyes widened, a magnified handsome face was reflected in her bright eyes, and their warm breaths intertwined.

Yaoyaoling━━∑( ̄□ ̄*|||━━What's going on?!

Shadow turned pale with fright, because from the angle he was standing in the past, it was—the two were kissing!
Su Rao lightly brushed Liu Qi's ear with her fingers, then stood up straight, flicked her fingertips lightly, and chuckled, "Something got on your hair."

Liu Qi's pretty face was flushed, smoke was almost coming out from the top of her head, and her speech became stammered: "Mr. Lei..." His voice was as thin as a mosquito.

Su Rao raised her eyebrows and looked at her with strange eyes, "What's wrong with you?"

Liu Qi shook her head quickly, her eyes were erratic, she didn't dare to look directly at Su Rao's face.

"'s fine."

Yaoyaoling raised his forehead again, Master Host, you have done a lot of harm!
After saying goodbye to Liu Qi, Su Rao was not in a hurry to go back, and wandered around the capital for another two hours, bought some novelty and interesting gadgets, and then wandered back to the Hou Mansion.

Entering the courtyard, Su Rao closed the courtyard door smoothly, raised her eyes to look somewhere, folded her arms around her chest, with a wicked smile hanging from the corner of her mouth, "Come out, little shadow!"

After the words fell, a black shadow flashed in front of him, and the shadow suddenly appeared in front of Su Rao.

He looked at Su Rao with complicated eyes, feeling infinite frustration in his heart.

Second time!

The stalker was discovered for the second time in his career as a secret guard, and it was the same person both times!

Shadow has the urge to find a piece of tofu to kill him!

Even if His Highness doesn't punish him this time, he will have no face to see his colleagues again!
After being discovered by Su Rao for the first time, Yin Ying reflected that he underestimated the enemy, so this time he got twelve spirits. He thought he had achieved the ultimate, but he didn't expect... to be discovered!
"Miss Su, when did you find out about your subordinate?" There was a hint of helplessness in Yin Ying's voice.

you?It's actually an honorific name.

Su Rao raised her eyebrows. She didn't think that a pack of hemostatic powder in the Chixia Mountains could easily buy the well-trained guard in front of her. Presumably that man must have done something in private.

Su Rao smiled, "At first."

Shadow almost vomited blood, has his technique of holding back his breath and disappearing to such an extent?
 Di Yan kicked the door: Stupid bear, get the hell out of here!
  Stupid Xiong flattered his face: His Royal Highness, you... ouch!If you have something to say, don't do it!

  Di Yan sneered: It's not easy for this king to chase his wife, but you still treat my entire sister-in-law as a rival in love!Come on, have you figured out how to die?
  Stupid bear with bruised nose and swollen face: Your Highness King Yi, please calm down first... ouch, ouch, don't slap your face!I'm wrong! ! !

  Stupid bear, pawn!

(End of this chapter)

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