Chapter 131 Perfect!

Seeing Ying Ying's reaction, Su Rao knew that she had guessed right.

She sneered coldly, and her red lips parted slightly: "It's unnecessary."

Yaoyaoling was silent.

"Let me guess again, your master must have told you not to be discovered by me, right?" Su Rao said with a smile.

Shadow's body shook slightly, and an ominous premonition arose spontaneously.

"Little Shadow, don't be so scared!" Su Rao suddenly stepped forward and patted his shoulder heavily, with an amiable expression on her face.

However, Shadow, who knew her evil nature well, would not be confused by such a smile at all, and his fingertips trembled slightly.

"Miss Su, just tell me what you want to order." Yin Ying wanted to cry in his heart, but his voice was full of resignation to fate.

"Well, little shadow, you're very good!" Su Rao said satisfied, with a wide smile on her face, "The moon is dark and the wind is high, the sky is full of murder and arson. Little shadow, join me to collect the treasure house of Marquis of Wu'an tonight! "

"Okay... huh?!" Shadow was confused, and for a moment, he suspected that he had an auditory hallucination.

Su Rao repeated with a smile, "Let's go and confiscate the treasure house of the Marquis of Wu'an."

Yaoyaoling raised his forehead, the host has been talking about it for so long, is he finally going to put it into action?
Shadow flatly refused, "No way!"

He is one of the most important secret guards of His Royal Highness King Yi, how could he do such petty things? !If his colleagues know about it, should he still mess around!
Su Rao had long expected that he would refuse, so she was not angry at all, but said with a smile on her face: "If you don't want to, then forget it. When I see Di Yan next time, I will tell him that you are a secret guard. How failed you were, you were immediately exposed by me."

Shadow's body froze, he didn't intend to hide what Su Rao found out from Di Yan, and he was mentally prepared to be punished.But... if Su Rao added fuel to the scene, Ying Ying deeply felt that she might be directly exiled by her master.

#On what should I do if there is a master who is of the opposite sex and has no humanity?Waiting online, very urgent! #
"Little Shadow?" Su Rao looked at Shadow with a smile, as if she was sure that he would agree.

Ying Ying gritted her teeth, "Although Miss Su tells the subordinates, the subordinates will definitely do their best!"

Su Rao nodded in satisfaction, took out a piece of paper and handed it to Ying Ying, "What you have to do is clearly written on it, I'll go back to my room and get ready, take your time."

After that, she turned and left.

Shadow opened with a numb face.

Thief plan
Plan A: The little shadow lures away the patrolling guards, and I go into the treasury to get things.

Plan B: Things were exposed, the little shadow was responsible for being the bait, and I escaped safely.




At night, two figures flashed past the Hou's mansion, perfectly avoiding all the guards patrolling the Hou's mansion, and quietly came to the treasure house of Wu'anhou's mansion.

The two hid on a tree ten meters away from the treasure house. The dense branches and leaves and the night became a natural barrier for the two.

Looking far away, Su Rao saw two guards standing guard in front of the treasure house, and not far away was a group of majestic guards patrolling nearby, and they would be notified immediately of any movement.

Su Rao, who was wearing a black night gown and masked her face, only showed a pair of shining phoenix eyes. She turned her head to look at Yingying, her eyebrows and eyes slightly curved, "Little Shadow, I will leave the patrolling guards to you."

Yin Ying said silently in his heart, it really wasn't that he willingly fell into depravity, it was all because of being forced!Forced!

(End of this chapter)

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