Chapter 140 Do You Want To Die Early?

About a quarter of an hour later, Su Rao was brought by servants.

Zai Su Rao walked into the lobby unhurriedly.

Su Ming raised his eyes, and his cold eyes fell on Su Rao. His eyes reflected a thin, slender but firm figure, completely different from the timid and cowardly waste material in his memory, familiar yet unfamiliar.

Su Ming narrowed his eyes, a little surprised in his heart, it seems that many things happened in the Hou's mansion in the past few years when he was not around.

Su Rao also noticed Su Ming immediately, and sized him up unabashedly.

Marquis Wu'an's Mansion had already fallen in the generation of Su Rao's grandfather, the old Marquis. It was not until Su Xiao, who was amazingly talented and stunning, that Marquis Wu'an's mansion gradually regained its former glory and became a first-class nobleman in the capital of Dongxu Kingdom.However, with Su Xiao's disappearance, the Marquis of Wu'an's Mansion also fell into decline again.

Fan Xiafang's mother's family is the Duke's Mansion, which belongs to the royal relatives and nobles, and its power far exceeds that of Marquis Wu'an's Mansion.Therefore, Marquis Wu'an has been eaten to death by Fan Xiafang for many years, he has no concubine or housemate, and the only children under his knees are Su Ming and Su Yueshan.

Su Ming is a well-known genius in the capital, and even the pride of the Marquis of Wu'an.A genius and a good-for-nothing are like clouds and mud. The original owner and Su Ming didn't have much communication, but when Su Yueshan bullied the original owner several times, Su Ming stood not far away and watched.

Only a few times, but the original owner will never forget it.

The contemptuous eyes are high above, like looking at garbage.

That extremely disdainful look made the original owner feel more pain than being whipped. Since then, the original owner has tried every means to avoid Su Ming, not daring to appear in front of him.

"Presumptuous!" Marquis Wu An slapped the table and yelled angrily, "When you see an elder, don't hesitate to salute!"

Su Rao frowned, turned her gaze to Marquis Wu An and the others, without showing any face, "Speak if you have something to say, and fart if you have something to say!"

Everyone has already torn their faces, and now, they still put on an elder face and want her to salute?
Hehe, the face is so big!


Marquis Wu An was about to lose his temper when Su Ming interrupted suddenly: "Father, leave this matter to me."

Marquis Wu An was taken aback for a moment, and finally snorted heavily, and stopped talking.

The corner of Su Ming's mouth curled up into an indifferent and arrogant arc, looked at Su Rao, his eyes were slightly displeased, and said, "Su Rao, haven't seen you for a few years, didn't you even say hello to brother?"

Su Rao looked at Su Ming and raised her eyebrows, "Am I familiar with you?"

Su Rao's answer made Su Ming really stunned for a moment, and then his face turned slightly ugly. He is a high-ranking sect disciple, and in a small country like Dongxu Country, even the Emperor Dongxu would give him three points of face. Thinking of it, Su Rao would directly face him in public as soon as he came.

Su Ming narrowed his eyes slightly, and a coldness flashed in his eyes, "Su Rao, you know what you have done during this time. Brother Wei doesn't want to make things difficult for you, as long as you obediently untie the hands and feet you did to Shanshan, Then kneel down and kowtow to admit your mistake, the mistakes you have committed can be ignored by you as a brother!"

Kowtow to admit his mistake again?

Su Rao sneered in her heart, she didn't kneel to the sky or the ground, she only knelt down to the dead, do these people want to die early and be reborn early?

"Then what if I refuse?" Su Rao looked at him with raised eyebrows coldly.

Su Ming's face became more and more ugly, "Then don't blame me for not thinking about brother and sister."

Brother and sister?

Su Rao almost didn't laugh out loud, she saw what it means to be shameless today!

 Six more!I am so diligent, I am super touched!

(End of this chapter)

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