Reborn Queen of the Otherworld: Evil Emperor, unbridled pet!

Chapter 153 Cultivation Technique Jade Slip

Chapter 153 Cultivation Technique Jade Slip
The first item to be auctioned was a low-grade spiritual weapon shield, which immediately attracted many people from the audience to snatch it up.

【Hey, Dongxu Country is still too small after all, a mere low-grade spiritual weapon is regarded as a treasure by these people. 】

Yaoyao said with inspiration.

It should be noted that in the system mall, this low-grade spiritual weapon is the lowest-grade product.

As for the magic weapon?Oh, generally not for sale, that is a bonus.

Su Rao supported her head with one hand, looked at the frantically snapping pictures outside, and said quietly: "For ordinary cultivators, owning a spiritual weapon is already very good, how can they be picky and picky like you?" .”

Just the time they talked, the price of that low-grade spiritual weapon shield has risen to [-] gold coins.

Su Rao looked at the shield on the stage, and her heart skipped a beat. The silver whip had been destroyed, and she didn't even have a weapon in her hand.What will you do next time you fight?Is it possible to go into battle with bare hands?
It would be great if there was a spirit weapon suitable for her in tonight's auction.

In the end, the shield was sold at a price of [-] gold coins.

The second auction item was quickly brought up. It was a jade slip of kung fu, a mid-grade fire-type kung fu of the Xuan rank.

As soon as the words "Upper Grade Xuanjie" came out, the entire auction venue immediately erupted.

Dongxu's current best-grade kung fu method in the country is a high-grade mysterious-grade kung fu method in the royal family. For many families in Dongxu country, the middle-grade kung fu method of the mysterious grade is enough to be regarded as a family heirloom.

Of course, that's for other people.

For Su Rao, even if there is a book of heavenly exercises in front of her, she probably doesn't even bother to raise her eyelids.

Su Rao can calm down now, but other people at the auction site can't calm down!

In the VIP room next door, Su Yueshan looked at the jade slips on the stage with fiery eyes.

Zuo Jue looked at her lovingly, "Yue Shan, you are a practitioner of the fire element, this exercise was created just for you!" Out of the corner of his eye, he sneaked a glance at Su Ming who was at the side.

Su Yueshan's small face flushed with excitement, but suddenly her face collapsed again, with a dejected look on her face, "The starting price for this Jade Slip is [-] gold coins. How can I have so much money?"

Zuo Jue hurriedly said: "What are you worried about, with His Highness here, I will definitely take pictures for you!"

Su Yueshan's eyes lit up, "Thank you, Brother Prince!"

Zuo Jue rubbed her hair, and said with a gentle expression: "Fool, you are my fiancee, His Highness should do these things."

Hearing his words, Su Ming looked up at the prince.

Zuo Jue hurriedly asked: "Brother Su, do you have anything you want to buy tonight? If you don't mind, I will take a photo of it by His Highness. It can be regarded as a meeting gift that I haven't seen for so long."

Su Ming nodded lightly, with a cold and arrogant attitude, "Thank you, Your Highness, for your kindness, I appreciate it. It's a pity, I don't think there will be anything I'm interested in in today's auction."

The smile on Zuo Jue's face froze slightly, his expression a little embarrassed, and he said awkwardly, "Really? Hahaha, that's really a pity." He slowly clenched his fists on his knees.


In the end, this exercise was bought by the prince at a price of 30 gold coins.

Afterwards, several spirit weapons and third-grade elixirs were auctioned one after another. Once they appeared on the stage, everyone immediately ushered in frenzied bidding.

It's a pity that these things are not attractive to Su Rao at all.

When the seventh auction item was delivered, Su Rao felt that the surrounding atmosphere... had changed.

 Weapon grades: Ordinary, magic weapon, spiritual weapon, holy weapon, fairy weapon, divine weapon, master artifact (low-grade, medium-grade, high-grade, top-grade)
(End of this chapter)

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