Chapter 158 Money is for spending!

"However," he looked at the human skin mask in his hand, stroked his chin with a thoughtful expression, "I really dare not underestimate the disguise technique of the third sibling. Fortunately, every invitation letter has a record. If it is on the street When I met it, I really didn’t recognize it.”

At this time-

"dong dong dong"

There was a knock on the door.

Ouyang Min put away the human skin mask and said calmly, "Come in."

The door was pushed open, and a waiter walked in, bowed and saluted: "I have seen the young master."

"What's the matter?"

The waiter told about Su Rao's fight with Luo Zhijie outside the auction house.

Ouyang Min raised his eyebrows, and smiled at the corner of his mouth: "Whip, this weapon is quite in line with the temperament of my third sibling. I understand, you should step back first."

The waiter saluted and was about to exit——

"Wait!" Ouyang Min suddenly stopped him, narrowing his eyes, "Just keep in mind that there will be a new auction item in this auction."

The waiter was taken aback for a moment, then bent down and said respectfully: "Young master, please tell me."

Ouyang Min smiled meaningfully, "Red Spirit Whip."


Su Rao successfully bought the marrow washing liquid, and soon a waiter from Fengyun Auction House knocked on the door of the VIP room.

Su Rao readily paid the 66 gold coins. So far, all the gold coins she took from the treasury of Marquis Wu'an Mansion were almost wiped out.

"I wish you both a happy auction."

With a smile on his face, the waiter gently closed the door of the private room.

Su Rao put the marrow washing liquid in her hand in front of Liu Qi, Liu Qi bit her lip and looked at her, her face was tangled and her cheeks were slightly red.

"Master Lei, I..."

Su Rao thought she was repaying the money, shrugged indifferently, and said, "No need to repay."

She helped Liu Qi over and over again, not out of kindness.

It's just that she learned a very interesting secret from Liu Qi.

And this secret must be revealed, and the peaceful life of Su Yueshan and Fan Xiafang will collapse in an instant.

Thinking of the shocked and angry expressions they would show at that time, Su Rao couldn't help but feel happy.

Yaoyaoling received her thoughts and asked speechlessly: [Just because of this?You spent 66 gold coins without blinking? 】

The Yaoyaoling also guessed to some extent, what the secret the host said was.

"Hehe, I am happy."

Money is for spending!

Life does not bring, death does not take away!
If you don't have money, you can just find a rich family and empty the treasure house.Uh, if it doesn't work, she can still occupy the mountain and become king, be a bandit leader or something!
Su Rao once again thought of her great career of no-cost business, as well as the project plan thrown in a corner of the system space.

[…] Host, as long as you are happy!
Withdrawing her thoughts, Su Rao saw Liu Qi on the opposite side blushing, her eyes wandering, but she didn't dare to look at herself.

Frowning, he asked in his mind: "Yaoyaoling, what happened to her?"

Every word she said, every meaning she expressed was very clear!

You don't need to pay it back with gold coins, which means you can do a few things for her to offset it.

Is there anything strange about this?
【...Master host, are you sure you really mean this? 】

Su Rao spread her hands, "What else?"

[…] When I didn’t say anything.


After the marrow washing liquid was auctioned off, the atmosphere at the auction site became much quieter. Obviously, almost all the people who participated in today's auction came for the marrow washing liquid.

The next item to be auctioned is an exquisitely carved jade statue of a white lotus flower about the size of an adult man's palm, with spiritual energy lingering on the jade statue.

 Liu Qi had a shy face: Mr. Lei, my family is willing to...

  Su Rao's dazed face: Huh?

  Liu Qi: I hate it, I have to tell my slaves about it!Just... just a promise...

  Su Rao: What did you say?The signal here is not good, I can't hear you!

  Six more!

  PS: There is a power outage, I really want to kill someone!

(End of this chapter)

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