Reborn Queen of the Otherworld: Evil Emperor, unbridled pet!

Chapter 186 Disagree?Come play this baby!

Chapter 186 Disagree?Come play this baby!
After returning to the residence, Su Rao immediately entered the system space.

"Yaoyaoling, open the alchemist cultivation software."

【Obey, Your Majesty the Queen! 】

After the words fell, a pharmacy constructed from a holographic image appeared in front of Su Rao, as well as an old man with a white beard, Master Yu.

Master Yu stroked his white beard lightly, and looked at her with a kind smile.

"My dear boy, you are here."

Su Rao: ...

"Hello, cheap master. I have mastered all the essentials of refining the first-grade elixir. When can I start learning to refine the second-grade elixir?"

A dialog box popped up in front of Su Rao.

[The user sends an application to upgrade the pharmacist training software to the second-grade pharmacist training version. This upgrade requires payment of [-] points.The user's current points are zero, the balance is insufficient, and the upgrade fails! 】

Su Rao: ...

(╯‵ ′)╯︵┻━┻ "Damn it! Hundan Yaoling! Why didn't you tell me that this software still needs to be upgraded?!"

Damn!Don't you know that poor people can't afford to be injured? !

[Master host, haven't you noticed?It is written on the product introduction interface! 】

Saying that, Yao Yaoling opened the introduction interface of the alchemist training software, and Su Rao found a line of fly-sized fonts in a corner.

[This software is the primary version for a first-class pharmacist to develop. If you want to continue learning higher-level pills, you need to pay points to upgrade the software. (smiling face)]

(╯°Д°)╯(┻━┻ Fuck it again!
"Damn! Where is the Industrial and Commercial Bureau? I want to report it!"

Su Rao was furious, this was simply a blatant deception of consumers!
[Master host, please calm down!Please take a closer look at the comment section. 】

Su Rao frowned, clicked on the comment area, and saw all the bad reviews above, everyone, like Su Rao, was miserably cheated by this deceitful pharmacist training software!

"So, what do you want to express? There are many people like me, and I am not the only one who has a brain twitch?"

【...No! 】

Yao Yaoling had a serious face, [I just want to tell the host that this software has been reported a long time ago, but now it is still safe and sound on the shelves of the system mall. 】

After a pause, [So, I mean, there are people on this software, the background is too hard, the host should give up! 】

Su Rao: "...I[email protected]#%#¥%@%#%..."

It's rare to see the aggrieved look on the host's face, and Yaoyaoling secretly smiled. It will never tell the host that this software was developed by the system headquarters, and of course it will not be removed from the shelf!

Su Rao suddenly stopped scolding the software developer, and looked at the little light group not far away. Yaoyaoling narrowed her phoenix eyes dangerously, "Yaoyaoling, you have known about this software for a long time, and you deliberately recommended it to me. I!"


Decisively play dead!

Yaoyaoling has turned his head now, anyway, it has protective devices, and the host can't do anything to it even if it gets angry again!Take it to be afraid of wool!
It's on purpose!

Dissatisfied?Come play this baby!
The cowardly demon still only dared to yell silently in his heart.

Hahaha, you can't hit me, just slightly... ah!Help -!
A plain white hand firmly grasped the trembling Yaoyao Ling, and there was a sinister smile on the corner of Su Rao's mouth.

[House...Master Host? 】

Yaoyaoling's face turned pale, oh, forgot, it has no face.

Yaoshou!What the hell is this all about? !
What about the protection device!

Where is the trust between the system and the protective device? !
Protection device: Blame me!
 Next, let us invite Yaoyaoling to perform "What is NO DO NO DIE!" "

  Yaoyaoling (╯‵ ′)╯︵┻━┻ Get out!
  233333 Today's fourth update is over, good night everyone!
(End of this chapter)

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