Reborn Queen of the Otherworld: Evil Emperor, unbridled pet!

Chapter 193 It's time to "advance"

Chapter 193 It's time to "advance"
"Rules of the competition: Do not harm the lives of other contestants. Violators will be disqualified! Those who fall off the competition platform will lose! Those who automatically surrender will lose! Spirit pets can be summoned to fight together on the competition platform! Now I declare, the competition begins!"

Following the referee's order, the other four immediately took out their weapons and rushed towards Su Rao from different directions!
"Heh, siege? Interesting!"

Su Rao sneered, and her phoenix eyes shone with excitement.

The young man who was the first to strike used the spear of his weapon, the tip of the spear flickered coldly, and stabbed towards Su Rao aggressively!
However, due to the rules of the game, the parts pierced by the spear point are not fatal.

With sharp eyes and quick hands, Su Rao turned sideways to avoid it, and kicked a certain acupuncture point on the young man's waist. The young man felt his body go numb, and the spear in his hand fell with a "bang", and the whole person fell limp on the ground involuntarily.

The others were horrified, Su Rao was more powerful than they expected, and actually made a seven-star spirit servant lose his fighting power with one move!

With a light kick, Su Rao sent the young man off the competition stage, and looked back at the other three. Seeing that they hesitated and dared not go forward, she stretched out her index finger and hooked it, with a arrogant smile on her lips, "Let's go together!" !"

Depend on!Too arrogant!It's so irritating!

Enraged by Su Rao's actions, the other three rushed towards Su Rao again, and besieged her with fierce moves, leaving no room for them!
A good five-person melee, forcibly turned Su Rao into one against four!

The people watching the competition in the audience didn't go to look at other competition arenas, they surrounded the competition arena where Su Rao was, and they were so excited and relished watching it!
However, the more you look at the crowd, the more you feel something is wrong.

"Su Rao is really an eight-star spirit attendant? This spiritual power is too thick! I'm almost catching up with a spiritual master!"

"Yes, the pressure on her is indeed that of the eight-star spirit attendant!"

"What's so strange about this, Su Xiao's daughter is certainly not bad!"


On the martial arts stage, Su Rao moved her ears, listening to the discussions of everyone in the audience.

It seems that it's time to "promote"!If this continues, sooner or later it will be revealed!
Then, everyone felt that the aura of Su Rao who was fighting on the stage suddenly changed!

"Oh my God!" Someone was the first to react and exclaimed, "She is about to advance!"

The other three people on the stage also noticed, and their faces changed suddenly. Before the promotion, Su Rao was already difficult enough, so wouldn't they have no hope of defeating her before the promotion!
At this moment, they had forgotten that this was a five-person melee, but regarded Su Rao as their common enemy!
The three of them attacked Su Rao with all their strength, trying to prevent her from "advancing"!
However, their plan is doomed to fail!

Su Rao's breath soared in the blink of an eye, and the eight-star spirit servant was promoted to the nine-star spirit servant.

A doubt flashed in the hearts of the other three people, why did Su Rao advance so much faster than them?

But this idea only flashed through their minds, and they had no time to continue thinking.

Su Rao, who had soared in momentum, seemed to be hanging out, her speed was faster, her figure flashed, and she appeared behind a young man in the next second.

The boy didn't even have time to react, he was kicked on the butt by Su Rao, flew out of the competition ring in a parabola, and landed heavily on the ground.

The faces of the other two changed drastically, raising their vigilance to the highest level.

(End of this chapter)

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