Chapter 241 The news is like thunder

The queen summoned her confidant maids and ordered them to help the prince back.

However, Zuo Jue violently waved away the hands of the two maids, "You don't need to help me! Your Highness is not drunk yet!"

"Prince!" The emperor of Dongxu Kingdom shouted out of displeasure.

Zuo Jue woke up suddenly, and hurriedly saluted: "My son has lost his composure, please forgive me, Father!"

The emperor of Dongxu Kingdom frowned: "Prince, you are drunk, step back first!"

Zuo Jue: "Yes."

At this time, Zuo Fan stood up staggeringly, and saluted the emperor of Dongxu Kingdom: "Father, my minister is too drunk and a little drunk, please allow my son to leave first."

The Dongxu Emperor's attention was immediately diverted, and his eyes were a bit reluctant, "Forget it, your legs and feet are inconvenient, so you shouldn't drink too much. Come here, escort the eldest prince out of the palace."

The completely different attitudes towards the two sons formed a stark contrast, and the judgment was decided.

Seeing this situation, the princes and nobles below had a thoughtful expression on their faces again.

The queen's five fingers clasped tightly, and her well-maintained nails were deeply embedded in the flesh.

"Thank you, father, for your kindness," Zuo Fan said with a smile, "My son can still know the way, so there is no need to trouble yourself. What's more, even if you really don't know the way, isn't there still the second brother?"

The emperor of Dongxu Kingdom drank a lot of wine, his head was a little confused, and he couldn't find any flaws when he heard Zuo Fan's words at first, so he waved his hand and agreed.

The two walked out of the palace one after the other.

Su Rao in the corner looked at the backs of the two leaving, and the smile on her lips deepened, "Yao Yaoling, do you think I should follow to watch a good show?"

[...Master Host, everyone is gone, what else is there to watch? 】

Hearing Yaoyaoling's answer, Su Rao rolled her eyes. Sometimes she really wondered if this thing was a system. Artificial intelligence shouldn't be a decathlon, so smart that it defies the sky?

#I may have bound a fake system#
Yaoyaoling smiled: I don't have a decathlon, I'm not smart, and I'm not against the sky. I'm so sorry!
"Forget it!" Su Rao quickly gave up her own thoughts, "Let's keep up with the good show and didn't see it, it would be bad if you get burned. Anyway, waiting here, there is still a good show to watch!"

The demon spirit is getting more and more confused, what kind of riddle is its host playing?It understands the meaning of every word in the Master Host's words, but why can't it understand when they are put together?

Yao Yaoling's doubts were quickly resolved.

Not long after Zuo Jue and Zuo Fan left, a guard rushed into the palace with a horrified expression clearly visible on his face.

The guards ran to the center of the hall and knelt down, the dancing dancers and the musicians who were playing stopped their movements, and everyone talking in the hall immediately fell silent.

The Emperor of Dongxu Kingdom frowned in displeasure, and before he could speak, he heard the guard tremblingly say: "Emperor... Your Majesty, the crown prince...he..."

When the queen heard the word "Prince", she sat up straight and asked sharply, "What happened to the prince? Tell me quickly!"

The guard was shaking like he was sifting chaff, and finally gritted his teeth and said: "His Royal Highness stabbed His Royal Highness the First Prince!"

His Highness the Crown Prince stabbed His Highness the First Prince... stabbed...

The news exploded in the magnificent palace like a thunderbolt, and everyone's mind went blank, unable to recover for a long time.

[Master host, is this the good show you are talking about? 】Yao Yaoling asked in disbelief.

 2333 Surprised or not?Is it surprising?
(End of this chapter)

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