Reborn Queen of the Otherworld: Evil Emperor, unbridled pet!

Chapter 248 Trash isn't scary, what's scary is the lack of self-knowledge!

Chapter 248 Trash isn't scary, what's scary is the lack of self-knowledge!

Su Rao thought for a while, then nodded in agreement.

She jumped out of the carriage and stretched herself. After sitting in the carriage for so many days, she felt that all the bones in her body were about to fall apart.

Taking a deep breath of fresh air, he looked up to the sky and sighed, "Ah, I'm alive~~"

Su Rao looked at the long queue, couldn't help but look at the guard just now speechlessly, and complained, "Are you sure this is called 'only a while'? At this speed, we may not be able to take our turn by night, right? !"

The guard smiled awkwardly, but said nothing.

The other contestants from Dongxu Country also got off the carriage, and gathered together in groups of threes and twos to talk, but Su Rao stood alone, as if he didn't fit in with the group.

"Su Rao." At this time, a young man came over, with an ordinary face, but his brows were full of determination. This person was Shi Lei.

Yanxia Kingdom's competitions are divided into team competitions and individual competitions. Therefore, Shi Lei, as the "highest" player among Dongxu Kingdom's players, was naturally elected as the captain.

"Come over and talk to everyone too." Shi Lei kindly suggested.

Su Rao raised her eyebrows, and was about to open her mouth to refuse.

At this moment, the sound of horseshoes and rolling wheels came from behind. People from Dongxu Country looked back and saw more than a dozen gorgeous carriages galloping towards them.

The carriage stopped, and a group of teenagers and girls came down from it. They were talking and laughing, and there were faint spiritual fluctuations on their bodies. They were obviously a group of young practitioners, most likely contestants from other principalities.

Those people also noticed Su Rao and the others, and when they saw the logo on Dongxu Country's carriage, they immediately dismissed their friendship, and their eyes became arrogant and disdainful.

At this time, Zuo Yao, who was negotiating with the city guard, came back with a somewhat unsightly expression.

Seeing Zuo Yao's return, the other contestants immediately gathered around and asked in a hurry, "Your Highness Fifth Prince, what did the city guard say?" "You can pay double the entrance fee, can you let us in first? "At this rate, you might miss the welcome banquet hosted by Emperor Yanxia tonight!"

Hearing everyone's questions, Zuo Yao's face became more and more ugly, and he shook his head.

The group of boys and girls not far away heard their words clearly, and a few of them sneered unabashedly, "Just a bunch of trash from the Dongxu country want to go through the back door? You can't control yourself!"

"Does Dongxu Country have no successors? Even such waste is shameless."

"Waste is not terrible, what is terrible is that there is no self-knowledge!"


"what are you saying?!"

The contestants in Dongxu Kingdom are also young and vigorous young girls, how can they swallow such an insulting provocation, they clenched their fists and wanted to rush over.

"Don't be impulsive, everyone back down!" Zuo Yao sneered coldly, glanced at them warningly, then lowered his voice and said, "They are from Dongyue Kingdom."

The boys and girls were taken aback for a moment, and then, like a ball with air leaking, their momentum suddenly disappeared.

Dongyue Kingdom?
Su Rao was full of doubts. This name sounds like Dongxu Country is a twin country. Is it very powerful?
Shi Lei next to her saw her doubts, and quickly explained in a low voice: "Dongyue Kingdom has one person who entered the five major sects in the last and the previous sect disciple selection competitions, which is considered the most powerful among the affiliated countries. one of the duchies."

"What about Dongxu Country?" Su Rao asked.

Shi Lei hesitated for a second, and finally replied: "As far as I know, there is no one so far."

(End of this chapter)

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