Reborn Queen of the Otherworld: Evil Emperor, unbridled pet!

Chapter 255 I Allow You To Stay By My Side

Chapter 255 I Allow You To Stay By My Side
To be more specific, it is "Collecting Yang to make up points"!However, it's almost there!

[…] It's a lot worse, okay!
Di Yan imagined dozens of answers, but the girl's answer was definitely not among them, and he was stunned for nearly ten seconds.

The corner of the man's mouth twitched wildly, "Are you kidding me?"

"No." With a serious face, Su Rao lifted the man's smooth chin with a finger, "Don't you like me? Then I will give you a chance to approach me right now. I need your body, so I allow it." You stay with me."

Di Yan looked deeply into the girl's indifferent phoenix eyes, "Okay."

Su Rao, now you are the one who gave me the opportunity to approach you.

Then, no matter what happens in the future, don't even think that I will let go.


The next day, early in the morning.

The sun was rising and the morning light was brilliant, Su Rao woke up.

Sensing that there was someone lying beside her, Su Rao reflexively stretched her hand under the pillow to feel for the dagger, but found nothing.

There was a moment of confusion in the brain, looking at the simple beams, Su Rao suddenly realized that this is the Xuantian Continent, not the end of the world.

"Good morning, my dear Majesty the Queen." A man's deep and magnetic voice sounded in my ears.

Di Yan turned sideways, looking at Su Rao, his eyes sparkling.

The moment Su Rao released his murderous aura, he woke up with a start.

"Good morning." Su Rao turned her head to look at Di Yan, and said lightly.

Last night, under the banner of "You forced me to kiss you, you are responsible for me", Su Rao didn't think it mattered that this man stayed behind with a stern face, since she was not the one who suffered in the end.

Thinking of this, Su Rao looked down from the man's face.


Su Rao: "Tsk!" Didn't see anything!Disappointment!

Di Yan gritted his teeth: "Female, Your Majesty, Your Majesty!"

Looking at the man with a handsome blushing face, Su Rao raised her eyebrows, and said with an indifferent look: "Why are you shy? Morning * is a very normal phenomenon! If you don't respond, then I will suspect that you are dead! "

Di Yan was so angry that he had nothing to say, what could he say now, "Would you like to come and test for yourself, whether this king is a man or not"?At that time, Su Rao would definitely answer him very calmly, "Okay"!
Then, what can he do?
He can't do anything!Flip the table!
Di Yan suddenly turned over, pressed Su Rao under him, put his hands on her sides, and said in a tone of gnashing of teeth, "Are you sure that I won't do anything to you!"

Su Rao hooked her lips shallowly, and a schadenfreude flashed in her phoenix eyes, "Don't you know a word? 'Whoever loves first, loses'. Di Yan, who made you fall in love with me first! "

Di Yan was stunned, then sighed, his face was full of helplessness and indulgence, "You are right, I lost from the very beginning."

"Knock knock", someone knocked on the courtyard door.

"Little beauty Su Rao, the sun is drying my ass! Get up!"

A low-pitched voice came from outside the courtyard gate, and one could tell it was Zuo Yao.

In the room, Di Yan's face turned dark.

"Who is he?" Di Yan stared at Su Rao with his eyes as black as ink, as if he came home suddenly from a business trip and bumped into the husband of his wife's lover.

Su Rao felt her temples twitch again, and replied angrily, "One is missing!"

Hearing this, Di Yan's cold brows and eyes suddenly softened, and his expression was comfortable, like a large dog being groomed by its owner.

 Two more!
  Rolling and selling cute, please collect, ask for tickets, ask for five-star praise, ask for me~~~
(End of this chapter)

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