Reborn Queen of the Otherworld: Evil Emperor, unbridled pet!

Chapter 260 A Group of Mad Dogs Are Just Barking

Chapter 260
Su Rao's words seemed to open the door to a new world for them. In the past, they were instilled with the idea that they must work hard to cultivate, the weak have no future at all, and the weak can only be bullied by others, so when you see yourself When there was a huge gap in strength with other teams, they became "weak" in an instant, confused and flinched.

However, now someone tells them that "weakness is not shameful" and "today's weakness does not represent the future"... It was as if a hand brushed away the fog in front of their eyes, and the dazzling sunlight shone in. , the fighting spirit hidden deep in everyone's heart due to inferiority complex was ignited again.

Everyone looked at Su Rao, and there seemed to be a cluster of flames burning deep in their eyes.

Shi Lei was the first to speak: "Thank you, Su Rao. Without your words, I'm afraid we would not only lose the game, but also lose the fighting spirit to keep going!"

The others didn't speak, but the grateful eyes said everything.

The silence speaks.

Su Rao slightly raised her eyebrows, and said meaningfully: "You are welcome, because we are a team!"


While Su Rao and the others were talking, the carriage drove outside the royal hunting ground.

Everyone got off the carriage. At this time, more than a dozen people from the affiliated principality had already arrived.

Seeing that they were from the Dongxu country, their eyes immediately showed contempt, and they didn't take them seriously at all.

Feeling the contemptuous gazes projected from all directions, although Shi Lei and the others still felt a little uncomfortable, after being enlightened by Su Rao's words, they no longer bowed their heads to escape as before, but straightened their backs to meet them. go up.

Just like Su Rao said, the contempt and disdain of these people will be transformed into the driving force for their future progress!

When other people saw that Dongxu country not only did not behave obediently as before with its tail between its legs, but instead looked full of confidence, some people couldn't help but sneered and said sarcastically: "Did the people of Dongxu country take the wrong medicine today?" ?”

"Probably because I knew that I would definitely not be able to advance this time, so I gave up on myself!"

"It has been more than 100 years since the founding of the country, and there is not even a person who has entered the five major sects in history. If I were from Dongxu Kingdom, I would have no face to face people, so I just cover my face! Hahaha~~~"


Their voices became louder and louder, and they glanced towards Dongxu Country from time to time, trying to tell them on purpose.

Being humiliated with words like this, Shi Lei and the others gradually grew angry. When they saw Su Rao who was still indifferent, they couldn't help asking curiously: "Su Rao, what should we do to be as flattered as you are?"

Su Rao's eyes swept across the faces of young girls who were full of thirst for knowledge, and said slowly: "Did I say that I'm not angry?"

Everyone was confused, which reaction of her seemed to be angry?
"I just don't show emotions." Su Rao shrugged, "If a person is provoked by others and still doesn't feel at all, then he is not a human, but a walking dead. But what's the use of being angry ?Run to scold them? Forget it, a group of mad dogs are just barking, there is no need for us to learn how to bark back, how unqualified.”

After listening, everyone didn't know what to say, they once again deeply understood the power of Su Rao's poisonous tongue!If those people heard those words, they would be so angry that they would vomit blood!

 Third watch~~
(End of this chapter)

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