Reborn Queen of the Otherworld: Evil Emperor, unbridled pet!

Chapter 270 Reinforcement is as straight as it is!

Chapter 270 Straight as steel bars!

After the battle, under Su Rao's command, everyone tied up Li Mingze and others.

Until then, Shi Lei and the others suddenly woke up.

They, won? !

"Hey, pinch me! See if I'm dreaming!" A boy from Dongxu Country couldn't help but said to another boy.

"Do you need me to do it?" Su Rao's sinister voice sounded from behind the two of them.

"No, no!" The boy was terrified and waved his hands quickly.

What a joke, let Su Rao do it!Just look at Li Mingze's bruised nose and swollen face to see how dark Su Rao's hands are!
Slap in the face!
Yaoyaoling: My host has been professionally slapping faces for 100 years!An old brand, trustworthy!

"You despicable villains! You are cheating!" Li Mingze roared angrily, his eyes were full of fire as his face was pained.

If it weren't for the sudden inability to use spiritual power, how could this group of weak ghosts from Dongxu Kingdom win them over!
"Soldiers never tire of cheating, haven't you heard of this? Illiterate!" Su Rao scorned her face.


Seeing Li Mingze who was speechless, Shi Lei and the others felt elated!
Feng Shui turns, 30 years in the East and 30 years in the West.

It's not that the souls of this group of Yufeng Kingdom look down on them, they are still being beaten like dogs by them!
It's so cool!
"Listen to the weak scumbags of Yufeng Kingdom, this lady is not very patient, hand over the spirit core obediently, otherwise don't blame this lady for being rude!" Su Rao returned the words of Li Mingze and others before.

"Don't even think about it!" Li Mingze was stubborn, he kept the spirit core in the storage ring, and no one except him could take it out!
It's only the first day of the team competition, and no matter how powerful the team is, they have collected three or four spiritual cores at most. He doesn't believe that they will waste time here with them for a few spiritual cores!

Su Rao saw through his thoughts at a glance, and a wicked smile suddenly appeared on the corner of her mouth, "Are you sure you don't want to hand it over?"

"Hmph!" Li Mingze snorted coldly, turning his head away, but he had some ominous premonition in his heart.

Su Rao walked up to Li Tingting. Li Tingting had been making a lot of noise when she was tied up, so Su Rao covered her mouth with a dirty cloth.

Seeing Su Rao approaching, Li Tingting glared at her with beautiful eyes, and yelled "Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo".

"What are you going to do?" Li Mingze felt as if he was facing an enemy, thinking that Su Rao was going to kill Li Tingting.

However, Su Rao stretched out her sinful hands and began to touch Li Tingting. Her hands were still inserted into her clothes, as if she was groping for something.

This scene, Shi Lei and others beside him were stunned.

Hey Hey hey!Su Rao won't take that well!

Li Tingting twisted her body desperately, her face was ashamed and angry, and the corners of her eyes glistened with tears.

[…] The master host whose three views are so crooked to the sky, is he finally about to embark on a road of no return?

"You! You perverted woman! Let go of my sister!" Li Mingze blushed and roared thickly.

"Shut up!" Su Rao was speechless, "Who is interested in your ugly sister! I like fair skin, beautiful waves, big waist, slender legs and long legs... Ah bah! I am straight! Straight like a steel bar!"

As she spoke, she took out something familiar to everyone from Li Tingting's body - a firework bomb.

Everyone was stunned.

A bold guess emerged in Li Mingze's mind. Could it be that she wanted to...

 The first update, ask for tickets every day, ask for five-star praise~~
(End of this chapter)

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