Chapter 284 Hey!grandson!

Su Rao didn't act recklessly, and hid in the bushes not far away, picked up a stone on the ground and threw it into the cave.


An angry roar came out suddenly, and then, a giant beast rushed out from inside.

The giant beast was two meters tall, and its body was covered with fluff. The long fangs around its mouth gleamed with cold light, and a scorching breath spewed out from its bloody mouth. A faint red light lingered all over its body.

"Crimson fire clear-eyed beast!" Su Rao, who was hiding nearby, saw the appearance of the giant beast, her heart trembled slightly, and she was secretly glad that she hadn't been impulsive just now.

The giant beast looked around with eyes the size of copper bells, looking for the Hun Dan who dared to throw stones at him just now.

Su Rao blinked her eyes, this is troublesome, she can't beat the two-star and three-level Chihuo Qingyan Beast!
Seeing that the century-old stone pulp fluid is not far away, she would definitely not be willing to give up so easily.

Just when Su Rao was at a loss, a demonic voice sounded in his mind, 【Master Host!That pervert is coming your way! 】

Su Rao was stunned for a moment, then turned to look at the Scarlet Fire Clear Eyed Beast who was still howling angrily, a flash of inspiration flashed in her mind, there is a way!

The angry Chihuo Qingyan Beast looked around, but couldn't find the culprit who hit its head with a stone. Just when it turned around and was about to go back to the cave to continue taking a nap, a stone flew out from nowhere, "pop" hit it on the ass.


This time, the Scarlet Fire Clear Eyed Beast was completely angry, turned its head to face the direction where the stone was flying, and opened its mouth to spit out a flame.

Su Rao was prepared long ago, jumped up, dodged the flame attack, then turned around and ran away.

While running, she didn't forget to yell: "Hey! Grandson! It won't burn! If you have the ability, come and chase me, grandpa! Come! Come!"

That voice, don't mention how much it deserves a beating.

The third-order spirit beast has high intelligence and can fully understand what Su Rao is talking about.

The Scarlet Fire Clear Eyed Beast jumped into a rage immediately, let out a deafening roar of anger, stepped on its thick limbs, and chased after it.

Several flame attacks struck from behind Su Rao.

While dodging, Su Rao sprinted towards the direction pointed by the demon spirit.

Zuo Si is in front.

Although the Chihuo Qingyan Beast has a thick body, its running speed is not slow at all, and because of the extreme anger in its heart, it has full firepower, and its speed is only faster than Su Rao's.

Seeing the distance between him and the Chihuo Qingyan Beast shrinking little by little, Su Rao became very anxious and exercised the family-inherited footwork to the extreme.

Finally, just when the Scarlet Fire Clear Eyed Beast was about to catch up with Su Rao, a black figure suddenly appeared in front of her vision, like a god descending.

Dead pervert!
Under the guidance of Ming Die, Zuo Si was rushing towards Su Rao, when he suddenly saw Su Rao appearing suddenly, followed by a huge monster, he was a little dazed for a while.

However, just a few seconds before he could react in a daze, Su Rao rushed to him and shouted for help: "Brother! This ugly monster is bullying me! Hurry up and kill it for me!"

Zuo Si looked bewildered, who is her brother?He doesn't have a sister at all, okay?
At this moment, a flame blasted towards his face.

Zuo Si suddenly came back to his senses, and before he had time to dodge, he immediately took out his machete and slashed fiercely, splitting the flame, which turned into sparks and dissipated in the air.

 Third update~~
(End of this chapter)

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