Reborn Queen of the Otherworld: Evil Emperor, unbridled pet!

Chapter 288 Finally Succeeded in Jumping off a Cliff

Chapter 288 Finally Succeeded in Jumping off a Cliff
"That's not necessarily the case!" Su Rao sneered, holding a sharp dagger in his hand at some point, and slashed back!
As the silver light flashed across, Zuo Si felt that his hands were empty, and Su Rao had already cut his collar and left.

"Damn it!" Zuo Si threw away the rag in his hand, accelerated quickly, and chased after him.

However, it was too late.

In the blink of an eye, Su Rao came to the edge of the cliff and jumped down without any hesitation!

Zuo Si ran to the edge of the cliff as fast as he could, stretched out his hand to grab it, and watched the light blue robe slip through his fingers in vain.

The sound of "huhuhu" was poured into Su Rao's ears, and her body kept falling downwards. The wind blew on her body like a knife, and the wound on her left shoulder felt severe pain in the cold wind.

As if Su Rao didn't feel it, she squinted her eyes, and her phoenix eyes stared down for a moment.

The bamboo dragonfly purchased last time was still in the system space, but she didn't take it out immediately.After using it last time, Su Rao reflected on how reckless she was. Bamboo dragonflies, pistols, system space...these are all things that don't exist in Xuantian Continent.

She is too weak now, and she has no chance of getting out when she meets a real strong person. Therefore, the best way is to try not to use it in front of other people, so as not to expose more cards.

Su Rao stared down, planning to take out the bamboo dragonfly when she almost saw the ground.

However, after falling down for about ten seconds, she didn't see the expected ground, but saw a pool of water!
It turned out that there was a pool of water under the cliff.

Su Rao didn't want to become a drowned rat, so she took out the bamboo dragonfly and put it on.

The bamboo dragonfly flew up with Su Rao, wiped the water surface, flew to the shore, and landed slowly.

Su Rao took off the bamboo dragonfly and put it away, and after confirming that there were no spirit beasts or other people around, she sat down on the grass beside the bank after being exhausted.

"Hiss~~ It hurts me to death!" Su Rao grinned her teeth in pain as she looked at the blood hole pierced through on her left shoulder.

Su Rao took out a bottle of second-grade healing pill, and poured the whole bottle into her mouth.

The pain of the wound eased a little, and the bleeding stopped, but the second-grade healing pill was far from enough to heal such a serious injury.

There was no gauze in the storage ring, so Su Rao had to tear one sleeve of the clothes into rags, and temporarily used it as gauze to bind up the wound.

Su Rao took another elixir to replenish spiritual power, and after resting for a while, she felt a little bit of strength back from her exhausted body.

She stood up unsteadily and looked around.

[Master Host!Lord host! 】The voice of Yaoyaoling suddenly sounded in his mind, 【Look at the water!in the water! 】

Su Rao froze for a moment, then turned to look at the nearby pool.

I saw a silver light flashing under the surface of the water, as if a living thing was swimming past quickly.

"What is that?" Su Rao asked, her strong intuition told her that there was something good under the water!
【Silver Arowana! 】Yaoyaoling replied, with a rare touch of excitement in his voice.

Su Rao didn't know what a silver dragon fish was, but even the well-informed Yaoyao Ling was so excited, so it must be a very rare good thing!

"What is silver arowana? Can it be eaten?" Su Rao said as she walked to the edge of the pool and looked down.

Through the clear water, she faintly saw five or six small silver fish swimming around.

 Su Rao: Is it easy to jump off a cliff these days?

  Calvin, there is only three shifts today, see you tomorrow!

  ah ah~~
(End of this chapter)

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