Reborn Queen of the Otherworld: Evil Emperor, unbridled pet!

Chapter 294 Do you perform barehanded cliff climbing? !

Chapter 294 Do you perform barehanded cliff climbing? !
The white mist is to prevent outsiders from entering, so as not to find the silver dragon fish, but the person who set up the formation is also very clear that no formation is perfect.Therefore, on the basis of the white mist, a spiritual power shield was added.

Because 99.99% (omitting N 9)% of people who enter here by mistake will find the silver dragon fish, and then take all of them as their own.

The owner of the silver dragon fish has a very simple idea. In one sentence, it is "If you dare to touch Lao Tzu's things, then let's stay and be buried with him!"

Su Rao took out her spirit sword and attacked the spirit shield with all her strength, to see if she could open a hole to rush out.

The final result is obvious, failure!

Su Rao wanted to go crazy, is she really going to be trapped here to death? !

No!She is still in her youth, her life has just begun, and besides, there is still a top-notch beauty in the family who hasn't had time to sleep!
She doesn't want to die in such a ghostly place!
"By the way," Su Rao suddenly remembered something, and struck with both palms, "Destroy the eyes of the array!"

The last time when she broke into the treasury of the Marquis of Wu'an Mansion, Yaoyaoling found the eye of the formation, and then she destroyed the eye of the formation, and the formation was directly broken!

"Yaoyueling, look for it quickly! Where is the eye of this pitiful formation?" Su Rao thought of a way and lifted her spirits.

[Master Host,] Yaoyaoling's voice was a little helpless, [Did you forget?My scanning range is only 500 meters!This area is so vast that the eyes of the array could be hidden anywhere.

Furthermore, the person who set up the formation had considered it so thoroughly, so he must have considered the destruction of the formation's eye, and the formation's eye would most likely be hidden underground. 】

Yaoyaoling's scanning function does not have a perspective function. Once the eyes of the formation are hidden underground, there is nothing they can do!
Hearing this, Su Rao was a little discouraged, but she still had a sense of luck, if the person who set up the formation had a brain twitch, he wouldn't have hidden the formation's eyes underground!
So, she took Yaoyaoling to start a carpet search.

After half a day... nothing!
Su Rao: "..." Please allow me to silently raise two middle fingers towards the sky!
At this time, Yaoyaoling made a bold conjecture.

[Master Host, I have a bold guess! 】

"Say." Su Rao replied weakly.

[Perhaps, the activation condition of the spiritual power shield is the aircraft.After all, if a cultivator wants to bypass the white mist and go out from here, there is only one way, and that is to fly out! 】

Su Rao's phoenix eyes brightened slightly, and she felt that Yao Yaoling's analysis made sense, "Go ahead!"

【So, if you want to get out of trouble without triggering the spiritual power shield, there is only one way. The host must never use the bamboo dragonfly! 】

"Huh?" Su Rao had an expression of "Are you kidding me?" "How can I get out without a bamboo dragonfly? Daydreaming?"

As Su Rao spoke, she clenched her fists and planned to enter the system space to teach the demons a lesson.

Yaoyaoling immediately sensed the host's thoughts, and hurriedly said, 【Master host, please listen to the little explanation first!You can't use the bamboo dragonfly to fly up, you can climb up the cliff! 】

Su Rao: "...You, say it again."

Yaoyaoling's small body trembled, and said bravely, 【Climb up the cliff. 】

Su Rao looked at the steep cliff, and then looked up, but she couldn't see the top of the cliff where she jumped down.

What an international joke!Such a high and steep cliff requires her to climb it?Performing freehand cliff climbing? !
 Stupid Bear: Next, I will invite Her Lady Queen to perform a cliff climbing show for everyone!Everyone applaud!

  Su Rao (ノ`Д)ノ: Get out!
  Second update~~
(End of this chapter)

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