Reborn Queen of the Otherworld: Evil Emperor, unbridled pet!

Chapter 302 Why Are You Stripping My Clothes? !

Chapter 302 Why Are You Stripping My Clothes? !

"I'm fine." Su Rao waved her hand and refused. She didn't think that the imperial physician of Dongxu Kingdom could be more skilled than her.

"But... your injury..." Zuo Yao's eyes fell on Su Rao's left shoulder, and a flash of distress flashed in his eyes.

Because of climbing the cliff with bare hands, the wound on Su Rao's left shoulder was constantly being pulled, healed and then split, split and healed again, and the cycle went on and on, causing the wrapped cloth strips to be completely soaked in blood, which looked very horrifying.

Not to mention, Su Rao's ten fingers were covered with tiny scars drawn by rocks.

"Don't bother the imperial doctor, Uncle He left me a pill before he left."

Su Rao didn't think about it when she jumped off the cliff at the beginning, and didn't think about it until later, but she didn't know what kind of strange skills that pervert Zuo Si had practiced, even after taking the fourth-grade elixir that Uncle He left her , the wound still hadn't fully healed, she was anxious to get out of trouble, and didn't care about waiting for the wound to heal completely, which made the injury look serious now.

Zuo Yao pursed his lips and stopped talking.

An hour later, the carriage stopped in front of Dongxu Country's residence.

Su Rao separated from the crowd and returned to the courtyard where she lived alone.

As soon as he walked into the courtyard, a slender and tall figure walked up to him - Di Yan.

Hearing the movement, Di Yan came out of the room and was about to speak when a familiar smell of blood wafted over. Di Yan came to Su Rao in a flash.

"Are you injured?" After seeing Su Rao's state clearly, Di Yan's expression changed.

"Fortunately, I can raise her for a few days... Hey! What are you going to do!" Before Su Rao could finish speaking, Di Yan hugged her in the princess's arms, and hugged her by the waist.

Di Yan didn't answer, but pursed her thin lips into a straight line, strode back to the room with Su Rao in her arms, gently put her on the bed, and then began to strip her clothes!

"Fuck! I'm injured, okay! Now is not the time to do that kind of thing!" Su Rao struggled to escape from a certain man's clutches, her ears turned red.

Hearing this, the movements in Di Yan's hands paused, and he frowned and said, "Apply the medicine."

Su Rao was startled, and instantly realized that she had misunderstood, so the bases of her ears turned even redder, almost red enough to bleed.

"Just apply the medicine! Why are you taking my clothes off?!" Su Rao roared angrily.

"Check, are there any other injuries?" Di Yan replied blankly, with a depressive aura overflowing from his body, like the calm before the storm.

For some reason, seeing Di Yan in this state, Su Rao felt guilty for no reason.

"The injured part is only the left shoulder and ten fingers!" Su Rao pouted.

Diyan's eyes flickered slightly, and he finally stopped ripping off her clothes, and stretched out his hand to untie the blood-stained cloth strip on his left shoulder, revealing the hideous wound.

With just one glance, a violent and terrifying aura suddenly erupted from Di Yan's body.

"Who did it?" He asked coldly, his voice was icy cold.

Di Yan could tell at a glance that the wound on Su Rao's left shoulder was caused by someone using spiritual power.

The face of Su Rao who was the closest to Di Yan changed slightly. Although Di Yan deliberately avoided the coercion, she still faintly felt a strong sense of oppression like a huge peak.

She had never felt this terrible oppressive feeling from Uncle He.

This man is stronger than when he was in Chixia Mountains.

"You don't need to intervene, I will take revenge myself." Su Rao snorted coldly.

Di Yan frowned, the powerful coercion faded away like a tide, he sighed, with a trace of helplessness, "I know, I won't interfere."

 The first update, ask for tickets, ask for me~~
(End of this chapter)

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