Reborn Queen of the Otherworld: Evil Emperor, unbridled pet!

Chapter 405 Wouldn't it be nice to let her make soy sauce quietly?

Chapter 405 Wouldn't it be nice to let her make soy sauce quietly?
Seeing this scene, Su Rao's eyebrows twitched, this man named Tang Zhiyao was stronger than her, she felt that she might fall this time!
"Ahem! Passing by, passing by! Both of you, please continue! Don't pay attention to me!"

Su Rao casually made up nonsense that even she herself didn't believe.

The hand hidden behind took out a grenade calmly, and was about to throw a grenade over if the situation was not good, and run away!

Who knows-

"Little sister, let's join hands!" Yuan Bo saw Su Rao appearing, his eyes lit up, and he said without thinking.

"Little sister" Su Rao: "..." MD!Encountered a mental retardation again!
#Isn't it good to let her make soy sauce quietly? #
Tang Zhiyao's expression was displeased, and he said that anyone who conspired with other people to deal with him in front of him would definitely have a bad expression.

Su Rao knew that her idea of ​​getting out smoothly would not come true, because a certain mentally handicapped person had already flashed to her side, "Little sister, after it's done, the points will be divided into half!"

Su Rao: "..." Gwen get out!

Tang Zhiyao's face was cold, and he attacked the two of them without saying a word.

Su Rao, who was forced to "form a team", had to join the battle.

This young man named Tang Zhiyao is the pinnacle of the nine-star great spiritual master. According to Su Rao's judgment, he should only be able to advance to the spiritual monarch by one chance, and the power of the exercises he cultivated is also extremely powerful. It can only be a tie!

Fighting and fighting, Su Rao, who was looking for an opportunity to escape, was unknowingly aroused to fight and used her real strength.

As a result, at the end, a mentally retarded person became a soy saucer instead.

"Get out of the way! Don't get in the way!" Su Rao kicked the mentally handicapped man next to him, facing Tang Zhiyao.

A mentally handicapped person: "..." Who am I?where am iWhere am I going?

"You are very strong!" Tang Zhiyao said coldly.

Su Rao had heard this sentence from several people, and her ears were almost calloused.

"I know."

After coolly dropping this sentence, the two continued to fight together.

Tang Zhiyao is a nine-star spiritual master, but Su Rao has a chaotic body, and has also practiced the god-level kung fu "Chaos Jue", so there is no problem at all in fighting beyond the level.

Yuan Bo, who was watching on the sidelines, was dumbfounded. To be honest, he just wanted to find someone to help him deal with Tang Zhiyao, and have a shameless wheel battle. Of course, it would be even better if he could escape while taking advantage of the chaos.

In the end, who knew that the helper who was brought in at random was actually a hidden master!

Oh my!Could his luck be so good!
"Little sister, come on!"

Su Rao, who was in the midst of the battle, suddenly heard the cheering sound of a mentally handicapped person, staggered, and was almost slashed by the oncoming spirit sword!
I really want to kill this mentally handicapped man with a ten-meter-long sword!

When the spirit swords collided, sparks flew everywhere!
Su Rao felt that the jaw of the right hand holding the sword was numb from the shock, and frowned. The opponent's strength is very high. If you continue to fight, she will most likely be the loser!
"You are a very good opponent, see you soon!"

After finishing speaking, Su Rao made a bluff and left the battlefield, grabbed a mentally handicapped person who was still in a daze, "Let's go!"

Tang Zhiyao was going to chase after him, when Su Rao dropped a smoke bomb.

The thick and choking smoke rose, and Tang Zhiyao had to stop. After the smoke cleared, there was no sign of the two of them.

On the other side, Su Rao dragged Yuan Bo through the long grass and dense forest.

 Second update~~
(End of this chapter)

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