Douluo continent's ice remote hidden bottle

Chapter 11 Obtaining the Soul Ring

Chapter 11 Obtaining the Soul Ring
Silent all night.

In the early morning of the next day, the purple air coming from the east came from far away, the white light gradually spread, and dawn came.

Xiaozi got up very early, and after washing up, he sat on the swing in the yard and swayed gently, thinking about something quietly.

"Xiao Xiao! Sister is here, why did you wake up so early?" Luo Yuxi's sweet voice sounded.

Zhang Xiao came back to his senses and said, "Oh, sister, you're awake, where's Brother Yuecheng? Is he still awake?"

"God knows what he's always busy with. This guy's thoughts are always very strange. I just talked to him yesterday, but he ignored me. This guy is so indifferent." Luo Yuxi muttered a little dissatisfied.

The light of the morning sun sprinkled on Xizi's delicate face, and the morning mist floated moistly, Luo Yuxi looked a bit hazy and beautiful.Zhang Xiao couldn't help being a little crazy watching it. The memory of the previous life, because he didn't live in the crowd, so most of the memories of the previous life are equivalent to blank.

The only good memory is a tragedy in the end.

And after actually living with the people here, Zhang Xiao found that he really fell in love with this place.Regardless, the people here are genuine, and some are kind to themselves.For example, although Yuecheng and Xizi are still children, they are all sincere and good to Zhang Xiao.

He didn't want anything in return, and if it was for return, what could he, an ordinary person, give them back?

Just when Zhang Xiao was thinking wildly, Yuecheng's door opened.

Today Yuecheng was wearing a black outfit, as if there was some power dormant in the faint.He will be eight years old in a few days, but the family has never been able to come back to accompany him.So I developed a disposition of indifference to people since I was a child.Especially when he put on this black outfit, the feeling of coldness was even stronger than before.

"Brother" was the moment Zhang Xiao wanted to call Yuecheng, the first word Zhang Xiao said began to elongate.

Just because he suddenly found a figure of Youdao appearing behind Yue Cheng, appearing without warning, Zhang Xiao's spirit instantly tensed up.That is the most instinctive reaction of the human body to unknown things.Luo Yuxi also saw that person.

It is a thin figure, but it gives people a very tough feeling.His face was shaved like a chisel, his short black hair stood upside down like a steel needle, and there was a scar on his face, which stretched from the outer right corner of his eye to the inner corner of his mouth, only about half an inch away.It looks a little hideous.

Yuecheng didn't look back, but just nodded at Zhang Xiao.When he got closer, he said: "This is the soul emperor, sent by Xizi's father. After helping Xizi get the soul ring, he will go back and return."

Luo Yuxi was a little surprised, was it actually sent by her father?But doesn't my father ignore me?A little frustrated, Luo Yuxi didn't say anything.

"Master, the two carriages are ready, they are just outside the yard, shall we start now?" At this moment, a girl in plain clothes asked Yue Cheng.

Yuecheng stretched his body a little, and looked at Luo Yuxi and Zhang Xiao questioningly.

The two nodded at the same time, and Yuecheng said to the girl: "Have you prepared enough food and water? We are going for many days, and you have to take care of the house."

The girl nodded respectfully: "Master, the food and water have been placed in the space storage, and they are stored in the carriage. I will definitely clean the house every day."

After going out, the Soul Emperor was not polite, walked to the second carriage and sat in it.From the respectful eyes of the coachman, it can be seen how lofty the status of the soul master is.

Without a doubt, Zhang Xiao and the three sat in the first carriage.Although the three of them sat in the same seat, they were still not crowded. The carriage was so big that it was more than enough for three people in a row.

Although three people can sit in a row, the row where Zhang Xiao and Luo Yuxi sit is exactly the row where the space soul guide is placed.

"Brother, um, where is the Frost Forest we went to? What kind of soul ring does Xizi's father plan to get for her?" Zhang Xiao had to ask a few questions to relieve the awkward atmosphere.

What is exasperating is that Yue Cheng actually had a smirk on his face, and said very proudly: "Xiaozi, this Frost Forest is far away, you have to hold on. As for the soul ring, that's not sure, we will touch it." After all, the cultivation level of the obtained soul beast is uncontrollable, try to find a higher age for her, and the attributes are also suitable for her."

For outsiders, Yuecheng has always looked like he doesn't eat the fireworks of the world, but!Don't be fooled by appearances.In fact, it’s not just about playing bad things to relatives, Yuecheng’s famous saying is "rogue is a great profession"

Therefore, relying on this, Yuecheng easily captured the hearts of many girls after a few years.

The Frost Forest is on the border of the Star Luo Empire, bordering the Heaven Dou Empire, and more than three quarters of the area is located in the Heaven Dou Empire.

So it took them several days to reach their destination, eating and staying at the inn along the way.Although it cost a lot, Yue Cheng didn't care about it.After all, you have money in your pocket.

There is still a long distance from the Frost Forest, about twenty miles away. Although there are many defenders on the periphery, it is just a drop in the bucket to stop the spirit beast.Its role is limited to reassuring urban residents.

Even though many cities adjacent to the gathering place of spirit beasts have tall city walls and have their own armed forces, this is just a joke when it comes to the attack power of spirit beasts.Perhaps a ten-year soul beast can be stopped by a few defenders; a century-old soul beast can also be resisted by relying on the limited large-scale weapons issued by the royal family; even a thousand-year soul beast has its own troops stationed in each city. The soul master team can resist, after all, even if the cultivation base is not high, there must be at least one captain of the soul sect level.

What about the ten thousand year soul beast?Even a high-level ten thousand year spirit beast is not scary, what is afraid of is the attack of a group of low-level spirit beasts.

It is precisely because of this that every city is far away from the soul beast gathering area.

Therefore, after entering the circle of soul beasts, it is already a miracle for many soul masters to be able to protect themselves, let alone obtain soul rings.

It is true that many soul masters are lucky and never encounter high-level soul beasts along the way.But that is a minority after all, no one, no soul master is willing to bet that he is the lucky one.It is also true that the possibility of high-level soul masters appearing in the poor family is very small.

That's why everyone was so surprised when they heard that the academy actually rewarded them to accompany them to obtain the soul ring.

It is a pity that generally speaking, children of powerful families are accompanied by family members, so their own safety is very guaranteed.And with the assistance of some heavenly materials and earthly treasure medicines, his own soul power level increased rapidly in the early stage.

Therefore, generally speaking, no matter how hard the children from poor families try, the possibility of catching up with those rich and powerful children is very small.But the children of the rich and powerful don't care about that soul ring.So this academy is not a fool, and has long understood the truth.This so-called reward is just a cover, anyway, it can encourage students to practice hard.

Because of this, Yuecheng Shuxian put food and water in the space storage before going out.For the supply of resources after entering the spirit beast forest, he is also very cautious.Moreover, no one can guarantee that after entering the spirit beast forest, the spirit ring can be obtained immediately.

The group rested in an inn closest to the Frost Forest.

After tonight, it's time to get Luo Yuxi's first soul ring.Yuecheng checked the space magic device for the last time, and after confirming that everything inside was complete, he took a bath and began to meditate.Even if accompanied by a soul emperor, searching for a soul ring in the soul beast forest is not a joke, one must ensure that one's mental and soul power is fully replenished.

Looking at the bright moonlight shining under the deep starry sky outside the window, Zhang Xiao thought in her heart: "Tomorrow I will give Yuxi to obtain the soul ring, but I am still far from breaking through, I must work hard, and I cannot let Xizi Dumped me."

Sitting cross-legged, Zhang Xiao's weak soul power starts from the dantian and starts a big cycle. Every time he completes a cycle of soul power, he can feel a slight increase in his soul power.


(End of this chapter)

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