Chapter 116 Ice Remote Sword?
"Oh." A small cluster of flames burned on Ouyang Zili's fingertips, dispelling the darkness and turning the entire tunnel into light.There still seemed to be endless darkness ahead, and amidst the flickering light and shadow, there was a cold aura permeating the humid air.

After a long time, everyone saw a dazzling white light emitting a dazzling light not far away, as if they had reached the exit.


The water droplets fell on the ice, making a pleasant slight sound.

"Everyone be careful." Zhang Xiao urged Ziji Demon Eyes with all his strength, and found that there seemed to be an ice flower blooming in front of him, but he couldn't feel any sharp aura, but the more so, the more he felt something was wrong. Without exception, they are all dangerous, but such an ice flower just staying there so quietly makes people feel suspicious.

Walking out of the tunnel cautiously, everyone felt a sudden light in front of their eyes, and couldn't help closing their eyes.

Above the ice flower, there is an open-air cave, all the ice crystals are crystal clear like running water, but beside the ice flower, there are countless snake corpses, there are no corpses of any other living things, some are just snake corpses, it is amazing Creepy.

The ice flower is very big, more than three meters high, but the petals of the ice flower seem to have some impurities, and it is impossible to see if there is anything inside.

Several girls covered their mouths with their hands. Beside such a beautiful ice flower, all of them were snake corpses. This was unacceptable anyway. The strong visual contrast formed brought a terrifying visual effect. feast.

"Zi Li, look what's inside."

The phoenix fire wings spread out, and a flapping fan soared into the air, flying to the position above the ice flower and looking down,
The voice suddenly became frightened, "Bingyao Sword!"

Zhang Xiao showed a puzzled expression, "What did you say?"

With a trembling voice, Ouyang Zili said in amazement: "Your Bingyao sword is inside!"

This time everyone was shocked, "Hey, don't be kidding, this joke is not funny." Taitong said pretending to be calm.

"Who is in the mood to joke with you?" Seeing that they didn't believe it, Ouyang Zili said, "If you don't believe me, release your second martial spirit and see if you can release it!"

Although he couldn't believe it, Zhang Xiao did it anyway, and with a thought, Bingyaojian showed its original shape.

The corner of Zhang Xiao's mouth twitched, "Zi Li, even if you want to scare me, don't do this, I thought it was true."

"Oh, you. If you don't believe me, I'll burn this ice flower for you to see!" Ouyang Zili has always been a quick-tempered person. When she saw that everyone didn't believe her, she got a little angry, and then flew in front of the ice flower.

Hundreds of flames condensed behind the wings of the phoenix, and quickly shot towards the petals of the ice flower.

boom boom-

The continuous burning of the fire caused abnormal noises in the air, the crystal petals began to melt continuously, the outside began to turn into water and flow towards the ground, and the objects inside began to be gradually seen by everyone.

When it was almost melted, everyone could tell that the object inside was indeed in the shape of a sword, but it was much bigger than Zhang Xiao's sword. Even so, everyone still believed Ouyang Zili's words.

The moment the last layer of diaphragm was completely melted, at that moment, time seemed to stand still, and the water curtain slowly fell, everyone's eyes couldn't help but widen, especially Zhang Xiao's eyes instantly became as clear as the ocean. .

The two identical swords shocked everyone, how could it be possible?

"Here, we've never been to this place before. It's impossible for Xiao Xiao to come to this place by herself." Yue Cheng was really confused.

In the center of the ice flower, there is a blue long sword inserted vertically on the ground, exuding a faint light blue halo, the sword body continuously gushes out a cold breath, covering everyone's body, even Ouyang Zili's flame It seems to be suppressed a little weak.

"What?" Ouyang Zili's complexion changed drastically, her phoenix fire was already the ultimate fire, and the hottest flame in time was nothing more than that, yet it was suppressed?Zhang Xiao never encountered such a situation when he released the Bingyao Sword.

Turning his shocked eyes to the Bingyao Sword in his hand, he was confused. Ever since he knew the existence of Bingyao Sword and Chiyan Sword, he had never seen or heard about it anywhere or in any book. However, there is a similar sword in front of him, but it is unbelievable.

The giant sword is very tall, more than two meters high, giving people the feeling that it is like a mountain, and its sharp breath is like a blade.

Walking slowly to the left and right of the huge sword, he raised his hand to touch the hilt, a bright color flashed, and the dazzling brilliance made Zhang Xiao close his eyes tightly.

Click, click—

Under the blade, cracks spread, the cave collapsed, and everyone fell down again.

Tang Qinyao and Zhang Xiao released the Blue Silver Grass almost at the same time, wrapping around the waists of everyone, and everyone gathered their soul power to boost their energy, making themselves lighter and reducing their momentum.

In just over three seconds, it fell into a dark cave. In the cave, irregular stone pillars of various shapes held up and down. The dark blue light spread throughout the space, and only some shadowed places were dark. .

"Be careful." Zhang Xiao looked at the distance vigilantly, as if something was squirming, and even made a sound of "呵呵——".

"Son." A cold voice came from not far away. When Zhang Xiao heard this voice, his whole mind seemed to be washed, and his heartstrings moved slightly, as if resonating.

Everyone was shocked, the sound echoed in the cave like a ghost, illusory but real.

A giant python crawled out slowly. The huge snake head was like a millstone, and the snake body was wrapped around the stone pillar. The exposed part of the snake body was already more than [-] meters long, and the cold moisture was continuously spit out from the snake mouth.

"Mom." Zhang Xiao murmured to himself.

What?Everyone looked at him in bewilderment, especially Luo Yuxi and Yue Cheng, whose faces had completely changed. Was he calling that snake mother?
Yuecheng shook his shoulders, "Wake up! Do you know what you are talking about?"

The giant snake disappeared in the blink of an eye, turned into a woman, walked towards Zhang Xiao slowly, and everyone protected him behind them, saying: "Don't come here!" The martial spirits were released one after another, and the flame phoenix, Gale wolf, and Xuanbing Frost Shield Scorpions, lions and scorpions, and blue silver grass intertwined, completely isolating the woman outside.

Yuecheng and Luo Yuxi looked at Zhang Xiao's appearance, and they were anxious, "What's wrong with you? Are you feeling unwell?"

Shaking his head, Zhang Xiao got up and walked towards the woman, "Are you my mother?" Maybe it looks so absurd on the outside, but he thinks that feeling is right, and he can't tell the reason, but he just thinks she is his mother. Mother.

The woman in black nodded, and then slowly backed away without speaking.

(End of this chapter)

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