Douluo continent's ice remote hidden bottle

Chapter 118 Another Holy Sword

Chapter 118 Another Holy Sword

"You and I use the blue silver grass to send them there."

Gently nodding her head, Tang Qinyao released the blue silver grass. Several blue silver grasses more than ten meters long tied the waists of everyone around her, and wrapped around her slim waist. A blue silver grass, but the length is as high as more than thirty meters.

Looking at Zhang Xiao with a little surprise, Tang Qinyao realized for the first time that she underestimated her cousin, her soul power should be just over 20, but her own soul power is already at 32, the limit length of blue silver grass It's only more than ten meters away.

Letting everyone run to the back, Zhang Xiao stood on the edge of the broken road, looked down at the dark red surging magma below, and took a deep breath.The Blue Silver Grass retracted suddenly, and then moved forward suddenly. The strong rebound force turned the Blue Silver Grass into a strong spring, which threw Tang Qinyao high into the sky, and then loosened the restraint. Tang Qinyao led everyone to fly to and finally landed safely, excluding the two boys who fell headfirst on the ground
Seeing this, the girl was speechless, "How did you come here by yourself?"

Bluesilver Grass suddenly reached forward, grabbed an inverted cone on the cave, and swung across, but began to fall seven or eight meters away from landing on the opposite bank, and the magma below was still surging.

Another blue silver grass turned into a rope to encircle a boulder again, and the whole person was brought up again, and finally landed firmly on the edge of the broken road.

He still had lingering fears, just now he felt as if he had fallen into magma, luckily it was just a fantasy.

"Let's go." The girl took Zhang Xiao's hand again and walked towards an entrance not far away.

Luo Yuxi didn't step forward to stop her this time. She wanted to see if he knew the difference between men and women. However, he probably didn't know, because Zhang Xiao was held by her just like that, but she didn't resist at all.

The old god Yuecheng said: "Anyway, it's his sister, it's okay."

It's easy to say, Luo Yuxi said to herself.

The girl felt the palm of her hand loosen, and then separated her hands. Zhang Xiao said with some embarrassment, "Uh, how old are you?"

Pouting her lips, the girl frowned slightly and thought for a while, "It's only about 2 years."

He slapped himself violently, and there was a burning pain on his face. Everyone was frightened by his action, especially the girl, "My dear brother, what's the matter?"

Swallowing her saliva, Zhang Xiao smiled bitterly and said, "I'm only in my teens, and you're only [-] years old. Is it really right for you to be my sister?"

"Hee hee, I'm also a soul beast. After you were born, you were in the form of a baby. Mom still thinks it's strange."

Zhang Xiao didn't have any impression of them, what he had was only a special attraction in the dark, he knew that they were blood relatives, and that was enough.

He himself knew that he was probably born with a human form, because he inherited the cultivation base of his previous life in the same line. Is the cultivation base of a thousand years equivalent to the 10-year cultivation base of the Douluo Continent?
Walking into the entrance, the top of the cave is open again, and on the rock wall, there is still a stream of red magma flowing down, which has been poured into the magma pool below.After entering the north entrance, you can see a small entrance in the east, which is very bright and exudes a light yellow halo.

Everyone entered the Eastern Cave, only to find that there are countless roads in the small cave, criss-crossing, connecting all directions from east to west, from north to south, making it difficult to tell which road to take.

The girl led everyone into the main road, turned around and dazzled everyone, and finally came to a cliff!
"Don't kill me, don't kill me!" Taitong was scared out of his wits.

Everyone is sweating madly, begging for mercy before doing anything, really spineless!

The girl chuckled, "What, we're going to jump from here."

Everyone suspected that there was something wrong with their ears, "What? Jump down? Are you okay?" There was an endless sea of ​​flames below, and even Ouyang Zili didn't think he could stay inside for a second because of the intense heat. go down?
Putting away her playfulness, the girl looked at Zhang Xiao cutely, "Are they all cowards?"

The corner of his mouth twitched, and Zhang Xiao saw everyone's killing eyes, "Of course not, uh, they are all cowards."


Covering her face with a wry smile, Zhang Xiao looked at Luo Yuxi who was looking angry, and said, "Did I say something wrong?"

Luo Yuxi said coldly: "What do you think?"

The orange-yellow halo and the red halo overlap each other below, the heat is rising, and everyone is sweating, not to mention jumping, everyone has no desire to stay here.

The color of the flames soared upwards, and the flames licked around, ready to choose someone to devour.

It was pretending not to be afraid, but Zhang Xiao was very scared anyway, "You can't say that the sword is under the magma, right?"

Glancing at him in admiration, the girl nodded.

With a bang, Zhang Xiao said: "Okay, I'll jump, you can continue." After speaking, he jumped into the sea of ​​flames, and the flames splashed in the blink of an eye, and his body disappeared into the magma.

The girl showed a bright smile, and immediately jumped down, this brother is still very brave.

Luo Yuxi gritted her teeth, and jumped down too. Seeing that this place had no place in front of the village or back of the store, everyone jumped into the sea of ​​flames with a heartless heart.

The bursting temperature as imagined didn't even appear, and everyone fell to the ground hard. The pain from the buttocks told everyone that they fell again!
Yuecheng was very depressed, since he entered that damn cave, he has been falling down, how many times has this happened?
His eyes slanted, and he was immediately attracted by a huge red sword in a pool of fire, and then the corner of his mouth twitched, "This, isn't this the Chiyan Sword?" Turning to look at Zhang Xiao.

He was also staring at the huge sword, and the Blazing Sword also appeared in his hand, and compared the differences between the two swords.

However, after comparing them for a long time, he didn't find anything wrong. The difference was only the size, and everything else was exactly the same.

After two quick steps, he came to the edge of the fire pool, and when he was about to go in and pull out the giant sword, Ouyang Zili suddenly shouted: "Stop!"

Slightly puzzled, "What's wrong?"

"The temperature of this fire pool is higher than my phoenix fire! You can't go in directly, or you will be burned to death."

With a thoughtful expression on his face, Zhang Xiao said to the girl: "Sister, can you tell me how to draw that sword?"

The girl giggled, "Of course, but my sister has a small condition. I will tell you only after you promise me."

"What?" He was very puzzled, what conditions would there be at this time?Although the girl almost prevented him from coming here alive, she was his own sister after all, which was completely different from Luo Yuxi's feeling.

The girl pulled him over and walked aside, and she stuck to his ear, and the moist heat breathed on Zhang Xiao's ear, "Don't leave."

(End of this chapter)

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