Chapter 23 I Like the Strong

Sitting on the two swings in the yard, the two quietly watched the night sky.

The night breeze was slightly cool, blowing over the skin, which made people feel extraordinarily awake.

I don't know how long it has passed, the stars in the night sky are shining, blinking like ethereal eyes, and from time to time there is a chirping of small insects in the distance, which is even more quiet and seductive.

"Sister, do you think you will leave me in the future?" Looking at the vast night, Zhang Xiao couldn't help asking.

Luo Yuxi blinked her big beautiful eyes, and said seriously: "No, but I think, I have to tell you, I like strong people."

With a slight smile, Zhang Xiao stopped talking, he had already got the best answer.

He understood that Luo Yuxi was not that kind of person, she liked the strong because she wanted to make herself stronger.

Because of his soul power level, Yuecheng had already told them yesterday.

Xizi was worried that she would give up the opportunity to work hard because of her low level of soul power and poor talent.In any case, my cultivation speed is much slower than that of ordinary soul masters, it is not an exaggeration to say that one is in the sky and the other is in the ground.

He wanted to ask this question a long time ago, but he never said it. He was already very happy to get Luo Yuxi's answer today.

After a pause, Zhang Xiao stared at Luo Yuxi: "Sister, I will never leave you either. You like the strong, so I will become the kind of strong you want."

The two looked at each other and smiled, continuing to feel the wonderful atmosphere.

At this time, the bright moon was in the sky, pouring down on Luo Yuxi's delicate face, making Zhang Xiao dazzled for a while.Seeing Zhang Xiao looking at her, Luo Yuxi's pretty face had a crimson halo, because Zhang Xiao didn't see it in the dark night.

In his heart, the three words Luo Yuxi have been imprinted in the depths of his soul from this moment.

If it is said how these three words can be erased from his soul, then, there are only four words, and the soul is annihilated.

In this way, under the supervision of Yang Xiaoran, the students in class one took theoretical classes in the morning and physical training in the afternoon, and this cycle went on for two full months.

In addition, the seven members of Zhang Xiao had actual combat training at noon in the past two months. Among them, the winning ratio of Zhang Xiao's team reached and surpassed the appalling nine to one in these two months.

Among them, the few games that Zhang Xiao's team lost were because Yang Xiaoran asked Zhang Xiao to be on the team in order to give the other six people some confidence.

After these two months of pain and joy, the cooperation between Zhang Xiao and the seven has reached a very high degree of compatibility.Moreover, their own physical fitness has also undergone a qualitative leap.

"Students, tomorrow is the Smash Bros. grade competition held by the college. Students don't need to bring soul master textbooks tomorrow. As for the seven students in our class who participated in the competition, they will meditate tonight to restore their soul power to the most abundant state . " After the last day of physical training, Yang Xiaoran brought all the students back to the classroom and explained the precautions for the big chaos fight.

In the morning of the second day, the blue sky was like washing, and the scorching sun shone on the earth like fire.

All the teachers and students of Xing'ao Academy have already gathered in the back playground, and it's time for the opening ceremony of the chaos later.

At this time, the playground was bustling with people, which was unusually lively, especially most of them were children, and there were quite a few people playing around.

At some point, two figures appeared on the spectator stand. A middle-aged man in his 40s with an unshaven beard and even sleepy eyes sat on the rostrum. He looked like a tramp, dressed in Clothes are also in dilapidated condition.

The other was the dean of Xing'ao Academy. He was wearing a black dress at this time, and he looked much younger.At least compared to the person next to him, he doesn't look like he's in the same age group.

"Respected teachers, dear students, good morning. Today is going to be our Academy's Great Chaos Fighting Tournament. Later, each class will send a student to draw lots. Classes in each grade will play against each other. The three teams will have an individual round-robin competition to determine the top three," the dean said using the soul guide.

After speaking, he sat down and sat on the viewing platform with the person next to him to watch the battle.

In fact, after he said the word lottery, the audience exploded. The students were discussing who would draw lots and bet on what lottery they would get.Except for Class One and Class Ten in the first grade, almost all classes are saying, don't get into Class Ten!

As a result, no one listened to what he said later.But he didn't care, these children, it's better to be lively and mischievous.

Class One said it was the monitor who would draw lots, but Ouyang Zili volunteered to draw lots, and Luo Yuxi couldn't hold back her, so she followed her.

Ouyang Zili has changed a lot in the past two months, or in other words, she acts cold, but she is actually a warm and cheerful girl in essence.After these two months of working together, she and Zhang Xiao have become good friends, and even Mo Binglin has a good relationship with her.

Especially with Luo Yuxi, they have reached the level of girlfriends who can talk about everything.

Walking to the table where the lottery teacher gave out, Ouyang Zili closed her eyes and prayed silently in her heart, she must draw a lottery!Although I'm so good, it doesn't matter what lottery I draw.
Randomly picked a lottery that looked pleasing to the eye from the teacher's hand, opened it, and Ouyang Zili was instantly petrified.

She secretly slandered in her heart: "What do you mean this is? Class one? I fight with my class?"

"Teacher, there is a problem with the lottery. I got my class." Ouyang Zili said to the teacher who was in charge of the lottery.

The teacher was also taken aback. There is indeed a problem with this rule, but for the sake of fairness, the academy has always been like this: "Then let's draw again."

Nodding slightly, Ouyang Zili returned the lottery she drew just now to the teacher, and then chose another one from her hand that was pleasing to the eye.

After reading the numbers above, Ouyang Zili was dumbfounded again, because she saw a number - zero, quietly printed on the wooden sign, Ouyang Zili only felt that the academy was mocking her IQ .

His face was a bit ugly and he said: "Teacher, what's the matter with the zero written on this sign? There is still a zero class in our college?"

"This, this, who wrote this, if one is missing, it should be, this is Class Ten."

Only then did Ouyang Zili heave a sigh of relief. Although he was drawn to that class, he would meet them sooner or later. It would be better to kill them sooner.Ouyang Zili thought about it for a second, but became happy and went back happily.

Everyone looked at Ouyang Zili's appearance and thought happily that they should have drawn a relatively weak class.

(End of this chapter)

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