Douluo continent's ice remote hidden bottle

Chapter 28 You Didn't Do Anything To Me, Did You?

Chapter 28 You Didn't Do Anything To Me, Did You?

The first rays of golden sunlight pierced through the clouds and mist, pouring down on the revived earth.

Luo Yuxi opened her eyes, and suddenly found herself on the bed!

A series of question marks flashed in her mind, why am I here?Didn't I sleep next to the bed?

"Xiaozi!" When he saw Zhang Xiao, Zhang Xiao was still practicing and hadn't woken up from the meditation state, and Luo Yuxi also knew that he should not be disturbed while meditating.

But she still couldn't help calling Zhang Xiao, and after she finished calling, she started to worry, she was afraid that Zhang Xiao would go mad.

Seeing that Zhang Xiao didn't wake up, she was also relieved.

So he didn't call Zhang Xiao again, and just sat quietly on the head of the bed, looking at him with ecstasy.Suddenly, Zhang Xiao opened his eyes, just in time to collide with Luo Yuxi's ecstatic gaze, the weak and boneless gravitational force, Zhang Xiao hurriedly looked away as if he saw a monster.

Luo Yuxi was still staring intently, not noticing that Zhang Xiao had woken up.Seeing her stunned, Zhang Xiao stretched out his hand and shook it in front of her eyes.

"Ouch." Zhang Xiao screamed, and her hand was bitten by a cute little girl.

Luo Yuxi looked at him unkindly: "Don't try to take advantage of me, you didn't do anything to me, did you?"

Zhang Xiao was dripping with sweat, "I'm kind enough to cover you with a quilt, okay? I'm already sitting on the ground, what else can I do, I'm still a wounded person."

Hearing this, Luo Yuxi immediately became anxious, "It's okay, why did you let me sleep on the bed? I didn't go back to the room just to watch you."

Zhang Xiao pretended to be relaxed and said: "Of course it's fine, sister, look, I've been practicing all night, and nothing happened."

In fact, his limbs and bones have already become faintly visible, as if magma is flowing past. Now whether it is the blood, meridians, or the surface of the skin, the high-temperature ocean is already turbulent.

Luo Yuxi didn't think much about it, after all, she was a child, not to mention, Zhang Xiao did not have any problems on the surface.

"Okay, sister. It's time for us to go to the academy. They have already had theory classes by now."

With a light hum, Luo Yuxi got out of bed and ran to read the martial arts textbook. Today should be talking about the function of the seventh soul ring and the number of years that soul masters of each level can absorb the soul ring.

Luo Yuxi and Zhang Xiao already knew about it, but the teacher would explain some details in a more systematic way, and Zhang Xiao had never taught herself.And these have extraordinary significance for the growth of soul masters in the future.

Three years later, at the gate of Xingao Academy.

The scorching sun was in the sky, and the earth seemed to be roasted. Looking into the distance, one could vaguely detect the distortion of the air.

A little girl with rippling blue hair wiped the sweat from her forehead with the back of her hand.He said to a little boy next to him, "It's so hot, why don't we go home?"

Although he was a bit reluctant, the little boy nodded his head in response to the little girl's words.

"Well, okay. Then I'll bring a book, and we'll have to hurry back later."

The little girl seemed a little dissatisfied, and said: "That rascal will go back too, so we don't have to come back either."

"Why?" The little boy asked a little puzzled.

The little girl gave the little boy a blank look: "You don't play with me all day, the teacher has specially approved it, you go to get the first soul ring, I can accompany you. How about it, admire me?"

"Uh, what do I admire about you? Do I admire you for boosting your opponent's attributes during the game? Your teammates have been tricked to death by you, and even Teacher Yang said that you gave away their heads."

The little girl lowered her head and didn't move. The little boy seemed to think of her furious look, and said quickly, "Actually, I mean, you're pretty good. Every time you increase your growth rate so timely, even the other classes say you're not afraid of God." Opponents who are the same are afraid of teammates who are like pigs.”

"Come here, I promise I won't beat you to death." The little girl said with a gloomy face, before the little boy could say anything more, she punched her with a fist, and a big bump immediately formed on the little boy's head.

"Next time you dare to talk to my sister like this, just wait for me." After leaving these words, the little girl left without looking back.

The little boy smiled bitterly, he was only going to get the first soul ring, but no matter it was Xizi, Zili or elder brother who had already cultivated two rings, could he only reach this level after all?
This little boy was none other than Zhang Xiao. Three years later, they had grown a lot taller and looked less immature, but they were still children.

In the past three years, none of them has slackened in their cultivation, and everyone's cultivation has risen rapidly.

Yuecheng has become a famous figure in Xing'ao Academy. He is only 11 years old, and his cultivation has reached level 27.According to his cultivation speed, it is very possible that he will break through the soul master realm at the age of 12.

Although Luo Yuxi is a bit stupid, she has reached level 22 soul power. You know, she is only nine years old!
If it is said that Luo Yuxi's cultivation is surprising, then Ouyang Zili's cultivation is simply appalling. Nine years old with 24th level soul power widens the gap with Luo Yuxi.

Even so, it is impossible for her to break through the ranks of the soul master at the age of 11. With her cultivation speed, as long as she is diligent, she can reach level 27 at the age of ten, barely reach the peak of level 11 at the age of 29, and enter the soul master at the age of 12. Respect the realm.

If they get an upper limit spirit ring, they can generally reach 13th-level spirit power at the age of 35.

But today, three years have passed since they entered school, and Zhang Xiao's soul power has just reached level ten to obtain the first soul ring.

Others don't know, Luo Yuxi, Yuecheng and the students in the first class all know how hard he works, and he spends day and night in physical training, because his soul power is inferior to soul masters of the same age, and he can only improve his physical fitness. Improvements in many aspects.

If others ran a hundred laps, he ran a hundred laps with a load.At the beginning, he carried [-] kilograms of weight, gradually, [-] kilograms, [-] kilograms, and finally, his strength was so terrifying that he could carry [-] kilograms of weight and run a hundred laps, that is, one hundred kilometers without much effort. .

He tested his strength, and the strength of his right arm was actually enough to blast out two thousand kilograms of divine power!

This is obvious for the growth of his body. With any movement of the muscles on the arms, one can feel the tension of the muscles, as if all the strength is contained in the muscles.

And his height has reached 1.6 meters, and he still looks very thin, as if a gust of wind can blow him down, but his strength is all there, and from the outside, there is no trace that can be found The existence of terrorist forces.

However, with his talent, I am afraid that after three years, he will not be able to reach the admission standard of Shrek Academy. The fifteenth level of soul power is easy for his classmates Luo Yuxi and Ouyang Zili. Now he is already qualified.

Even Chen Ling and Taitong are already at level [-], and they can reach level [-] soul power in fifth year.

Although none of his partners disliked him, he still felt sorry for it. Just after eating, Zhang Xiao would meditate alone in the room, and when it was time to go to school the next day, he hurriedly grabbed two bites of food and hurried to school. Never let up a day.

When Luo Yuxi and Ouyang Zili went out to play, he could only stay at home and practice.

Although there is a holiday, he doesn't give himself a little time to relax.

But even if he is already like this, he only reached the tenth level of spirit power after he entered the fourth grade.

Yang Xiaoran was also troubled by this, she didn't dare to make too much publicity about Zhang Xiao's twin martial souls, she asked about everything she could, and she kept searching ancient books herself, but she didn't find any valuable clues.

After returning to the room, Zhang Xiao looked at the empty room with some dejection, and said to herself: "After all, can't you catch up with brother and Xizi?"

(End of this chapter)

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