Chapter 31

Entering the interior of the hotel, Zhang Xiao discovered that this hotel is not as simple and unpretentious as it looks on the surface, and the interior is simply extremely luxurious.

The gold-plated ceiling decoration and the prismatic and half-pear-shaped natural crystal arrays on the gold-plated chandeliers reflect a dreamy color, which makes people dazzled for a while.There are many glittering and transparent pendants on the top of the wall. Those pendants add splendor to the whole decoration style, showing a noble and gorgeous atmosphere.

Even the waiters inside were uniformly customized high-end dresses, which made Yuecheng a little dumbfounded, because it really didn't match this small town.At least, on the surface, it is completely unimaginable.

However, I have seen too many places like Yuecheng, but I am a little surprised that there is such a hotel in this kind of place, it must be very powerful, otherwise no one would dare to open a high-end hotel in such a place.

Once the beast tide surges, the price will be too high, at least in all fairness, the benefits it brings are far less than the losses.

A beautiful girl waiter in a long purple dress came over and signaled to Zhang Xiao and the others that they had to go to the counter and pay a risk deposit of ten gold soul coins before boarding and lodging would last for one day. You can also pay for several days at a time.

Yuecheng rushed to pay the money, but Luo Yuxi didn't stay idle, so she ran to the dining area over there to look for delicious food. Of course, this is not allowed in other hotels, so two waitresses came to stop her from stopping. Down.

Yuecheng received two keys from the counter, turned around and said to the driver: "After dinner, you go to this room on the second floor, put your luggage down, and then you can go back to the clan. Then I gave him the key. There is a key on the key. A small wooden pendant with the name of the room written on it."

After that, Yuecheng turned around and took Zhang Xiao to let Zhang Xiao put down his luggage and went to the dining area to find a table.In fact, it is obviously a small town, and it is still early in the morning, but there are many people who are sincere.

There are about [-] dining tables here, among which there is a row of eight rectangular tables by the floor-to-ceiling windows, separated by the entrance door of the hotel, with four tables on each side, and each table is separated by a snow-white low wall open.

After a corner, there are six tables of the same size, and in the center of the hotel, there are six round luxury tables.

"Xiaozi, you can choose what you want to eat. You don't have to eat from here, you can ask the waiter to help you bring it to the room upstairs. Take a good rest, let's go tonight, let's walk slowly, and keep it under control. Just arrive early in the morning."

After speaking, Yuecheng gave Zhang Xiao the remaining key.

Yuecheng found a waiter and told her to serve some pastries, and to serve more.After speaking, he got up and went upstairs, and happened to meet the coachman who came down on the stairs, asked him for the key back, and went back to the room.

Zhang Xiao didn't notice that a conspiracy was quietly brewing, and then he brought some desserts upstairs by himself, and he didn't really want to eat.

Luo Yuxi happily moved to Zhang Xiao's side, and said, "Why does Xiao Xiao only serve such a small amount? Look at what my sister is serving. There are braised prawns and roast duck. You can eat them all."

Zhang Xiao laughed out loud: "Okay, don't you just know how to eat, as if I don't know."

And then someone's ear was wrung hard.
I opened the mahogany solid wood door with a key and entered the spacious room. The walls inside have been covered by light blue wallpaper, giving people a sense of elegance, and the name of the room, Qingyage, is very appropriate.

In fact, after thousands of years of development, most of the houses in the city now use soul-guided doors. After entering the information on the data card, you can scan and confirm your identity to enter the room.

However, the more high-end places, or some big families, prefer simple solid wood doors.

This kind of door is also a memory of history and has a unique charm, so in this hotel, the oldest method is still used to open the door with a key.

Because there are only two rooms left in this hotel, Yuecheng has played tricks again this year.

Isn't there only two rooms?OK, then I'll live in a room by myself.

After Zhang Xiao and Luo Yuxi went upstairs, he swaggered downstairs again, looking for something to eat with a happy face.

In the room, there was only a big white bed, and on the inner wall, there was a table with several washed fruits on it, and a vase with flowers on the table.

The red roses in full bloom inside were amazing. Although both of them were only over nine years old, the atmosphere rendered here still made Zhang Xiao feel a little charming. This feeling was very strange, and Zhang Xiao couldn't help being a little lost.

Luo Yuxi didn't care about that, as soon as she put the delicious food on the table, she called Zhang Xiao to eat together.

Seeing that Zhang Xiao didn't respond, Luo Yuxi ran over to pull him and said, "What are you thinking, let's eat roast duck together, it smells so good."

Only then did Zhang Xiao come to his senses. He had never been to this kind of place, so naturally he didn't know the meaning of it.

Because, this hotel has a total of seventeen rooms, three of which are specially for couples, because the decoration inside is extremely elegant, and the decorations are also unique, which can be said to have rendered the atmosphere here to the extreme.

And the chandelier inside is completely different from that of the reception hall.

There is only one chandelier here, but the types of crystals on it are dazzling, such as rhombus, cone, ball star, spirit crystals of various shapes, and the bead chain, which are also extremely exquisite.

Not only that, even the bead curtain near the window is made of sapphire beads in series, and there are some small beads of other colors interspersed in it, which is even more beautiful and coquettish.

It was still early in the morning, and there was still a thin mist outside, and the fresh air seemed to be breathable indoors.

It was daytime at this time, and the wall lamp on the wall was still on and hadn't been turned off. The faint orange halo light made people feel comfortable and calm. Zhang Xiao didn't look at it anymore, so he carried the package in and put it on the ground next to the table. .

Gently moved out the chair, then sat down and watched Luo Yuxi eat.

Seeing her unremarkable eating and drinking, Zhang Xiao didn't make a sound, and the corners of her mouth still outlined a faint arc, "Luo Yuxi seems to be the same as before, and she hasn't alienated me, but I can really stay with her." With my brother?"

Although seeing Luo Yuxi and Yuecheng still firmly stated that they would not leave him or leave him alone, Zhang Xiao felt a little awkward in his heart. He couldn't explain why, but he could feel that it really existed in his heart.

Luo Yuxi looked at him with a huge smile, "What's the matter, I won't eat you."

The reason why she asked this was because she was dazed when she saw Zhang Xiao's eyes, she didn't respond when she saw him, and followed his gaze.

Luo Yuxi was also stunned, because many words she didn't know were engraved on the wall, which she didn't notice when she entered the door.

Zhang Xiao also saw it after sitting down, and now his eyes became teary,
Just because, there is a passage written on the wall:

Maybe I'll remember, maybe I'll forget

The first sincere heart sent to you

The first glass of wine filled for you, Yang Yinzun

For your first toast

The first song I chanted softly for you, don't drink up

I only hope you still remember that the person who is still waiting never leaves

Laugh and forget the worries of past and present

Why do you really want to change your hidden bottle?

(End of this chapter)

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