Douluo continent's ice remote hidden bottle

Chapter 4 Powerful Martial Soul

Chapter 4 Powerful Martial Soul
It wasn't so bright, and when the soul emperor saw Xiaozi's martial soul, he froze.

It was a long sword with a light blue halo. At first glance, it looked like clear ripples like ripples from a lake.The criss-cross textures, as well as the runes engraved on the body of the sword, all give people a feeling of deep, distant, and difficult to comprehend.The azure light swam around, surrounding the sword body.

The reason why the Soul Emperor-level powerhouse looked dull was because, although he was the principal, he was also a teacher.He has devoted his whole life to the study of martial arts, and he has some understanding of all martial arts.But this kind of weapon spirit in front of me, let alone seen it, I have never heard of it!But for this kind of vision to appear, it must not be some low-level martial soul.It must be that the martial spirit has mutated in a good direction.

Xiaozi was also a little strange, everyone around him was looking at him with unique eyes.But he didn't feel that there was anything wrong with him, he just remembered something vaguely, but it was very vague.

In fact, the first second Xiaozi opened his eyes, he had already seen the blue sword in his hand.It's just that Xiaozi didn't know that his martial soul was not among the known martial souls in the mainland.

He felt that the palm of his hand was a little cold, and that trace of coolness spread upwards along his palm, meridians, blood, and skin everywhere.Finally, when this coolness flowed into his heart, an indescribable ethereal, like a bridge, connected Xiaozi's soul with the blue sword in his hand.

A dazzled light rose, and suddenly, Xiaozi only felt that the consciousness in his mind was still there, but other perceptions of the whole person disappeared.Everything became lighter, and my heart was filled with strange feelings, as if I was gaining insight into everything in the world.However, this feeling only lasted for a moment, and then disappeared.

"Little friend, do you have any special feelings?" When the principal saw Xiaozi wake up, he asked him immediately, fearing that he would forget the current feeling later.After all, this kind of martial soul that has never been seen in ancient and modern times may create a peerless genius.

Taking a step back, even if this kind of martial spirit is not very powerful, its research value is priceless and precious.If its characteristics can be studied, it will definitely leave a strong mark in the history of the soul master profession since its birth. After all, this is the first alien martial soul to appear.

What's more, according to the records in the book of martial arts, most of the martial souls related to swords are top-level martial souls.Not to mention, this dazzling and beautiful sword martial soul is also the top weapon martial soul at first glance.

Xiaozi looked at him a little strangely, and said something that made the soul emperor stunned: "Who are you? Don't you let others come in?"

At this time, the teacher was still winking, and hurriedly said to Xiaozi: "He is the principal. You just had a problem with your martial soul awakening, so I invited the principal over."

"Oh. I feel a little tired. I want to sleep. Wouldn't it be very tired after awakening the martial soul?" Xiaozi didn't have any doubts about other things, so he told the truth.He really felt very tired, with a feeling of ignorance, and his whole body became very unconscious again, which was completely different from the feeling when he felt the breath of the blue sword just now.

There was an imperceptible look in the headmaster's eyes, but it disappeared in an instant.He said to him: "Well, kid, you should go home and rest first."

Pushing open the door of the awakening room, Xiaozi saw Yuecheng and Xizi anxiously in the waiting room.When Yuecheng and Xizi saw that he was fine, they ran up to him and said happily, "Brother, you are fine, that's great!" The child's pure concern for his friend was evident at a glance.Xizi also looked at him with a smile.

"Brother, I'm a little sleepy, I want to sleep." With some effort, Xiaozi fell on Yue Cheng, who turned his back and carried him on his back.Lifting his leg to leave, the Soul Emperor came out.Seeing Yuecheng, he was also shocked. He was busy looking at Xiaozi's situation just now, so he didn't notice him.After arranging for that teacher to continue to complete the rest of the martial soul awakening, he turned to look at Yue Cheng.

But he said respectfully to Yuecheng: "Young Master Yue, is this you?" The reason why he asked this was because he had never heard of Yuecheng's family, except for Yuecheng Shuxian, there were other children.

The few ordinary people left were a little surprised that the headmaster was so respectful to a child?

How can the reputation of being the first genius in South China Sea City be in vain?If it's just like this, it shouldn't be like this as a soul emperor.After all, soul masters are the most noble profession in the mainland, and high-ranking soul masters disdain money and power.Even the titled Douluo level powerhouses don't even look down on the royal family.

In their eyes, if you have strength, you will stand straight.In this world, the law of the jungle has remained unchanged since ancient times.

The reason why he is like this is because Yuecheng's family belongs to that power, a power that even the two great empires are deeply afraid of.Moreover, his father's strength is unfathomable, and it is far from what he can compare.

"My brother." Yue Cheng replied concisely.Although he was only seven years old, he had seen many people who bowed to him. Seeing that the Soul Emperor was also such a person, Yue Cheng actually didn't want to answer these two words.

Seeing that Yuecheng didn't answer seriously, the Soul Emperor was not annoyed, and still smiled and said to him: "Xing'ao Academy is not far from your house, so I think my younger brother will study in this academy? If Yue Shao is willing to come , I can arrange for you to skip grades to study."

Hearing what he said, although Yuecheng intended to let Xiaozi and Xizi practice at home, after all, that might make Xiaozi and Xizi become indifferent to others.It's better to get in touch with more people. Didn't I also practice at home for more than a year, and as a result, I don't want to talk to outsiders?

"Well, thank you. Please arrange it. My younger sister and younger brother are in the same class. I am one grade older than them." After a short thought, Yuecheng gave a reply.

The principal smiled and said, "It's an honor for the school to admit Yue Shao and Lingdi Lingmei."

Yuecheng didn't say much, called Xizi, and left Xiaozi behind his back under the eyes of everyone.

After entering the house, Yuecheng asked his servants to cook and gave the hungry Xizi a tranquilizer.

Pushing open the door of Xiaozi's room, walked to Xiaozi's bed, and put him on it.He took off his shoes, took off his coat, put a pillow on his head, and spread a quilt for him, then sat in front of the bed, looked at his sleeping state, and smiled slightly.

Although very tired, he didn't say anything.Then he also lay on Xiaozi's bed, quietly looking at the beautifully decorated ceiling, turned his head, looked at Xiaozi again, and sighed helplessly.

He murmured: "Brother, I'm sorry, maybe I will hurt you, but brother really didn't mean it."

(End of this chapter)

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