Douluo continent's ice remote hidden bottle

Chapter 42 Ice Soul White Tiger!

Chapter 42 Ice Soul White Tiger!

I saw Wang Zhen's figure skyrocketed, and he was already three meters away in an instant, his muscles were exaggerated and bulged, and he was many times taller and stronger than Taitong.

Zhang Xiao's pupils shrank suddenly, a mutated Gale Demon Wolf?
In the middle of its neck, there are actually two bloodthirsty terrifying wolf heads protruding out, they are close to the existence of top-level martial spirits!Blast two-headed wolf!

Ah Zhan and Ah Shang didn't seem to have seen it, and released the martial soul when he exhaled and let out a sound, only to see that Ah Shang's figure was also rising against the wind, and it reached three meters away in an instant, and it turned out to be the ice soul white tiger martial soul!A pair of spirit stone-like tiger eyes are shocking.

Deep and shallow blue light clings to his tiger claws, dancing like a burning blue flame.The white tiger fur covered the whole body, and the whole body was clear white. Surrounded by blue light, it looked like a splash of blue ink embedded in white paper.

The right tiger claw is particularly huge, it is about the size of a tiger's head, the sharp claw blade is like a sharp knife shining with a cold light, the aggressive momentum suddenly increases, the whole team has already rushed towards the tenth squad like a tiger descending participating students.

Ah Zhan's aura is completely opposite to that of Ah Shang, without any signs of power riots. His martial soul is like a wolf-shaped martial soul, but also like a tiger-like martial soul. His limbs and head are shining with dark blue luster, his neck and The front chest is covered with white fur, while the back is covered with brilliant golden fur. The blue-gold horns on the forehead are like sharp swords pointing to the sky. Li, standing quietly on the ground, staring at Wang Zhen and the others.

Both sides had already released their spirits, and the dazzling light of their spirit rings shone everywhere.Although only a few people had two spirit rings, the halos of their spirit rings were quite different.

There is the most common and most common white ten-year spirit ring, and there are also several century-old spirit rings. However, when Wang Zhen saw the color of the spirit ring at the position of A Zhan's second spirit ring, he felt a sense of indifference. It felt like seeing a real monster.

The second ring of the millennium?This is too perverted, besides, what kind of martial spirit is this?Why have I never seen it before?

The big and strong martial spirit is a savage giant bull, with an extremely large body, at least twice as tall as all the martial spirits present, the length of the body has exceeded six meters, and the height of the cow has reached four. Meters away, those strong muscles are as unshakable as a mountain.

The martial souls of the two boys behind Wang Zhen and Da Zhuang are the Iron Ax and the Niyuan Python Turtle respectively, both of which are ten-year soul rings.

The spirit of the little sister next door, who is dressed in pink, is Fire Crane, a mid-level spirit, and her spirit ring is a century-old spirit ring.The girl in the purple dress has Lei Ying as her martial soul, with a one-ring cultivation base and a ten-year soul ring.The martial soul of the fresh girl is an emerald, not a very high-end martial soul, but it has two yellow soul rings,

And the three boys behind Ah Zhan and Ah Shang are Ningfeng Gun, Lone Wolf and Sea Demon Leopard. Except that the owner of Ningfeng Gun is a hundred-year-old soul ring, the other two boys look strange. Both are ten-year spirit rings.

The silver-haired girl was holding a scepter of pure silver in her hand, a very powerful healing-type martial soul, a healing scepter.

The martial soul of the beautiful girl with classical charm is sapphire, which is related to the fresh girl's martial soul, and they both belong to gem-type martial souls.In fact, Luo Yuxi's Seven Treasures Glazed Pagoda is also a gem martial soul, but it is just the top existence among gem martial souls.

At this time, the atmosphere in the arena was a bit delicate. Both sides had already released their martial spirits, but neither of them moved.

After a few seconds of stalemate, a cold light flashed in Ah Shang's tiger eyes, and his right tiger paw was raised suddenly to make a gesture of grabbing in the air. This was the secret signal they had agreed upon in advance. Everyone else rushed to their goal.

A tiger claw energy condensate with a diameter of about one meter appeared in front of the two-headed wolf Gale out of thin air. Ah Shang's tiger claw suddenly grasped, and the illusory tiger claw directly bound the torso of the two-headed wolf Gale.

The century-old first and second soul rings were shining at the same time, and the sapphire in the hands of the classical girl shone brightly, splitting out ten blue streams of light, dividing them into five groups and rushing towards the other five people except Azhan himself, with 20.00% power The increase in speed has been released.

Feeling the increase in speed and power, the lone wolf pounced on the mud python and the sea leopard pounced on Leiying, but the young man with the knife-like face of the Concentrating Wind Spear met the iron ax and the sword with his own strength. Flamingo two soul masters!

You know, he is only a one-ring cultivation base, and he still only has a ten-year soul ring.Although Iron Ax is also a ten-year soul ring, but the girl next door has a century-old soul ring!The viewing area is already in chaos, chattering about the game.

The seven members of the tenth class were not fools, and they also stretched out their bodies, and all kinds of soul rings were shining brightly, as brilliant as the night sky when fireworks were being set off.

The fresh girl also had the first and second two century-old soul rings shining at the same time, and the twelve streams of light were released in six groups and rushed towards the six people on her side, but the color was life green.

Faced with the sudden change, Wang Zhen did not hesitate to flash his first soul ring and release the tornado.

A tornado storm with a height of about 15 meters was released centered on Wang Zhen's body, and the majestic momentum of the sky and the ground was released suddenly. The strong hurricane blew everyone in the field and everyone was unstable for a while.

His soul ability can be said to be harmful to others, because his own team members will also be affected, and this is also because he feels the huge threat of the tiger claw, otherwise he would not release this soul ability easily.

The moment the tiger claw appeared in the tornado, it slowly disappeared from Wang Zhen's sight.

Seeing the savage giant bull rushing over, Ah Shang showed an inexplicable expression on his face, because Ah Zhan was in the rear, and he was not worried about the safety of the silver-haired girl and the classical beauty.

A faint blue brilliance circulated around the body of the Ice Soul White Tiger, and there was a strange blood-red rune on the tiger's forehead, as if something had been touched, the eyes of the Ice Soul White Tiger gradually turned from sky blue to blood red , as if entering the Shura killing world.

Zhang Xiao had been watching the game quietly, and when he saw this change in Ah Shang, his face showed a thoughtful look.

The right tiger paw was raised again, the second soul ring was shining, and a blue flame like a phantom flame was getting bigger and bigger in the center of his tiger claw, shining with icy light, locking onto the body of the two-headed wolf Galewind. The shape was thrown out suddenly, and the Moon Devouring Fire was released.

The Moon Devouring Flame ran straight to Wang Zhen's face, the second soul ring of the savage giant bull rushing towards Ah Zhan was shining, and the second soul skill Rock Fortress was released.

An eight-meter-high and three-meter-wide earth wall suddenly burst upwards from the ground, blocking the only way for the Moon Devouring Fire. Da Zhuang suddenly felt a lot more excited when the wolf was on top of him. For the first time in so many years, he was able to successfully block the injury for Wang Zhen.

They have cooperated and fought together for nearly six years, but when he released his soul skills, he always blocked Wang Zhen and successfully cooperated with him. This is really a historic turning point, the first time!

(End of this chapter)

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