Chapter 45 Finals
"After fierce competition, two teams overcame obstacles all the way and finally stood out. These two teams are this year's dark horse, Class Nine; and our old strong team, Class One. Which team can win this year? Let us Let's wait and see!"

"Now, please invite both teams to play, the game is about to start, please get ready." The voice of the broadcast was still loud.

The seven Zhang Xiao stepped onto the competition stage very quietly, without any imposing aura, they just stood there quietly.Turning back to signal Luo Yuxi, Ouyang Zili and others to prepare for the battle, Zhang Xiao, the captain, walked to the central area by himself.

Ah Shang and Ah Shang walked towards the central area of ​​the opposite platform in no particular order. A trace of disdain appeared on Ah Zhan's face. The purpose of him and Ah Shang coming to Xing'ao Academy was to hear that there were a few outstanding peers in the class. , just want to defeat them, the motive is as simple as that.

"The captains of both sides salute, and both sides can release their martial souls. There is still one minute before the start of the game."

Unexpectedly, Ah Zhan and Ah Shang did not bow in respect, but said coldly: "I will show you the real power in a while."

Facing the provocation, Zhang Xiao raised her eyebrows lightly, stood up after bowing slightly, and said indifferently: "It's still unknown who will win the battle, please give me your advice."

Their cultivation level is indeed the best among their peers, and their strength is not at all watery, and they have never used even a few sporadic medicines. They are all based on their talents and their own hard work.

With such a talent, even if he entered Shrek Academy, he could be regarded as a genius.

Zhang Xiao was ignored, Ah Shang and Ah Zhan turned around and returned to their formation, Zhang Xiao didn't stay any longer, and returned to his formation after a few ups and downs.

Zhang Xiao's side is a three-one-three formation, Ouyang Zili is in the middle of the formation, Xu Minghao and Taitong are guarding the formation on the left and right, Zhang Xiao is in the middle of the team, and it is still Luo Yuxi, Chen Ling and Mo Binglin Press down.

On the other hand, on Ah Shang and Ah Zhan's side, the formation has changed. It is impressive that Ah Zhan is in the first place, and Ah Shang is behind. Looking at the battle, they are about to make a move.

What is puzzling is that for some reason, the two beautiful girls, Sapphire and Healing Scepter, are in the middle of the team!

A trace of surprise flashed in Zhang Xiao's eyes, and he thought of a possibility.

The Ningfeng Gun, Lone Wolf, and Sea Leopard soul masters were all at the end of the queue, but they were vaguely surrounded by the sapphire and the healing scepter with Ah Zhan and Ah Shang.

"There are still ten seconds before the match starts, both sides release their martial souls, ten, nine, six, two, one, let's start!"

Following the referee's order, both sides released their martial souls. In a flash, flames rose from Ouyang Zili's body, and the flames burned. Under everyone's amazed gaze, the three soul rings of yellow, purple, and purple Emerge quietly, floating up and down on its dazzling phoenix wings.

Ah Zhan instantly felt like being watered by cold water. I am also a top-level martial spirit. How is it possible? Even the Phoenix martial spirit is at the same level as me, right?
Another three years have passed, and Ouyang Zili's progress is the fastest among the seven including Zhang Xiao. She actually achieved a breakthrough in three years, and at the age of 12, she reached a terrifying soul power of level 34.

Even Yuecheng took some of the best natural treasures, and only reached the peak soul power level of level 12 at the age of 32.

Mo Binglin's soul power is also at level 27, and Luo Yuxi's soul power is also at the peak of level 29. It is not a problem to complete the breakthrough before reporting to Shrek Academy.

Chen Ling has also worked extremely hard in the past six years, and has reached the nineteenth level of soul power. Taitong doesn't know whether it is too lazy or what, but Chen Ling surpassed the first level of soul power when his innate soul power surpassed Chen Ling's by one level. .Xu Minghao's soul power is the same as that of Taitong, around the middle level of eighteen.

Because Zhang Xiao's innate soul power was too low, although he tried to catch up later, but so far he only has a soul power of level 22.

Luo Yuxi's Seven Treasures Glazed Pagoda was still shrouded in dense brilliance, golden light flickered, and two yellow soul rings slowly rose under her feet.

However, what is really surprising is that at the core of the formation, Zhang Xiao, who is standing quietly and staring at him, has two purple soul rings rising slowly under his feet, reflecting a dreamy and blurred color, the noble purple It's like the king is in the world.

Ah Zhan's eyes froze, this time he was shocked speechless, the two soul rings naturally means that his cultivation base is still over 20 levels, only in terms of the total amount of soul power, Zhang Xiao is Not as good as Ouyang Zili's.

However, in terms of the thickness of the soul power, even if Ouyang Zili's soul power is as high as level 34, it is only equivalent to Zhang Xiao's soul power of about 26 or seven.

Moreover, Zhang Xiao's first soul ring is already at the millennium level, which means that Zhang Xiao's various attributes have increased far more than Ouyang Zili.

Ever since Zhang Xiao obtained the first spirit ring in the third grade, Zhang Xiao was able to release the strange sword spirit, and the blue sword that had been used for three years had never released the blue silver grass spirit.

He also understands the principle that the wood is beautiful in the forest, and the wind will destroy it, and he can use the control of this blue sword as easily as if he has a tacit understanding.So the blue sword that has been used for three years, and everyone thought that his blue silver grass spirit ring was attached to it.

Originally, Ah Zhan and Ah Shang's faith had already been shaken after seeing that Ouyang Zili was already a Soul Master. Now, they themselves wondered if what they said just now was a little too arrogant.

However, this kind of thinking only lasted for a moment, because they quickly noticed Zhang Xiao's martial soul, isn't that the waste martial soul Blue Silver Grass?
This question kept circling in Ah Zhan's mind, how could a thousand-year-old soul ring be attached to a waste martial soul?Could it be that his is not Blue Silver Grass, but another plant martial spirit, but looks like Blue Silver Grass?

No matter what he thought in his heart, Ah Zhan shook his head violently, he couldn't grow other people's ambitions and destroy his own prestige.The Martial Soul instantly possessed the body, blue and golden rays of light flashed alternately, and the horns were released outwards, and golden rays of light circulated endlessly on the horns.

The first soul ring was shining, and its majestic momentum set off a coercion like a huge wave. There were golden rays of light rushing around his body, condensing at a distance of less than five meters above A Zhan's forehead, a huge golden light The light spheres gradually converged and formed, dazzling like a real sun.

Ah Zhan's first soul skill, Lieyang Xiaotian, was released towards the back of Zhang Xiao's position with a strong coercion.

His purpose is very simple, first get rid of the auxiliary soul masters and some small miscellaneous fish, so that it will save a lot of effort. In the previous competition, they only saw Mo Binglin, a big soul master, Luo Yuxi. Help him.

I never thought that there is another great soul master hidden, and there is also a soul master of the top phoenix martial soul!

Although the soul ring of this soul master is also beyond the best soul ring ratio, but fortunately it is not much more than that.Ah Zhan and Ah Shang comforted themselves in their hearts.

(End of this chapter)

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