Chapter 56 Shut me up!
Tang Qinyao was watching under the shade of a tree, and when she heard Zhang Xiao's answer, she thought to herself that this boy must be very strong, otherwise she would not have answered like this.

The provocative boy said disdainfully: "A little bastard, how dare you shout from here? If you have the ability, don't beg for mercy later, and don't regret it later. Just like you just now, hehe, even if you call yourself a bastard later, I will I won't let you go either."

Tang Qinyao frowned slightly. This boy really went too far. If she didn't want to know what Zhang Xiao's strength is, she would have already made a move.

Moreover, the loneliness in Zhang Xiao's eyes couldn't be concealed, and Tang Qinyao could see it, so she smiled at him like that just now.She would ignore ordinary people, such as the provocative one.Maybe the girl he mentioned just now is a very important person to him.

This boy is not a brainless person, firstly, seeing the goddess smiling at an ordinary-looking guy, he was really angry.

The second reason is that Zhang Xiao is dressed poorly, so he put all his clothes at home.He only brought Luo Yuxi's favorite purple dress, and some ordinary clothes of his own, so he only wore an ordinary white gown.

In addition, Zhang Xiao's appearance is so ordinary, and there are many people around who are envious and jealous. This boy in his early years is just a representative.

The boy let out a low cry, and the martial spirit instantly possessed him, and he said triumphantly to Zhang Xiao, "How about it, do you still want to fight?" The boy glanced at Tang Qinyao who was watching, thinking that he would finally show up for a while.

Zhang Xiao's pupils froze suddenly, he had heard of this kind of martial spirit, it was very powerful, but how could the spirit power only be at level nineteen?

This boy's martial soul turned out to be a diamond mammoth, with a huge head, only four toes on his feet, thick thighs and pillars, his shoulder height was more than four meters, and his body length reached seven meters.

The epidermis is covered with long brown hairs, and on both sides of the diamond mammoth's proboscis, there are actually two upper incisors with a length of about two meters. outer curl.

The Diamond Mammoth is famous in the history of Douluo Continent. About 6000 years ago, it was one of the seven sects of Douluo Continent. Although it is one of the lower four sects, it is still much stronger than ordinary spirits.

Looking at this boy's appearance, Zhang Xiao also understood that he was not without capital, but why is his soul power only at level nineteen?

Seeing that Zhang Xiao was stunned, the boy thought he was frightened.

So he said proudly: "How about it, you didn't admit it when you were told to admit defeat, do you regret it now?"

Only then did Zhang Xiao come to his senses, because after Luo Yuxi left, he might have missed her too much in the past two months, and when thinking about problems, he would unconsciously be distracted.

So what if you are a diamond mammoth spirit?There is a price to be paid for bullying.

Thinking of this, two red lights burst out from Zhang Xiao's eyes, and in his right hand, a fiery red long sword quietly emerged.Rich red flames were rushing around the sword body, as if the temperature would explode as soon as it was touched.

"Is this Martial Soul?" The boy asked a little strangely.

Zhang Xiao smiled slightly, "What do you think?"

Orange-red flames soared into the sky, and the fire sword slashed down. Before it touched the boy, the flames turned into a fire dragon and rushed towards him.

The boy was startled, and hurriedly urged his soul power to release the first soul skill, broke through the ground, and released it.

The thick thighs stomped on the ground suddenly, the ground seemed to tremble rumblingly, and then several cracks about several feet deep and two inches wide appeared on the ground.

Wave-like shock waves spread out layer upon layer, and the fire dragon seemed to be distorted, but it didn't affect the fire dragon's momentum at all.

The fire in Zhang Xiao's eyes flickered and disappeared, and the fire dragon stopped, turning into nothingness and slowly dissipating.

Chen Ling, Xu Minghao, Taitong and Mo Binglin were all here today, but Ouyang Zili didn't come for some reason.

The four of them stood under a big tree next to the school gate, not far from Tang Qinyao, quietly waiting for the scene where the boy was about to be abused.

Seeing that Zhang Xiao stopped, the four of them looked at each other and smiled. They understood why Zhang Xiao stopped, because they saw a teacher patrolling past.And the boy turned his back to the patrolling teacher, still possessed by the martial spirit.

Which one of the teachers in Shrek Academy is not a soul king or above?
Without releasing the spirit, he grabbed the boy and said to him coldly, "You can choose to leave by yourself, or I can choose to send you back."

He was the first one who dared to do anything at the gate of Shrek Academy.

The boy was immediately paralyzed with fright, Zhang Xiao is the same age after all, it's okay to provoke him, this Shrek Academy teacher is not easy to provoke!The eyeballs rolled around a few times, "Teacher, I will go by myself, go by myself."

One of his two younger brothers exclaimed, "The boss is being played like a bastard."

Even though what the boy said was true, the boy still had a gloomy face, "If you don't speak, you will die, shut up!"

There were not only freshmen at the gate, but also some senior students. A few of them gestured and said, "It's so miserable. I don't know if we fight in our college, we can't be at the gate. If you want to go to the fighting spirit field to solve the problem, this kid is really brave." what."

"Hey, his bad luck has nothing to do with us."

Many freshmen were talking about it, and even the two teachers who were responsible for the registration of freshmen couldn't help but look sideways.

The inspecting teacher said to Zhang Xiao: "Are you a freshman? Hurry up and go to the college for a test. It will be very crowded tomorrow. If you don't get your round, you won't be able to enter the college."

"Thank you teacher." Zhang Xiao smiled.

The boy was unconvinced, and muttered: "Teacher, he did it too, why don't you punish him?"

The inspector teacher said flatly, "It doesn't matter who made the move, our college doesn't care about the fights between students."

"The important thing is that you destroyed the ground. Many freshmen come to report today, which will affect the appearance of our college. As for the maintenance fee of this ground, you can't run away, just pay three times the compensation."

The boy's eyes straightened immediately, my dad just told me today that the economy in the sect is tight, and told me not to cause trouble.Let me pay three times.
"Teacher, please, can you not make me pay three times?" the boy begged.


Zhang Xiao shook his head helplessly, turned around and entered the gate of Shrek Academy, ready to go to the test.

At this time, the four people who had been hiding behind the big tree jumped out suddenly, "Brother Xiao, just want to enter school and fight."

He smiled helplessly, "The four of you are here too, why didn't I see you just now?"

(End of this chapter)

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