Douluo continent's ice remote hidden bottle

Chapter 65 Hidden Weapon Tang 3

Chapter 65 Hidden Weapon Tang San
"Hidden weapon? Haven't you heard of it? It's a powerful weapon that's used in the dark." Tang Qinyao replied truthfully.

"No, I'm asking where did this hidden weapon come from?"

Tang Qinyao looked at him like a fool, "Haven't you heard of this? The hidden weapon was created by Tang San, the ancestor of our Tang Sect. In his era, wars were mainly weapons, so when combining After casting and the delicate structure of the hidden weapon, a powerful hidden weapon was born."

"In that era, you have learned about the war between the two great empires of the Douluo Continent and the Spirit Empire, right? It was because of the addition of hidden weapons that the two empires were able to conquer the city of the Spirit Empire and finally wiped out the Spirit Empire."

Zhang Xiao didn't hear what she said at all, and was completely immersed in his own thinking.

"Hidden weapon? Tang San, Tangmen, Xuantian Baolu? No wonder even the moves are the same." Zhang Xiao was completely shocked, because he thought of a possibility that Tang San was not from this world either.

As early as when he absorbed the first soul ring, he vaguely remembered some things about the past. In the past three years, his memory has almost completely recovered.

When he heard Xuantian Baolu, he didn't think much of it, but when he mentioned hidden weapons, he felt like being poured with cold water from head to toe. No wonder the word Tangmen is so familiar, it was brought by that world. Is it?

"Then what hidden weapons are there in the hidden weapons you mentioned?" Zhang Xiao looked at her seriously.

Although Tang Qinyao felt that Zhang Xiao had too many problems, after all, they were so close, so she patiently explained: "There are some less powerful ones, such as silent sleeve arrows and insinuations. Powerful Medium ones like the Godly Zhuge Crossbow are very domineering, and the Godly Zhuge Crossbow was used as the main weapon in previous battles, so the two empires could defeat the Spirit Hall with very low losses."

"As for the highest level, it's useless if you know it, because you can't do it.

Our Tang Sect, only at the time of ancestor Tang San, an elder made a few.Buddha Fury Tanglian, Stormy Pear Blossom Needle, and Peacock Feather, these three top hidden weapons, no one has been able to make them for 6000 years since the ancestor of Tang San. "

Zhang Xiao's complexion changed continuously, it seems that he guessed well, but this ancestor Tang San was from the same era as me, so why did he come 6000 years ago?

Looking at the starry night sky, Zhang Xiao had mixed feelings in his heart. This is my new home, Douluo Dalu.

It turned out that after he jumped off the cliff, he actually came to this world.Ghosts?I also danced with ghosts, no wonder, it's just that our generation didn't expect him to be 6000 years earlier than me.

Helplessly forced a smile, "Qinyao, are you his descendant?"

"No, our surname is Tang." Tang Qinyao shook her head and replied.

"You called me out just to give me this Xuantian Treasure Record?"

Tang Qinyao's big beautiful eyes flashed a special brilliance, "Such an important thing is a secret of our Tang Sect. I didn't ask you to come out. Could it be given to you in the academy? There are so many people there, I'm afraid someone might overhear it. "

Zhang Xiao patted her forehead with her hand helplessly, Tang Qinyao really didn't know that Zhang Xiao was a disciple of Tang Sect in her previous life, although she was an outer disciple, her understanding of hidden weapons far surpassed that of Tongji.

In the original world, he was originally the king of water gnats with human intelligence, so he also had his own name, Leqinli.Of course, this name was known only to Jiu besides himself.

Because when he was a little snake, he lived in the upper reaches of a long river outside Tangmen, so he entered Tangmen after 12 years in human form.He was still a child at that time, because he was very smart, the great elder of the Tang Sect took him into the outer sect and named him Tang Xuan.

He has lived in the Tang Sect for more than 16 years. In the Outer Sect, he is a genius. There used to be only one peer named Tang San, who was on par with him in terms of hidden weapon comprehension.

Tang San is also an adopted orphan. Although he is not an orphan, he is not much different.

Although the two of them often competed in hidden weapons, they were still good friends in private, and Tang Xuan only had Tang San as a friend in that world.

It's just that Tang San was loved by Grandpa Tang Lan, so Tang Xuan felt a little inferior in front of him.

However, everything changed on that day. Other sects in the rivers and lakes went to Tangmen to steal martial arts secret books, and were discovered by Tang San. Although they killed the thief and kept the ancient books of Tangmen, they still did not escape. Live to die.

Although Tang San committed suicide, Tang Xuan was still sad for a long time because of the death of his good friend, and finally left Tangmen.

He couldn't figure it out, but his friend acted for the sake of the Tang Sect and had absolutely no selfish intentions.Regardless of his excellent talent or his dedication to the Tang Sect, the elders of the Tang Sect should never have persecuted him like this.

In the end, he left the Tang Sect alone, but he also kept his promise to the Great Elder, and did not join any other sects in the Jianghu.

Before joining the Tang Sect at the age of 12, he had known her for a long time by accident, and fell in love with this beautiful girl deeply. However, he was just like his good friend Tang San, or in other words, like all the disciples outside the Tang Sect. Same, no emotional experience.

So after 16 years of getting acquainted for a long time, it became the ending of the cliff jumping. Although he jumped off by himself, he was indeed desperate.

Originally, with his peak cultivation as the king of water gnats, as long as his heart has nothing to worry about, becoming a fairy is inevitable.But his fate is not over, and the obstacles in his mood also doomed his tragedy.

According to his memory, the time when his good friend Tang San jumped off the cliff was only more than a year late.

But when he also came to Douluo Dalu, he was 6000 years later than his friends!
Seeing Zhang Xiao lost in thought, Tang Qinyao gently tugged at the corner of his clothes, "What's wrong with you?"

"Oh, no, nothing." Zhang Xiao replied perfunctorily.

Fortunately, Tang Qinyao didn't see anything, "You already know that, now you are the inner disciple of my Tang Sect, betraying the sect is absolutely not allowed, and then you have to practice hard, understand?"

It has to be said that Tang Qinyao's thoughts were quite meticulous. It was almost midnight, and she brought Zhang Xiao to the empty gate of the east city, and then it was pitch black outside, and only a little bit of starlight could be seen in the starry sky.

However, there are also sounds, only the occasional chirping of insects. At night, the atmosphere seems so quiet.

Zhang Xiao was still struggling in his heart, "Is this good friend my ancestor? Well, no wonder I had a special feeling when I saw his statue. It's just that I didn't expect that after he came to another world, he would use the Tang Sect's top hidden weapon All produced.

Haha, he doesn't know, I also secretly learned the Xuantian Treasure Record, it's just how he cultivated so fast, my Xuantian Kungfu has only reached the second stage. "

"Are you hungry? Let's go eat together." Tang Qinyao's pink face flushed a little.

The muscles on Zhang Xiao's face twitched, why are all the girls the same?Why do you open your mouth and shut it all to eat?
(End of this chapter)

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