Douluo continent's ice remote hidden bottle

Chapter 98 The Mutated Phoenix

Chapter 98 The Mutated Phoenix

There was a remote open space not far outside the auction house, and Zhang Xiao stopped in the middle of the open space.

Looking around the open space calmly, Ouyang Ziyuan said: "Are you ready? For her, I won't let you go." Then, he pointed to Luo Yuxi next to him.

He is so calm, his strength must not be bad, he is Zili's elder brother, that means the martial soul is also a phoenix?

"You're overthinking. I just said I want to have a discussion, but I didn't promise you anything." He corrected him lightly, and a purple light that was more than a foot long shot out from Zhang Xiaozhan's blue eyes.

The few people around were all watching with a mentality of watching the excitement, only Luo Yuxi felt a little uneasy.

"Be careful." Shen shouted, Ouyang Ziyuan's figure flashed, and a gorgeous black flame rushed towards Zhang Xiao.

Everyone's pupils froze suddenly. He had four soul rings on his body, two yellow and two purple. Although none of them were equipped as well as Ouyang Zili's soul rings, it was still very impressive for him to reach such a height at his age. It's scary.

Zhang Xiao also took a deep breath, although he was bigger than himself, but his soul power was only level 23, the gap was obvious.

He can reach this height, probably not only because of his talent, but probably because of a mutation in his martial soul. His Phoenix Fire is very different from Zili, why is it almost black?

Seeing him attacking, Zhang Xiao stopped thinking about it. The moment Ouyang Ziyuan jumped up, a spider web made of blue and silver grass intertwined and with a diameter of more than seven meters fell from the sky, binding Ouyang Ziyuan tightly.

However, without even using the power of the soul ring, a layer of faint flames attached to the blue silver grass outside the body of the flame phoenix, boom!The flames burned, and the spider web was burned to ashes at once.

With almost no pause, Fenghuang slammed into Zhang Xiao with tyrannical flames, moved lightly, and staggered his body outward.

The next moment, a purple light shot out from Zhang Xiao's eyes, while Ouyang Ziyuan was still immersed in the imagination that he was tyrannizing Zhang Xiao.Caught off guard, he was hit by the mental shock released by Ziji Demon Eye. He only felt a sudden dizziness in his brain and couldn't see the outside world clearly.

With a wave of his right hand, countless blue and silver grasses gushed out from the ground, directly binding Ouyang Ziyuan, who was temporarily stunned, into rice dumplings.

Although the mental attack of Ziji Demon Eyes was extremely different, it only made Ouyang Ziyuan dizzy for a second after all, and Zhang Xiao's mental power was at most comparable to when he was at level 30.

For spiritual attacks, the greater the relative gap between the enemy's mental power and one's own, the more obvious the effect will be.

He can be recruited, and he has never seen it before.If it happens again, he will definitely take precautions.Thinking of this, Zhang Xiao smiled strangely.

"Come again!" With a loud roar, Ouyang Ziyuan's body ignited raging fire again, and in the blink of an eye, the blue silver grass was burnt to black.

Flapping the phoenix wings, he swooped down again and slammed into Zhang Xiao who was in a daze.

However, before hitting it, Ouyang Ziyuan only saw that Zhang Xiao in front of him suddenly turned into many phantoms, and he hit the ground before he could distinguish between reality and reality.

Although the phoenix is ​​also a top-level martial spirit, compared with dragons and tigers, its defensive power is much lower. This sudden fall, it is also a mess, and I can't find it.

The black phoenix wings slapped back on the ground, and his body jumped up, "Are you an agility attack system soul master or a control system?"

"Neither." Standing firm, a sword flashed out of Zhang Xiao's hand.

"This is... a soul guide?" Looking at the sword with some doubts, Ouyang Ziyuan knew that the energy of the soul guide was usually injected, and now it would not consume Zhang Xiao's soul power, so his combat power was raised by one. grade.

With a laugh, Ouyang Ziyuan's fourth soul ring shone brightly, and a piece of crimson red lotus floated down towards Zhang Xiao.

Yue Cheng on the side looked bewildered, could it be that the fourth soul skill is only a lotus flower?
Without being locked by that piece of lotus, Yue Cheng and the others certainly didn't know how terrifying this lotus was. First of all, they were locked by the air mechanism, so Zhang Xiao couldn't run.

And what's even more weird is that Zhang Xiao didn't feel the fiery breath in the crimson lotus flower, but only an incomparably icy chill.

The lotus flower was slowly falling, and it was about to land on Zhang Xiao's head, but Zhang Xiao smiled slightly, unless the level was higher than Ouyang Ziyuan, it would be impossible to be someone else.

But Zhang Xiao is not just a soul master, soul skills are only a part of his ability, and his eyes are full of purple, and a spiritual shock gushes out from his eyes again, but Ouyang Ziyuan is also smart, he flapped his wings and flew up, dodging Mental shock.

Oh?Zhang Xiao made a very strange posture with his hands, but there was an invisible energy between the slight swings.

Ouyang Ziyuan, who had just escaped the soul shock, was taken aback, what!Since he got the fourth soul skill, he has never missed it. However, the red fire lotus did deviate from the original direction and did not land on Zhang Xiao.

Tang Qinyao's beautiful eyes suddenly shrank, to control the crane and capture the dragon?It's only been a few days, and he has actually mastered controlling cranes and catching dragons?

Ever since Zhang Xiao found out that he couldn't move, he knew that he must be locked by the qi mechanism. It was useless to run, and he couldn't dodge it with his ability, not to mention that Ouyang Ziyuan's soul power exceeded forty levels .

But controlling the crane and catching the dragon is specially designed to break the Qi machine and lock it, which can make the body and spirit shift.

Without falsehood and reality, the mechanism of Qi will be self-defeating.

Frowning slightly, Ouyang Ziyuan said: "I can't see that you are so powerful. Even a soul king who is one level higher than me can't avoid it. Your age should be about the same as mine. It's not easy."

With a light smile, Ouyang Ziyuan also admired Zhang Xiao quite a bit, "Stop fighting, it's a draw for us."

Slightly nodding, Zhang Xiao said: "Your Excellency's Martial Soul shouldn't be the Flame Phoenix?"

With a laugh, Ouyang Ziyuan said: "That's right, my martial soul has mutated, it's no longer a flame phoenix, but a dark phoenix."

"No, the dark phoenix is ​​of the dark attribute, and the flaming phoenix is ​​of the fire attribute. No matter what, this kind of attribute change is impossible." Yue Cheng is also well-informed, and he still understands these principles.

"Are you sure?" Ouyang Ziyuan said jokingly.

Suddenly, Yue Cheng's face changed continuously, "Are you undergoing attribute-changing surgery?"

I saw Ouyang Ziyuan's facial muscles were ferocious, he gritted his teeth and said fiercely, "Do you want to die?"

The two sides were still in harmony, and finally shook hands and made peace, although someone who said that someone else performed the operation was severely burned by the fire of darkness.

However, it turns out that those who speak bad words usually end badly. After returning to the auction house, Luo Yuxi bought all the auction items that could be auctioned, and almost spent all of someone's savings.

On the way home, Yuecheng covered his face and wanted to cry, "Can't you save some money? My 300 million!"

The slender jade hands smoothed the blue hair, "I'm not good to you? There are several that I think are cheap and I don't feel embarrassed to spend your money. These are definitely worth the money!"

Before the "Prodigal Mother" finished, Yue Cheng was thrown out.

Looking at Yue Cheng's gorgeous back, Ouyang Ziyuan swallowed hard, this beauty seems to have a bad temper
(End of this chapter)

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