New Flash Marvel Reborn

Chapter 205 Deep Sea Ruins

Chapter 205 Deep Sea Ruins

On the Rainbow Bridge, a dazzling beam of light pierced into the sky, and Odin, the king of Asgard, personally led his son Thor back to the realm of the gods.

When the majestic gatekeeper Heimdall saw the two, he bowed and saluted.

"Can you tell me now, father?" Thor asked slightly dissatisfied. "What is the need to call me back so urgently?"

Odin took two steps forward, turned his back to him and said in a strange tone: "Of course."

Immediately afterwards, Heavenly Father's tone suddenly changed, and he shouted sharply: "Guards! Take him down!"

Thor was stunned, and his first reaction was that there was an intruder, so he quickly raised his hammer and looked around.When the group of soldiers surrounded him like an iron barrel, Thor had to understand this fact——

—and it was Thor himself that his father had snapped orders to seize.


Thor roared, and the soldiers stopped again, hesitating.Thor's orders are of course not as powerful as the Heavenly Father, but his reputation has been there for so long, and the people in Asgard are naturally afraid of him.

Thor shouted, "Father! What do you want?"

His face turned sharply, and he asked again: "Are you Loki? It's Loki in disguise, right?"

Odin turned pale and said, "I'm not Loki. You don't need to know why now, you just need to know that I'm all for your own good, and that's enough."

Without giving Thor a chance to ask any more questions, the purest magical light condensed from the palm of the Heavenly Father, and pushed it spirally towards Thor.Even Thor was a bit overwhelmed by the blow from the heavenly father. The powerful impact in the middle of his chest pushed him upside down, and slammed into the pillar in the hall that exuded golden glazed light. Thor's hammer Flying out, Odin reached out and held Thor's Hammer in his hand.

An attack of this magnitude couldn't have knocked Thor down, as it should have.But when Thor put his hands on the ground and tried desperately to stand up, he was surprised to find that his powerful arms could not even support his own weight.

Soldiers on both sides lifted Thor and dragged him out of the hall.

Odin looked at the direction Thor left and sighed.

"My son, the king father is also for your own good. Maybe you can't understand now, maybe you will not forgive the king after you understand it, but the king has no choice."


The bottom of the sea is a place completely surrounded by darkness, where terrible water pressure is everywhere, and almost no living things can live in this area.Even deep-sea fish cannot touch this corner.

A little bit of light is like two stars in the vast night sky, shining in the dark sea water.One blue and one white, two fan-shaped lights that spread radially illuminate a small piece of the sea area.

Brad's body is protected by the blue light's close-fitting shield, which can adapt to the environments of various galaxies, even under the huge pressure of sea water.And the one who came down with him was Tony wearing a diving-style Iron Man armor.

Tony's armor was almost completely destroyed in Ultron's invasion not long ago, leaving only the suit he was wearing at the time.In the few days after the Ultron invasion, he built a total of three sets of armor, one of which was a diving armor specially customized for underwater operations.With a silver shell and a simple and light structure, it looks like a flexible body.

Brad replaced the work of the flashlight with the ring and Tony with the reactor, which were the only two beams of light at the bottom of the water.

Professor Quest said that the largest recent earthquake occurred on the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean, and it also caused quite a lot of waves on the water surface.According to the venerable professor's own suspicions, he felt that the serpent must be at work.And from this, an interpretation of the myth can also be derived. The ancient Norse said that "Odin threw the serpent Mijarade into the deepest depths of the ocean", and they might be referring to the Atlantic Ocean.

The two had been flying in the sea for nearly an hour.The professor's data is really not professional, and the geographical area is a bit exaggerated.So far, they haven't found any traces related to the "snake".

No, so far, the only living signs of life are the two of them.

"Let's say it first, it's not that I'm afraid of the dark. But." Tony complained, "We are indeed wasting too much time, and we ran all the way to this kind of place just for the one-sided words of an old man."

They had almost scoured the suspicious area circled by the professor, trying to find any trace of life that had appeared in this deep sea.But alas, nothing.What the light shines on is either muddy soil with hard to distinguish colors, or crushed stone powder and some hard seaweed.

"Wait," Tony suddenly stopped the thrusters, "Did you hear anything?"

Brad also stopped flying and listened attentively.

Tony's helmet is equipped with state-of-the-art vision and hearing sensors that help him see far and hear far, and his hearing is now far more sensitive than most people on the planet.

Soon, Brad heard what Tony said.The sea was so terribly silent, it seemed that there were dull roars coming from all directions, like the high-decibel noise of an old-fashioned locomotive motor coming through the heavy sea water, which was muddy and mixed with the sound of "grumbling" water .

A trembling waveform image popped up in the field of vision in Tony's helmet, and Jarvis' voice sounded at the same time.

"Sir, an underwater earthquake with a magnitude of five has been detected, please prepare for the impact."

"Fuck! What bad luck!" Tony cursed.

The earthquake soon arrived as expected, the water body began to vibrate violently, and the dust and powder with unclear colors all jumped up in unison as if ordered, and the walls that turned into sand and dust muddied the water body, blocking sight.

As if surrounded by a sandstorm, the vibration and dust took away both of them's sense of direction.

The rings and reactors tried their best to emit light, but in such an environment, it was as useless as the shimmer of a firefly.Fortunately, the gyroscope in Tony's helmet is still working, which can help them keep heading.

The ground cracked in the violent tremors, and the combined force of gravity and indescribable water pressure pulled the two of them down crazily.The earthquake tore through the bottom of the water, just like a knife passing through a hundred-meter-long crack. Endless pressure and irresistible attraction pulled the two of them downward and fell rapidly.

"It's empty down there!" Tony yelled.

Without his reminding, Brad had already discovered it.No matter how strong the earthquake is, the water pressure on the seabed should be equal everywhere.And now the water above their heads pushed them down like crazy, only because there was a cavity under the cracked seam under their feet.

The fall continued for a long time, and it felt like two logs were being poured down the direction of the waterfall.

The sea water finally returned to calm, and the earthquake seemed to have finally passed.It's like a dragon dancing under the water just now, and now it's tired and resting.

Now, the soles of their feet have touched the ground again.

This is tens of meters below the torn ground, surrounded by dark green seawater that has just been poured in.The vision recovered bit by bit, and the two were finally able to see the environment clearly again.

It is a gate, like the gate used to defend the castle in ancient times, about 30 meters high, and two people standing in front of it are like facing a giant with their heads up.

"Oh my god, there really are such things as relics!" Tony rolled his eyes and said, "We didn't just discover some ancient relics, did we? It must be worth a lot of money."

Brad said in a business-like tone: "Scan to see if there is any magical energy, Tony. If this place is really related to Asgard people, there will definitely be traces related to magic."

Tony did as he was told, and the results came quickly.

"It really is! But it's not strong, it seems"

Tony stared at the dark green net representing the symbol of magical energy on the screen, and said hesitantly, "It looks like a torn anti-riot net."

Brad understood: "The professor is right, we are not the first visitors in the near future. In the high-energy reaction before us, someone broke through this layer of magic defense."

But at least they don't have to worry about how to break through the magic protection.Brad approached the city gate, holding Tony's armored hand with one hand, and clinging to the outer wall of the city gate with the other, the two figures vibrated together at high speed.The sea water felt the violent shaking in the space, and the water surrounding the two of them bubbled "gurgling", and the two passed through the wall like ghosts.

Behind the castle-like gate is not the structure of an ancient city, but a long corridor, with bronze statues standing on both sides, which has the atmosphere of ancient Chinese emperors going up.

But the ones standing here are not officials wearing black hats, they all look more like ghosts and monsters in mythology.It's hard to find one with a human face among these guys, all of them look like menacing gods, staring ferociously at the outsiders who broke into the palace.

In addition, the biggest difference from the emperor's court is that the place where the emperor's throne should have been placed was an altar with a square box similar to a coffin placed on it.

Walking forward along the passage, the nerves unconsciously mentioned the highest alert state.Every one of the bronze statues around is so lifelike, as if they will rush over at any time.

Walking up to the altar, Tony and Brad exchanged glances, and then Tony carefully stretched out his hand and slowly pushed the coffin away.

The dull sound spread along the sea water, and the inside of the square box was like a bottomless pit, as if a hand could not come out after reaching in.

But it was obvious that the detainees inside had already fled.

Suddenly, a chilling vigilance spread throughout the body, as if being stared at by the most dangerous creature in the world.

The two turned their heads abruptly, and were surprised to see——

- It's a dragon!The divine creature that only exists in legends, the divine dragon with cyan scales all over its body, is staring at it maliciously, flashing its sharp fangs and glaring at it!

(End of this chapter)

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