New Flash Marvel Reborn

Chapter 216 Accepting Fear

Chapter 216 Accepting Fear
The elongated light and shadow, like a yellow and blue speeding train, crashed through layers of walls and rushed out of New York City in a few seconds.

There was a sharp sound like the overload of the brake pads on the bottom of the blue afterimage, and it stopped with a long string of sparks behind its heels.The yellow afterimage flew far away as if the locomotive had thrown off the carriage and lost control.

Brad's figure flashed, and he suddenly appeared in front of Sinestro, who was thrown thousands of kilometers and should have been thrown to pieces.

The ground seemed to be in the mud turned up by a huge shovel, Sinestro straightened up by supporting the sunken ground, and patted the dust on his body smartly, as if he was not injured at all.


It seemed that there was only a flicker of eyes, and there was no sign of movement in the body and limbs, and the golden beam shot out like an arrow.Arrows fired at the speed of light cannot be dodged unless predicted by the changes in the aura of the caster, just like Brad.

He dragged the blue afterimage and slid sideways, dodging the blow.

"Well, very good." Sinestro said leisurely, "Last time you escaped a catastrophe, I thought you would behave better. It seems that I have to teach you a lesson myself."

The fear in the air was attracted to the yellow body in the center, and was swallowed into the yellow ring.Sinestro was burning with golden flames, and his body was slowly suspended, as if being lifted by the flames.

"Evil traitors, fear my divine light!"

With a loud shout, he seemed to be transformed into the center of the vortex, and the power of fear was like an elf flying around under the dancing of his arms.

The air of fear is everywhere, spreading quickly, and the close-fitting blue light shield is useless. It can block any material and energy attack, but it can't resist the pure fear that locks him like a positioning system.

His body felt cold for no reason, as if there were hordes of beasts staring at him vigilantly.

It's like the illusion that if you move a finger, it will disappear immediately.

Sinestro, who controls fear, also has the ability to sense changes in the power of fear in everyone around him.He smiled triumphantly and said: "Don't resist anymore, everyone has fear in their hearts. But you have to impress me. Last time I met you, your fragile will was like a paper window; but now , I saw a person on Earth who has one of the best willpower in the Green Lantern Corps."

Immediately, his tone changed: "But even the bravest people have inescapable fears, even Hal Jordan is no exception."

"You're right." Brad said calmly.

Sinestro felt sure of victory, and even felt the joy of being recognized by the enemy as strong.This kid wasn't lying, Sinestro could feel the fear around him overflowing crazily, as if it came from a bottomless pit.It is much more meaningful to scare a fearless person than to scare a cowardly person. When Green Lantern Hal Jordan, once known as the "Fearless Lantern", was swallowed by the yellow light of fear, he even had a fight with Parallax Monster. All in one.And he had a hunch that the fear of the young man in front of him might be comparable to that.

However, he saw an undeserved calm expression on Brad's face.

Is he just pretending to be calm?The atmosphere of fear around him was indeed getting stronger and stronger.
Suddenly, Sinestro's pupils shrank.

He realized that such a strong energy of fear was too much for the capacity of a person's heart.

It wasn't his fear, it was what he called out to.

"If I forgot to tell you that I not only hold the energy of a color lamp, then I will tell you now."

As Brad said, the ring exuded an extremely dazzling golden light.It seems that from all over the earth, the hopeless fear of everyone in the world is continuously filling the yellow ring.

"'s impossible" Sinestro stammered, "Fear and hope are impossible"

It seems that the universe that Sinestro came from did not have Kyle Reiner who can control the energy of multiple colored lights, so he seemed so surprised.

Fear instantly overflowed the ring and filled Brad's chest.Now, instead of hiding from his fear, he became part of it.

Fear is a beast within a person, and you yourself bring it to life.

That is why it is absolutely possible for you to tame it and make it work for you.

The uniform all over his body switched to a golden color, and Brad now also seemed to be on fire.He raised his head and looked at Sinestro's golden pupils as if they were burning.

"Now, let's try again."

Sinestro can now feel that the energy in the body of this guy in front of him is no longer inferior to his own.This is unacceptable. Even if it is acceptable to be defeated by the opponent, it is impossible to accept the fact that the opponent has even reached his own height in the use of fear.

Sinestro yelled, and the energy of the yellow light gathered like a sea wave swept away.

If it was before, it would be quite troublesome to attack with such momentum.But now, Brad didn't even dodge.He stretched out a hand, and when the light curtain approached him, he just swipe lightly, and the wave-like energy of the yellow light seemed to be pulled, rushing in the direction of his swipe, just like digging out the river. Drainage is a principle.

The turbulent yellow light energy was completely exhausted, and it smashed into the brick ruins next to it, uprooting the trees in the green belt like a flood, and smashing the half-destroyed houses together.

Seeing this scene, Sinestro's complexion became even uglier, and the red face turned dark.But this was not beyond his expectation, it just verified that the worst scenario he had imagined had come true.

Since he also has the top-level power of the yellow light, it is natural to be able to freely control the energy condensed by the yellow light.Just as Brad just did, deflecting his attack, Sinestro can do the same.

In other words, no matter how the two parties use the destructive ability of the yellow light ring, it is impossible to harm the other party.

Therefore, the one with the absolute advantage now has become Brad with super speed.

"It's over, Sinestro." Brad said calmly, "You and I both know how it will end."

Sinestro's red face was full of provocation, and he raised his hand to conjure up several machine guns, shooting yellow bullets like a rain of needles, plunging in layer upon layer.

Unsurprisingly, all the yellow bullets deviated from the direction right before they hit the same golden target on the opposite side. The powerful penetrating force shot all the other things that could be hit in the scene full of holes.

Of course, Sinestro didn't know it was futile, but he just wouldn't give up trying.In this regard, he is the same as the fearless Hal Jordan.

This is one of the most ironic things.The leader of the Yellow Lantern of Fear, Sinestro, was once a Green Lantern no matter what, and has a similar, almost stubborn quality to Green Lantern, which also makes him close to fearlessness.

This is why he was called "the greatest Green Lantern of all time" before Hal Jordan.

But those plots that let the other party go because they are moved by the other party's persistence will not appear here, at least not in the hands of Brad.

The golden afterimage quickly broke through the same golden barrage, and the fingers shot towards the opposite heart at high speed.

Lanternman's close-fitting protective shield cannot be penetrated by shocks, which is why Brad has been unable to break through Sinestro's defense before.But now, facing the fast-approaching fist, Sinestro's shield seemed to be integrated with Brad's body, completely containing the enemy's attacking body.

There was a slight sound of entering the flesh, and the bloody golden palm pierced out from behind Sinestro's heart.

So far, Tal Sinestro, the leader of the Yellow Lantern, has officially confirmed his death!

(End of this chapter)

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