New Flash Marvel Reborn

Chapter 248 Execution of Iron Man

Chapter 248 Execution of Iron Man

When Brad arrived at Tony's lab, he was gone.Of course, the letter of challenge written by the Mandarin to Iron Man was left on the table, and the address was naturally written on it.But when Brad arrived at the warehouse, the battle was over.The warehouse that was originally abandoned is now even more disfigured, full of mess, and all the machines in the field of vision are scattered into piles of parts.

There had obviously been a fight here, but it must have been over in a moment.As a result, there is no doubt that the Mandarin won.

But there was no armor or body at the scene, so he should still be alive.Killian said that the Mandarin wanted Tony Stark's genes for a reason.No matter what the purpose is, he has achieved it now.

And Brad didn't spend too much time guessing the Mandarin's purpose.Because now, the Mandarin has already begun to implement it.

It was still a communication from Irina.

"Brad, the Mandarin is live again. I'll send the video to your ring."

Blue projections danced in the ring, unfolding a widescreen television.In a scene very similar to the last time, the Mandarin who appeared as the executioner was still wearing the wide-sleeved dragon robe.And this time the "death rower", just as Brad had expected when he received the news, was Stark.

"Hello, all viewers who are struggling in front of the TV." The Mandarin said in a calm but majestic voice, "We meet again."

"As I said last time, there is an old Chinese saying, 'Those who oppose me will perish'. There are always so many people who don't know the heights of the sky and the earth want to challenge these. It makes me very nervous, and it also forces me to kill chickens and police monkeys .”

"Today, we are honored to have such a guest—a so-called superhero whom you call 'the Avenger', Mr. Tony Stark!"

The screen was instantly occupied by Tony.His armor was gone, his hands were shackled, and he was suspended by his arms.He was pale, with blood on his cheeks.

"The name of tonight's special program is—Heroes Fall!"

There is total chaos in Avengers Tower, Stark Tower, and S.H.I.E.L.D.

Tony Stark, regardless of his hero status, he is also a big business man, and his death will definitely trigger a series of turmoil in the international market.That aside, he's also a rare technological genius who ranks among the smartest people in the world.His death will also cause turmoil in the scientific community, and it is very likely that his death will go to the grave with the Iron Man technology across the ages.

In the end, he was an Avenger, a superhero who saved the world countless times.His death will collapse the minds of countless people, further deepening people's fear of Mandarin.Perhaps this is what the Mandarin cares about the most.

"Give me a quicker triangulation!"

Standing on the deck, Nick Fury did not know how many times he gave this absolute order.

But this is undoubtedly in vain.Just like Irina's positioning results last time, several positioning locations across the entire US territory appeared on the screen, and it was simply impossible to search for these locations in such a short period of time.

No, only one person is possible.

"Get me connected to The Flash!" Fury ordered decisively.

"No one answered!" The operator came back with an almost desperate rejection reply.

"Fack!" Fury yelled, "Continue calling until he picks up! At the same time, send the information of these locations to the Avengers!"

The afterimage galloped across the land of America, as if it was about to fly off the ground at a speed that was like lightning.

No, that's not The Flash, but Quicksilver, one of the remaining speeders in the Avengers team.Of course, it was a bit of a struggle at his speed to search these few places across the United States, but now they had no choice.

Others also kept in touch with Kuaiyin in the Avengers.

The voice of Kuaiyin came back mixed with the huge speeding wind and noise, and said: "I just searched the location in Kansas, and there is no one here. I am now going to Texas."

"Understood, the action must be fast." Rogers responded, "Then let's go to Oregon now."

After the communication was hung up, he turned back and asked, "Did there be any reply from Flash?"

Natasha shook her head: "No, he hasn't answered yet."

"I still think kicking him out of the team is the most unwise choice we've made so far," Parker said.

Rogers said: "That's his own choice... But don't worry, I still believe him in some aspects. Now, he must be trying his best to find Stark's position... We can only trust him."

But everyone understands that time is running out.The cold muzzle of the black pistol in the Mandarin's hand was pressed against Tony's forehead.Maybe it was this gun that killed the congressman last time.

Maybe it's the villain's big BOSS's common fault again, obviously everything is over with just a finger move.But he just didn't do this, it seems that it would be meaningless to show off his vanity and ** victory without saying a few lines.

"You know, we've been fighting for a long time, Stark."

It was difficult to see the expression on Tony's pale face, and he seemed to be struggling to open his mouth and said, "Really? Why don't I know?"

"There's a lot you don't know." The Mandarin snorted, "Your family is disgusting bugs who stole from us things that should belong to us. I really thought I was worth a few pounds."

"There are more and more guys bragging like this recently, and I'm a little numb." Tony said disdainfully.

"I don't expect you to believe it." The Mandarin snorted, "Your father, we gave him great technical support when he started his business. We supported Stark's business growth. In the end, he patted his ass and left. , people today refer to 'Howard Stark' as a super-genius of some sort!"

Tony's face became more and more ugly.Obviously he didn't like it when someone said that his father was not.

"You have to worry about it." Tony said, "Everyone can talk about Stark Industries and their family these days."

"Believe it or not, it doesn't matter anymore." The mandarin's eyes shot out like a falcon, and at the same time they were as sharp as steel knives.

"The important thing is that I finally got this opportunity for revenge. Father's debt is paid, you will be blood splattered on the spot, and everyone in front of the TV will witness with their own eyes how their hero Iron Man fell in front of them. Your death will break their psychological defenses, and your death will start my era."

Tony didn't say a word, tried his best to hide his fear of death, and looked directly into the pupils of the Mandarin.

But that was really too difficult.

Not only the instinctive fear of living beings when they face death, but the Mandarin's eyes are simply unfathomable, and the darkness contained in them seems endless, which makes people feel terrified from the bottom of their hearts.

Tony had to admit, he was scared.

Not only was he defeated by the Mandarin, but he was also afraid of this powerful existence.

The Mandarin opened the safety of the pistol, and the sound of "click" was like the whisper of death.

"Your death will be very valuable, Stark. Farewell," he said.

But right beside the two of them, a third person's voice suddenly sounded.The voice was deep, hoarse and steady, as if an audience who had been standing here calmly watching without saying a word suddenly expressed his opinion.

"He won't die if I watch him."

That voice declared so.

For the first time, the Mandarin showed an unexpected expression of surprise.He looked around, and saw the person with the lightning mark on his chest, who was covered in white light, staring at him with cold and calm eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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