Chapter 32 Trust
In Queens District, the afterimage of the red light flew by quickly, heading straight for a beautiful white building.

This is Katyusha's home.Brad had come to the door, but never entered.But today he didn't knock on the door, he walked in when he came to the door.

He rushed in with a gust of wind, shouting: "Katyusha!"

To his comfort, Katyusha quickly walked out of the room in response.

Brad let out a long sigh of relief: "Great, you're fine."

It is said that he had just fled from Sinestro, but when he returned to the previous restaurant, he found that it had been blocked by the police, and there was no trace of Katyusha.Brad was in a hurry, for fear that another helper would snatch Katyusha away when Sinestro distracted him, but fortunately, that didn't happen.

Katyusha stepped forward and pressed her slender hand on the red wound on Brad's face: "Are you okay?"

"It's nothing serious." Brad's words were true. He had a fierce fight with Sinestro, who barely touched a hair on him.

Only then did Brad notice the layout of Katyusha's home.Katyusha's house was very large, and the huge windows opened to the street, which must have been very bright on weekdays.There is not much furniture, only the sofa and coffee table in the living room, and an air conditioner standing upright in the corner.It seemed a bit empty for such a large living room.Although simple, they are all kept spotless, which also reflects Katyusha's character.However, Brad noticed that there is not even a TV set here, let alone a computer. It is hard to imagine what Katyusha, an urbanite, is doing on weekdays.

After scanning the guest room, Brad returned his gaze to Katyusha. Just as he was about to speak, the words stopped when they reached his mouth.Because he looked at Katyusha's face in front of him and couldn't help thinking of the phantom that Sinestro showed him, and what the phantom Katyusha said to him.

"I loved you so much, believed in you, and finally had to die for you. You really took everything from me so unreservedly, but you left me behind." The illusion said.

Although it was false, the fear in Brad's heart was awakened by the yellow light ring.

What if all this came true?
What if the people around you really died because of you?Did he really become a heinous sinner?Is it really possible to be so resented by them?

He involuntarily avoided Katyusha's clear eyes.Katyusha noticed his strangeness, and asked softly, "What's wrong with Brad?"

Brad took a deep breath, and still didn't look at her directly: "If... I said, if, I did something that I'm really sorry for you... Will you forgive me?"

Katyusha seemed a little surprised by this question, but she still nodded without the slightest hesitation: "Yes."

Brad raised his head strangely: "Why are you so sure? Does it matter if I betray you?"

Katyusha said: "Because I said, 'Everything about me is yours.' Since it is yours, Brad has ownership, and I will forgive no matter what I do."

"Stupid." Brad felt a little relieved, but he never expected Katyusha to take this sentence so seriously, "Don't say such things casually. You belong to yourself, not anyone else, understand? "

"Since Brad asks so, that's fine."

Brad smiled wryly, feeling that Katyusha still didn't understand what she meant.However, he didn't dwell on this issue any longer.

Katyusha asked again: "What happened?"

Brad sat down on the sofa, stared at the blue light ring in his hand for a while, and then said slowly: "I don't think... I am not suitable for such power."


Brad sighed and said, "I think... I'm scared. Yes, facing that guy, he aroused the fear in my heart, and I think all the time: 'I can't beat him, I should run away quickly .' And then I literally ran away, like a coward."

Brad smiled bitterly: "He said that there is no reason why this blue light ring, which represents hope, would choose me, and I think so."

This is his real thought.He had thought about this problem since the last time he failed to charge the ring at the S.H.I.E.L.D. laboratory.It's not that the blue light ring is out of power, but it doesn't recognize him as the holder.In this way, it is very strange that the ring will be worn on his hand at the beginning. I remember that the selection of the Lantern ring is very picky, and only those with strong hope and belief will be selected.And Brad?He is a realist through and through, contemptuous of superheroes who give their all like moths to a flame for an ideal cause.Not to mention hope, he has no illusions about the society, and has always only focused on the interests of himself and those close to him.Why did the Lantern ring choose him?
Both of them were silent for a long time without speaking, and Brad also laughed at himself in his heart, presumably Katyusha was extremely disappointed in herself, right?
But she didn't want Katyusha to sit down beside him slowly, her head slowly resting on his shoulder, her hair drooping down Brad's face, and a faint fragrance wafted around.

She said softly: "Brad, do you know that I noticed you a long time ago. You are a gentle and kind person. You will never argue with others for your own selfishness, and you can always bring warmth to everyone. "

Brad sighed softly: "Yeah. But you know I'm completely different, right? I'm no longer that kind old man, and you should know that too. Then why do you..."

Katyusha leaned her head tighter: "Of course I know. Although that kind-hearted Brad is a very good person, he is destined to be unable to complete his life. I know that the world is not that simple, but pure kindness cannot Survive and one day have to face the dark side of the world."

Brad was a little surprised. He didn't expect Katyusha, who usually looks pure like feathers, to be so understanding in her heart.

"So, I was very happy when I saw your change." Katyusha raised her head, her ecstatic eyes focused from Brad's eyes into her heart, "I know, you are the person I have been looking for. Possess great power, a kind heart and a rational mind. At the same time, you can fully understand the darkness of the world and have hope in your heart. In that way, you are the hope of everything.”

Her words were like a hammer hitting Brad's chest.While being moved, he felt that there was an extra burden called "expectation" in his heart.He smiled wryly and said, "It's a pity that what you said is not entirely correct. I do know that a so-called 'superhero' can't fix the world at all, but he doesn't have hope like you said. I have long since despaired of human society .I'm just a selfish guy who thinks about himself..."

After hesitating for a moment, he made up his mind and said: "...I am not the Brad Joy who used to be sunny at all, never have been. I don't have the potential you said, I just..."

He didn't finish his sentence because he couldn't go on.Two pieces of warm and luscious lips were tightly attached to his mouth, and his mouth was full of orchid fragrance, blocking what he wanted to say.

It was a beautiful first kiss for both of them.

After taking a deep kiss, Katyusha's face was only a fist away from Brad.She said seriously: "I believe in you, just like this ring also believes in you. So now, you also need to believe in yourself."

Brad opened his mouth, but didn't say anything, his mouth was still full of lingering fragrance.

He didn't speak any more, looked down at the dim blue light ring, and only said, "I hope I can."

Then he looked up: "Thank you, Katyusha."

Katyusha smiled and shook her head: "As long as Brad needs it, I will always be behind you."

Brad also smiled in relief, kissed her on the forehead, and ran out through the wall like a whirlwind, leaving only one sentence "see you tomorrow".

After Brad left, Katyusha also showed a trace of unknown sadness on her face.She raised her hand, and a fleeting beautiful arc flashed across her fingertips.

"Please, Brad." She murmured, "If it was you, it would be..."

At this time, Sinestro has broken through the atmosphere at high speed and arrived in geosynchronous orbit.He grimaced, growling something at his ring.

"Give me peace of mind!" he yelled.

A hoarse voice seemed to come from the depths of his mind: "I'm here, and you know that no matter where you go, you can't get rid of me."

Sinestro said viciously: "I have always controlled you, Parallax. You have no right to threaten me!"

"Oh, poor Sinestro. Do you really think this place is still the same as the previous universe?" "Parallax Monster" joked, "Take a good look, Kruga has turned into cosmic dust before your eyes, and you have nothing left. .I'm all you have left, you need my strength!"

Sinestro continues to struggle, despite the rapid loss of control over his body: "I don't need you! I'll take Kruga back and make it what it was. You wait, I'll take it back!"

"Parallax Monster" laughed as if hearing something very funny: "It's so sad, you are just a poor bastard who drowned in fantasy, and you think you don't need me."

Sinestro gritted his teeth and said, "How will you know if you don't try? I will never give up on Kruga!"

Parallax said: "I have a better proposal. Why don't we find a way out in this universe? Our universe is broken, and even the power of God may not be able to completely repair it. But think about how perfect this planet is! Let me out , we can work together. Rebuild Koruga from its wreckage! Come to think of it, that's something you alone can't do anyway. You can't even beat that speeder."

Sinestro was silent.

Only the lack of strength is the fact that the other party said.

After a while, his whole body was filled with golden light, his expression became ferocious, his pupils seemed to be ignited with golden flames, and he said in an extremely hoarse and strange voice, "Deal."

(PS Kruga is Sinestro's home planet and the planet he governs. Sinestro has deep affection for it.)
(End of this chapter)

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