New Flash Marvel Reborn

Chapter 40 Fighting Loki

Chapter 40 Fighting Loki

(I went out to do errands this morning, but suddenly encountered a heavy rain. The water on the road was knee-deep, and I was trapped until the evening before returning. That's why the update was delayed until now. I would like to say sorry to all book friends here!)

Brad recognized at a glance that the strangely dressed man was Loki, Thor's younger brother, the evil god Loki, and that was the scene in "The Avengers" just now.I just didn't want to accidentally bump into it when I was patrolling the night as usual.

Although I haven't heard of the incident in the movie "Thor 1", it is estimated that the news has been blocked by S.H.I.E.L.D.It is estimated that Thor, who was demoted to the earth in the days that he didn't know, has come to the earth for a while, and he should have returned to Asgard.

Seeing the appearance of The Flash, the timid and fearful people fled away one after another, and the more courageous ones also fled not far away, taking out their cell phone cameras.

If the videotape of such an incident is bought by any newspaper, it will be a big gain.

When Loki sees people called "superheroes" coming to disturb the earth, he is also slightly troubled by his troublesome speeding ability.But the light and calm look on the brows did not change at all, and he said: "I am a god, so just because ants are worthy of discussing with me?"

Brad said disapprovingly, "Who knows?"

The words were only half spoken, and Loki's scepter had already fired a magic bullet at high speed.He originally intended to attract Brad to speak, hoping to take the opportunity to catch him off guard.But he still underestimated Brad's speed. As early as when he raised his staff, Brad rushed to the back of Rocky like a wind and fire, stopped in his footsteps, and said the second half of "You know?"

When Loki heard the voice behind him, he quickly turned around, and before he could see his hands clearly, he launched an offensive again.But Rao's response was still in vain.There is also a time for the sound to spread. When Brad stood behind Loki and said the words, he had already rushed out again.His feet were much stronger than his voice, so when the second half of the sentence reached Loki's ears, he was already out of place.

Before Loki could take back the scepter stretched forward, he felt a blur before his eyes, and his violent fist had already landed on his abdomen.Brad is also more and more comfortable using the Speed ​​Force at this moment, and the power is not the same as it was two months ago.Although his punch does not have the ability to shatter landslides and knock the opponent backwards like a ball, the internal injury caused by the direct injection of the raging speed force into the target's body is no less than the physical impact caused by knocking the target into the air !

Pushing mountains and seas into Loki's body with incredible speed, Loki was dazzled for a while, and the strange energy seemed to stir up his internal organs.Fortunately, the Shenyu people's physique itself is particularly strong, which suppresses the damage in the body.

Seeing that the full-strength blow was actually taken down by force, Brad also made a rough assessment of the physical fitness of the Shenyu people.Thor's physical fitness is far higher than that of Loki, and he may be more resistant to fighting.

Brad chuckled lightly and said, "One shot won't work, then a hundred shots will do!"

Loki was startled. Although the person in front of him was erratic, the voice was definitely transmitted to his ears.With this guy's speed, if he punched himself a hundred times in an instant, wouldn't his skeleton have to be dismantled?
Thinking of this verse, he hastily turned his scepter and changed his attack mode.After the scepter received the new order, its light rose rapidly, and the stormy offensive swept away with Loki as the center.He seems to be powerful, but in fact it is not easy to amplify a single attack to such a range.In addition to the huge consumption of its own magic power, its attack power is incomparable to before.

Even so, Brad is not afraid at all!
Leaving aside the fact that he possesses the Blue Lantern Armor, the rain of magic bullets that deal heavy damage cannot cause heavy damage at all.And with absolute high speed, he didn't intend to stand still and get beaten.

With a movement of Brad's body, he rushed towards the rain of bullets like a rabbit.His footwork is fast, his figure is agile, sometimes he leaps on his toes, and sometimes slides and moves sideways, how gorgeous his movements are.

It's a pity that other people can't see it. The naked eye can't capture it at such a speed. At most, you can only see the light bands intertwined with the residual energy of the speed force field and the afterimage.

Unexpectedly, Loki still underestimated this person's ability. With one blow, he was almost collapsed. Before he could breathe a sigh of relief, he felt that the scepter in his hand was grabbed vigorously, and then his chest was slammed with a kick, and the sound came through his chest. The strong energy impact had already made him involuntarily let go of the scepter and sat down on his buttocks.

Brad, who grabbed the scepter, immediately threw it aside with a wave of his hand.I remember that in the original work, Loki could use the scepter to influence Bruce Banner's mind. God knows if this thing has any effect on him.

It can be said that Luo Ji didn't feel a lot of frustration in his heart. He who had always boasted that he was a god was settled by an insignificant mortal in ten seconds, and he still couldn't hurt him at all!
A bright light suddenly fell, and the circular white searchlight surrounded Loki in the center.And the searchlight is emitted by the Aegis aircraft flying in the sky without anyone noticing. The black color of the whole body and the perfect silent system make it an excellent equipment for sneaking in the night.

"Tell the alien visitors that you are surrounded, quickly disarm, give up resistance, and be captured." A serious female voice sounded, and there was no doubt that it was the black widow Natasha Romanov.

Brad's heart skipped a beat, surrounded?

So there are more people ambushing nearby?

As if responding to his thoughts, a gorgeous tail flame pierced the night, and what landed solemnly was Iron Man in red and gold matching the metallic color.The dazzling inverted triangle arc reactor on the chest indicates that Tony Stark has mastered the new energy provided by S.H.I.E.L.D., and his strength has been improved to a higher level.

Tony greeted him friendly and said, "Hey, kid, I heard you called yourself 'The Flash'? It's been a lot of fun lately."

Brad rubbed his nose, smiled, and said: "Thanks to the enlightenment of Iron Man, the boy suddenly realized and decided to devote himself to eliminating violence and keeping the good."

After the two sang together, they both laughed.The two hand in hand battles have unconsciously established an invisible bond between the two.After Brad changed his mind and joined the ranks of superheroes, Tony's view of him changed greatly.

While the two were talking, another person walked slowly.The person who came was wearing a blue close-fitting uniform with a white star on his chest and American flag stripes printed on his body. He was wearing a cross-sectional steel helmet that looked like Brad's uniform. On the back of his right hand was a shield that also had a white star printed on it.He walks steadily, breathes evenly and smoothly, it is not difficult to see its origin is extraordinary.

"Captain America?"

Not only did he see Captain America in the project materials that Fury gave him, how could Brad, a comic fan in his previous life, not recognize the legendary Captain America, Steve Rogers?

"Captain, it's an honor to meet you." Tony spoke respectfully, but the mechanization of the armor was extremely cold.

Steve also only greeted symbolically: "Mr. Stark."

Tony pointed to Loki, who was honestly caught without a fight, and asked, "What should we do with him now?"

Steve said: "SHIELD will take him away, we still have something to ask from him."

"I'll go with you." Tony said, turning his gaze to Brad, "Are you coming?"

Brad shrugged: "I'll forget it, Fu Rui told me to find you at noon tomorrow. Today I just bumped into this guy by accident while patrolling. I still have some things to arrange at home."

"But if you have something to do, feel free to call me at any time... I promise to be there on call."

By the time the words "on call" were spoken, the Brad people had already shot out like green smoke, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.Tony was slightly dissatisfied with him leaving in a hurry without even saying goodbye, but it was not easy to stop him.Who told people to run faster than the sound?

Soon, at Brad's home, Abt and Fecia looked at Brad holding Katyusha's hand in astonishment, as if he had just announced an earth-shattering news.

"What did you... say?" Abbott asked.

Brad said: "I said that the professor arranged for me to write a special paper and allowed me to rest for two days. He said that there is no problem with my level..."

These words were made up indiscriminately, and no professor assigned him such a task.

"...I think such an opportunity is not easy, how about we go to a farther place tomorrow?" Brad said and looked at Katyusha unconsciously, "She will go with us too."

Abbott said firmly: "No, I still have a job."

Abt not only found a job driving a taxi, but also worked part-time in a small shop, and he was very busy all day long.

Fessia also said: "Brother, take a rest. You haven't forgotten that I have class tomorrow, right? Miss Allen is going to class too?"

When Katyusha heard Fecia mentioning herself, she said calmly, "Don't worry about what I say. If Brad wants me to go, I'll go."

Brad also said: "It's no big deal to miss the course for a day or two, or I'll help you make it up."

Fecia was dissatisfied for a while: "Brother, you don't know what you are busy with every day. How can you have time to care about me?"

Brad smiled wryly, and before he could explain, Abbott, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly expressed an astonishing opinion: "Well, if you really think so, then let's go."

Not only Fecia, but even Brad himself did not expect Abbott to agree so simply.

But Abt promised that no matter what the reason was, Brad's goal had been achieved.He just hoped that the few people closest to him could be absolutely safe, and hoped to find some reason to take them away from Manhattan, which was about to become a battlefield, that's all.


Fecia wanted to say something, but Abbott interrupted: "Children, I know that it is not easy for you, maybe the things you encountered are not suitable for talking about."'

While speaking, he cast his eyes on Brad intentionally or unintentionally, as if pointing something.

"But at all times, you have to remember that all the pain you have suffered can be healed here, this warm home. Never forget that family is the most important thing. I am so happy that you are finally willing to make time for family Coexist."

The last sentence was obviously addressed to Brad.

But Brad felt ashamed for a while. He didn't propose this out of willingness to spend time with his family. He just hoped to lure everyone away from this place of right and wrong.

While Katyusha at the side heard Abt's words, her eyes were blurred for a while.


(End of this chapter)

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