New Flash Marvel Reborn

Chapter 43 The Avenger

Chapter 43 The Avenger

Seeing the unidentified beautiful woman, the vicious and violent Hulk looked sober at this moment, and his fighting spirit faded away.

The woman with blue light all over her body walked forward slowly, her body was suspended and floated in the air, her slender fingers just reached the face of the four-meter-tall Hulk.She said softly, "Enough is enough, Banner, everything will be fine."

"Betty..." It's hard to imagine that Hulk's thick nasal voice could be suppressed so low.

The blue light ring can detect the soul of the applicable object, and transform into something that can soothe the soul of the other party.This "Betty" is Bruce Banner's girlfriend, and the woman who can calm Hulk's heart the most.Coupled with the fact that the glow of the blue light already has the effect of calming anger, the influence on Hulk's brain is rapidly fading.

"Betty" put his hands on Hulk's cheeks, leaned his head tightly on his forehead, and said softly: "Everything is fine, Banner. We all know you can control it, right? We all know, You're not a monster. You're special."

In the blue light, Hulk's body began to shrink at a speed visible to the naked eye, just like the tide receding.He closed his eyes lightly, and the anger seemed to disappear in an instant.

The green skin returned to its original color little by little, and the huge skeleton shrank back to Banner's size.

"Betty" who had completed the task also smiled gratifiedly, and turned into a little bit of starlight and dispersed.

After finishing the Hulk, Brad let out a long sigh of relief, ready to move on to the next step.Just before he turned his head and was about to leave, he heard an almost inaudible "thank you" from behind him.

Turning his head and smiling at Banner, who seemed to have exhausted all his strength, Brad rushed out like the wind in the next second.

In Loki's detention place, a black-clothed mercenary with a gun was busy in front of the console, and the door that locked Loki opened immediately.

Loki walked out of the so-called "unbreakable" confinement room with a satisfied face, followed by a "bang", the red and gold steel body broke through the wall from the sky, and he came here under Fu Rui's order Watch Loki's Iron Man!
The black-clothed mercenary immediately raised his gun and swept out the bullets, but his ammunition was useless in front of Tony's advanced armor.Sparks and shrapnel flew from the gold-titanium alloy all over Tony's body, but he remained motionless.He returned his hand smartly, and the palm of his hand shot out, and the poor mercenary immediately met Hades.

"It's your turn. If I were you, I would escape back to the cage. After all, it's safer there."

Tony joked conceitedly, and fired a volley of energy from both palms, sweeping straight towards Loki!

But Loki still looked calm, not afraid at all, and didn't even have the intention of dodging.At this time, something amazing happened, the imposing energy cannon went straight through Loki's body, leaving two black circular explosion marks on the wall behind him.And Loki's whole figure was illusory for a while, and disappeared in place out of thin air.

Obviously, this is just a phantom clone trick that Loki has used countless times.

Tony turned his head quickly. At this time, the scepter in Rocky's hand had already stored enough energy, and the blue laser burst out.Unexpectedly, Tony's chest armor suffered a heavy hammer, and the excellent shock absorption system still failed to remove the force, and the armored body was pushed out of the wall and submerged in a burst of dust.

Loki smiled, turned and walked away.

On the other hand, the flooding of the mothership has become more and more serious.Dozens of people who can spare their hands have already used all the tools they can find to scoop water, but how can the manual drainage action compare with the speed of the influx of seawater?Several compartments have already been filled with seawater, and although they have been sealed off as much as possible under Fu Rui's order, water is still pouring into the inner layer.

Brad flashed across the entire ship like a ghost, counting silently in his heart, there were four water inlets, big and small.Since they were all caused by Hulk's riots, they are not very far away.

Brad quickly came to a hole, and there were a dozen people in the room trying their best to drain the water.Brad said to everyone: "Leave this to me, you all back off!"

Everyone was amazed when they heard this, even if you can run like the wind and take the water that fills half the house, so what?
However, since Fu Rui had already confessed to obey the command of The Flash, they didn't say much, and retreated one after another.

Brad took a deep breath and twirled his arms like the wind.The speed became faster and faster, and the blue arm turned into an afterimage, looking from the front like a windmill spinning at high speed.The air was stirred violently, and the airflow condensed under the control of Brad's arms as if with spirituality, and a small horizontal tornado condensed under his call, facing the raging sea water headlong.

It's a battle of wind and water.The sea water is a ferocious giant beast, showing its fangs and rushing towards it; the storm is facing each other, and the howling wind is its roar.The momentum of the tornado was not comparable to that of sea water at first, but Brad swung his arms faster and faster, and blue electric snakes danced on his arms and body, indicating that the speed force has reached its extreme.

Finally, the sea water lost its strength. Under the howling storm, half of the house water and all the equipment, paper and other things in the house were merged into the tornado and blocked back into the ocean.

When Brad stopped his arms, before the storm dissipated and the sea water had not had time to return, the person disappeared suddenly, and he rushed back to the original place in an instant.Everyone was dazzled for a while, as if the room was full of the figure of the Flash in blue uniform, he moved so fast that he seemed to be everywhere.

Brad pulled back and stepped back to the timer, the hole was already as good as new.Everyone was stunned, dumbfounded by this man's bizarrely fast movements.It took only three to five seconds for him to get the materials and fill in the holes by himself. Within the scope of human understanding, it can almost be said to be the speed of 'lightning'.

It seemed a long process from Brad's work to completion, but in fact it took less than a minute, but the aircraft carrier sank a little.

Brad seized the time and rushed out again to continue the repair work.

Under Brad's bravery, the crisis of the aircraft carrier has passed for a while, and it floated back to the surface of the sea steadily.

After the completion of the work, Brad rushed to the detention room without stopping to check Rocky's situation.As he expected, there were ruins in front of his eyes, only an empty cage remained, and the prisoners in the cage were nowhere to be seen.Iron Man was getting up in embarrassment to check the damage to the armor.

"he's gone?"

Tony replied awkwardly, "Well... I think so."

The battle lasted until the afternoon, and the scorching sun at three o'clock poured out everything on the sea, as if it was about to boil the sea water.The aircraft carrier's black body is folded and glowed under the slapping of snow-white waves and the outline of golden edges.

The heroes gathered in the hall, the atmosphere was very dull, no one spoke for a long time.

The automatic door opened with a "crash", and Nick Fury entered quickly, followed by Agent Coulson, who was supposed to be dead in the original work.Not to mention Fu Rui, whose face was like black coal all day long, even Coulson, who has always been very kind, looked serious at this time.

Fu Rui said coldly: "We lost, and we lost badly."

No one spoke to me.

"The world's greatest heroes are in the hands of a mere Loki, wondering why?"

Fu Rui glanced quickly, and no one seemed to have the intention to speak.He continued: "Because you are like a mess inside, like a paper window that can be pierced."

Tony, who had been silent all this time, suddenly spoke up: "Correct me, Chief Fury. There is no 'team' here at all."

Fu Rui glanced at everyone. Although everyone didn't speak, they seemed to agree with Tony.

He sighed softly, and said: "You know, our S.H.I.E.L.D. is indeed planning to control the energy of the Rubik's Cube and develop new weapons...but we have another plan, which is better than the previous one. A much more dangerous solution."

Tony obviously understood what he was referring to and fell silent for a while.Others don't know, just curious.

Fury continued: "Stark knows that this plan is called the 'Avengers plan.'"

"We want to form a team of the world's most extraordinary people into the planet's top combat power to resist threats that heroes alone cannot resist."

After a slight pause, he continued: "For example, the Rubik's Cube incident."

Tony snorted, "You're just accepting us as your agents, make sure you can see what we're doing at any time, so you can sleep better."

Thor also said: "I'm an 'outsider', right? Everyone here is a threat to you."

Thor's remarks are naturally out of displeasure at Fury's allusion to him as an "external threat".

Captain America Steve, who has always given the impression of silence, also said: "I have seen you make too many mistakes. I woke up after sleeping for 70 years, but I was shocked that some aspects of the world have not changed at all. Maybe I also It’s time to think about whether I should follow the old path of 70 years ago.”

Brad just looked at the wrong way of everyone with cold eyes, and didn't say a word.According to the original, Coulson should have been stabbed through the heart by Loki, and his death inspired the Avengers to unite.But now because of his own intervention, Coulson has not died. On the one hand, this is a good thing, and on the other hand, it also makes it more difficult for these superheroes who are accustomed to acting independently.

Seeing that the soon-to-be-formed Avengers team was on the verge of falling apart, Brad said at the right time: "I think Fury is right."

Everyone, including Fu Rui, looked at him in surprise.

Brad said: "Maybe Aegis is really not trustworthy, maybe they really just want to put a shackle on all of us. But there is one thing, he is right. That is, we are facing the threat of the alien army, and we None of them have the confidence to deal with it."

The heroes stopped talking.It is true that even though they are all talented, they are not confident enough to fight against an entire alien army.

Fu Rui didn't know what kind of medicine he sold in his gourd, but knowing that he could no longer win over the Avengers, he didn't speak, just waited and watched.

Brad continued: "And, we will face more and more threats like this in the future. Believe me, this sentence is not alarmist on this ever-changing planet. So, we really need to be the top combat power on the planet."

Tony said: "So you are willing to fight for S.H.I.E.L.D.?"

Brad raised the ring in his hand with a serious expression, and the soft blue light instantly enveloped the audience, soothing everyone's tired spirits.

"Maybe some people don't know yet, being chosen by this ring and by the blue light of hope means that I have to incarnate hope. The blue light ring always reminds me that I should not give up hope. And everyone here, we It's all hope."

"A friend of mine once said, 'With great power comes great responsibility.' I didn't think so, but you superheroes made me believe that we with superpowers should believe in hope, that our gift is this planet It is also destined that we will gather in one place and be a beacon for people. Because they need such a beacon.”

After a pause, seeing everyone's sympathetic expressions, Brad continued: "Of course we won't be controlled by others, I hope we shouldn't be a sharp weapon manipulated by anyone, it won't be the Aegis, let alone something on it. Government. So here I am, in my personal capacity, inviting you to join the Avengers."

This turn of events was beyond everyone's expectations, and no one expected that the freshman hero who looked young under the mask dared to resist the banner.But the aura and radiance of his whole body and the sonorous and powerful words before made people couldn't help but want to believe it.

This time the invitation was of a different nature from Fu Rui's.Fury represents Aegis and the government, and joining him means becoming part of the government's combat power.But if the Flash builds the Avengers, that's a different story.Flash is a personal hero. Like all of them, the Avengers he formed have a high degree of autonomy and belong to civil organizations. As Flash said, this is the lighthouse for people in the dark.

Fu Rui was also taken aback, but did not speak.Since his own actions failed, it would be a good thing if these heroes gathered together under the hands of the Flash.Not only is it easy to see what they are doing, in fact, Fury himself does not want the Avengers to be used by the government.He didn't believe those bosses on Aegis at all. If the Avengers' combat power fell into their hands, they might do something out of the ordinary to cause the Avengers to instigate a collective rebellion.

So he also acquiesced to Brad's move.

After a moment of silence, Bruce Banner took the lead and asked, "I want to confirm, can your ring control Hulk every time?"

Brad said: "The blue light ring can calm the negative emotions in people's hearts, that is to say, it can suppress the anger in Hulk's heart. So in theory, it can indeed control Hulk's rampage."

Banner said: "Then I will join. I have always thought that the existence of Hulk can only bring destruction, and my life is ruined because of it. If there is a place where I can make such a great contribution to the world, I think that It’s where I will be for the rest of my life.”

"Thank you." Brad said.

Tony followed up and said, "I'll join too, I believe in you."

The words are simple, but they carry sincere trust.

With two people taking the lead, Rogers and Thor, who were already moved by Brad's speech, also joined immediately.

In the end, only Black Widow Natasha remained.However, she is a senior agent of S.H.I.E.L.D., and joining civil organizations without permission is equivalent to betraying S.H.I.E.L.D., so she did not express her position.

Despite the twists and turns, the formation of the Avengers Alliance, which is about to shock the world, has finally been completed.

(End of this chapter)

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